
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Renting an apartment is a better option than buying a house Essay - 2

Renting an apartment is a better option than buying a house - Essay ExampleThe employees seldom know what is going to be the next destination. Traveling is a fundamental requirement of work. In such circumstances, employees more often than not hire a flat or occasionally, a hotel to reside in while they stay away from the base station. Even in the base station, they be either provided with accommodation through the company, or else, manage to live on their own. They achieve this by renting a flat or house. Very fewer employees live in the base station with their families. Most share their accommodation either with the colleagues or friends in the locality in an attempt to shed move out some load of the rent. Hiring a house remains convenient for working class citizens because they have little difficulty changing their residence as per the requirements of the job. acquire a house is like growing roots in a particular place. One can not move around freely with whizs roots implant ed in a certain place. Either an individual has to loose connection with the roots, or else, the job. The latter is often not gilt as it tends to expose an individual to financial crisis. In this case, wizard has to invest all one has in a house and yet, not live in it. Investing all the money to buy a home that can not be lived in is indeed, very stressful for an individual (Pascale, 2009).This is only one aspect that denies the suitability of buying a house for a job employee. There are many other factors and all make renting a house more beneficial for a job employee. This can be realized by analyzing.

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