
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Weekly ass. #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly ass. 7 - Essay ExampleAfter sending and deleting in the flesh(predicate) emails, employees think that they are safe and cannot be discovered. Employers have the right to access their employees emails, and put up backups, which can retrieve such emails even when deleted. jibe to Jennings, Courts have ruled that email messages belong not to the employee but to the employer and are discoverable in litigation where upon they must be turned to the opposing society, (Jennings, 2009,Pg. 180). This means that employees do not own the emails at their work place, and they can be sued for using them to pass personal messages.Blackberries are personal properties, which are own by individuals. Such individuals have the right of usage of their property and they can therefore send personal emails to their friends. However, same kind of care is necessary since it is unethical to send messages via any platform using the employers time. Messages on Blackberries should only be sent during per sonal time. Additionally, Blackberries should not be used to set monkey access points on the companys

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