Friday, February 22, 2019
Flight to Darwin, number 3105, now boarding
sporty knuckles, sweaty palms, this single seat in a line of 9 is my precisely safe zone, all of five minutes and we are inseparable. This aching fear, property me down to my seat, my safe zone. Final call for flight number 3105 to Darwin. This was the day, this was the time, and this was the pip where I came face to face with my biggest fear. Glued to my seat, I thought wherefore? Why am I so hangdog? Why am I sitting here, in an airport terminal unable to cue from this relatively un well-provided, plastic seat?Its not right. I breast to my surrounding, fellow flyers. Children, the elderly, mothers and fathers, all willingly ascending from their relatively uncomfortable seats, to mount a completely reliable aero flat. Such a miniscule designate in ones life journey, and I cant even stand up. A crippling fear of flying has odd me without dignity and courage, ashamed and embarrassed. But my thoughts are interrupted by the comfort sound of one of the flight retainers. Sir? she says, is everything ok?Your flight is here for you, a speechless reply on my behalf indicates that im not ok, parking herself on the seat next to me she utters, theres cipher to be afraid of, the skies are blue, no winds in sight, a simple, scare-free dismount. Im trying, I rightfully am, exactly I just cant work up the courage to get up and board that god damn plane I attempt to explain. She returns with Nelson Mandela once said that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.The festive man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. I presumet know what happened there and then, but a strong epiphany occurred in that infant mind state I was entranced by, I wasnt without courage because of my fear of flying, I was without courage because I wasnt doing anything to castigate that fear. For a flight attendant, you are one sharp woman I proclaimed to her. She just smiled at me and walked on to the plane, as if she kfresh I would c ome after her spirits.Three deep breathes, to calm myself and double as a countdown as I rise. Stand up, chin up and smile from ear to ear. What seems uniform such a small achievement to most, a small step in a day to day activity, was an accomplishment of immense proportions for me. ship to the gates of the plane, I get my ticket scanned, and travel down the plainly elongated tunnel connecting to the side of the plane, greeted by the wise attendant I embrace her luminescent, comforting aura and place myself into my allocated seat.A somewhat comfortable seat, leather exterior, cushioned interior, cup holders, earphone input, food tray and pillow. A quieten safety speech enlightens the paranoia. The pleasant smiles beaming from the flight attendants render that this take off will be like any other average trip no interruptions, no problems, no worries. But the slightest of fear was still pussyfoot through my mind, past the comforting seats, past the safety speeches, and past t he wise flight attendant, and the clenching noise the doors made as they sealed closed besides boosted fear through my veins.At that point in time a few traditional deep breathes were my only remedies I could think of, but not nearly enough. This time though, I was a wiser man, recalling what the flight attendant quoted. bravery is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Replaying it over and over in my head, like a broken record. Courage is not the absence of fear And on and on Until I looked to the look of the plane, chip up, a few more deep breathes and smiled An hour and I half later, no interruptions, no problems, no worries. I walked off that plane, proud. A feeling like never before, a feeling of true courageousness. And rest there just outside that Darwin Airport in the taxi zone, I thought about how this is my new safe zone, my serenity until a new challenge awaits, however great or miniscule it may be, it is nothing compared to the courage of ones soul.
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