
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Negative Effects of TV

Negative Effects of TVShri Swaminarayan Bhagwan Ni JaiAkshar Purushottam Maharaj Ni JaiGunatitanand Swami Maharaj Ni JaiBhagatji Maharaj Ni JaiShastriji Maharaj Ni JaiYogiji Maharaj Ni JaiPramukh Swami Maharaj Ni JaiMahant Swami Maharaj Ni JaiPramukh Swami Maharaj Shatabdi Mahotsav Ni JaiIS TV AN EDUCATIONAL TOOL?TV is a great innovation, and it crowd out be beneficial if used wisely, however, it teaches us to position back and accept instead of being proactive and thought process.TV programmes or commercials brainwash us to purchase things we do not actually require.The most severeness effect of TV viewing is, it takes away time from reading, and improving reading skills. According to Dr. Seuss, The more that you read, the more things you will know.Next, DOES TV PORTRAY FACT OR FICTION?One of the bad effects of TV viewing is that it appears to portray or report reality. In fact it isnt. Instead, it is allowing us a small glimpse of whats really going on. Most people accept whate ver television is feeding them, without casting a doubt in their mind. We do not film an effort to search reality, we rely on the TV producers to do all the searches for us. In this way we easily accept a bias view.Ask yourself, HAS TV ANY EFFECT ON YOUR INTELLIGENCE?Watching TV for long hours can shrink your creative and analytical thinking ability. Continuous and quick information, opinion, synopsis and criticism for just about everything stops you using your critical thinking. In this way, we can be easily misinformed and manipulated.Those ceremonial too much television belt down relating themselves with what is shown on TV and the desire to live the lives of their favourite TV characters. This may lead to becoming hungry for power, money, and status.IS THERE ANY HEALTH RISK link TO TV?Watching television means inactivity, and inactivity has been linked to obesity and heart disease. A study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that detecting too much television can significantly increase the risk of developing obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Kids often snack on junk solid food while watching TV. They are also influenced by commercials to consume unhealthy food.Watching too much TV is also harmful to eyesight.WHAT ARE THE well-disposed EFFECTS?A child watching non-educational TV for 3-4 hours daily will have seen about 8,000 murders on screen by the time he reaches the ripen of 16. Violent TV programs encourage antisocial behaviour in children and may lead them to behave rudely. They believe in violence to resolve conflict, just wish well their favourite hero does to a bad guy.TV teaches us, To Be Passive Copycats. An actor may be shown smoking or drinking. Children will imitate them thinking it to be cool. DO WE WASTE TIME?Life is short, but we have opted to substitute real living with TV living. We do not live our flavor to the fullest, going out to meet people, socialising and having fun. We have decided to confine ourse lves within four walls and be all alone so we can watch adventure movies, reality shows, and soap operas with full attention.IN CONCLUSIONTelevision certainly has much to offer, and without a doubt is a great innovation, but it can affect people negatively when it comes to relying on it, whether to be informed or entertained.TV steals time for activities that actually develop children, same interacting with other people and playing. A child learns a lot more efficiently from real interaction with people and things.Certainly, there are a few programs on TV that are educational and entertaining, but the majority are simply rubbish. Viewing TV can be good if it is done in moderation, and if the program being watched is selected wisely. whatsoever TV shows can educate, inform and inspire.In a typical 24 hours day, we spend 8 hours at either school or work and win 8 hours sleeping. 2 hours are used for meals and travelling. This leaves us with 6 hours to spare. If we spend 4 hours wa tching TV, we will have only 2 hours for other activities like homework, personal hygiene, sports, socialising, communicating with family members, daily puja, Ghar Sabha, housework, shopping, and cooking.

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