Sunday, May 24, 2020
Clinical Supervision in Counseling Essay - 1266 Words
Running Head: CLINICAL SUPERVISION Clinical Supervision Kyle Reardon Argosy University Clinical Supervision Professional competence is shown in many counselors throughout the world. One way that competence is displayed by counselors is their ability to utilize clinical supervision and consultation. Even long standing professionals in the field of counseling continually seek supervision. When confronted with difficult ethical decision making and unique situations in its best to gain an outside objective viewpoints. In reference to the case study, there are plenty of ethical dilemmas and unethical decisions made by Joe and his supervisor. It is clear their personal values differ from those who choose to follow ethical codes†¦show more content†¦In other words, they should have known better. Teaching and modeling ethical and professional behavior is an important responsibility of a supervisor (Argosy, 2013). All psychologist, counselors and members of the ACES (The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision) must abide by the ACA and APA Code of E thics. The ACES has developed ethical codes for counseling supervisors and is in accordance with the purpose of the ACA as well as a founding division of the ACA. According to ACES, the best practice guidelines are intended to support supervisors in their work. The ACES’s guidelines are offered to augment the judgment of supervisors as they make it their requirement to offer ethical and legal protection of rights of supervisors, supervisees and clients, and meet professional needs of supervisees while protecting client welfare (ACES, Best Practices in Supervision, 2010). With regards to ACES practice guidelines there are other exceptional tools or standards available to ensure supervisors know crucial standards for their practice. The American Counseling Association created a â€Å"Journal of Counseling Development†: Standards of Counseling Supervisors (ACA/ACES, 1990, JCD v69 n 1, Pg. 30, Vol. 69).†The standards implemented is this journal are important to counseling supervisors toS develop core areas of knowledge, competencies, and personal traits that characterizeShow MoreRelatedCounseling Articles: Clinical Supervis ion Essay878 Words  | 4 PagesCounseling Articles: Clinical Supervision: Tony Bush wrote an article regarding overcoming the hindrances to effective clinical supervision, which was published in Nursing Times website. Bush’s publication was influenced by the fact that clinical supervision is one of the most commonly misunderstood practices in contemporary nursing. However, clinical supervision provides a supportive and nurturing service to nurse practitioners by assisting them to critically reflect on the actions during theRead MoreThe Difference between Administrative and Clinical Supervision1538 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween Administrative and Clinical Supervision Introduction Although some clinicians can do it all, the skills set and knowledge needed to supervise a healthcare facility administratively may be far different from that needed to provide effective clinical supervision. To determine these differences and their implications for practice, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to identify the difference between administrative and clinical supervision and the respective purposeRead MorePurpose And Goals Of Counseling Supervision1574 Words  | 7 PagesPurpose and Goals of Counseling Supervision ElizaBell D. Hall COUN 5004 – Survey of Research in Human Development for Professional Counselors August 2, 2015 Professor Mee-Gaik Lim Purpose and Goals of Counseling Supervision Clinical supervision is very essential for the growth of counseling interns, whether it is on a more professional or personal level. With that being noted, the purpose of supervision may vary according to the helping profession. Simply put, clinical supervision aid interns in cultivatingRead MoreEvaluation Of A Theory Of Supervision828 Words  | 4 Pages Theory of Supervision Melany Zwilling Eastern Illinois University â€Æ' Theory of Supervision Supervision is designed to facilitate growth and learning among supervisees and supervisors through specified theoretical framework and characteristics (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). A theory of supervision incorporates multiple techniques, focus areas, and evaluation assessment tools to integrate developmental advancement among practitioners (Tadlock-Marlo, 2015). Addressing supervisory roles, incorporatingRead MoreA Synthesis Of Supervision Definitions Proposed By Lambie And Sias1449 Words  | 6 PagesClinical counseling supervision has an integral role in the professional and personal development of counselors-in-training, referred to here as supervisees. Many definitions of the term supervision exist in counselor education literature and most researchers agree that supervision in and of itself is an intervention (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). A synthesis of supervision definitions proposed by Lambie and Sias (2009) best describes my view of supervision and role as clinical supervi sor: SupervisionRead MoreChallenges Faced By Ethnic Minority Supervisors1216 Words  | 5 PagesSupervisors in Clinical Supervision Personal Preparation My specialization paper will focus on the challenges faced by ethnic minority supervisors in clinical supervision. My paper is guided by the courses I took in the doctoral program, my personal experience as a supervisor and the gaps in literature review that motivated me to pursue this area of research. In the past two and a half years of my doctoral program, I took courses (advanced clinical supervision, advanced family counseling, and independentRead MoreEssay about Discrimination Model of Supervision776 Words  | 4 PagesCASE STUDY Supervision Case Study Deirdre Cotter Garfield Walden University CASE STUDY The discrimination model of supervision developed by Bernard amp; Goodyear, (1998) has three primary focus areas in training novice counselors these include use of intervention, what the supervisee is doing in the session that is observable, conceptualization or how the session work is being conducted and the level of understanding the supervisee has regarding client themes and application of specificRead MoreDiscrimination Model of Supervision1386 Words  | 6 PagesDiscrimination Model of Supervision By: Nashetta Rowell Ethics in Counselor Education and Supervision June 25, 2011 School counseling is a complex and demanding component of the counseling profession. With an increase of social and emotional stressors, children and youth of today face numerous challenges. These challenges ultimately affect children in school. With an increase of suicides, drug abuse, gang involvement, and violence amongstRead MoreMy Clinical Experience At Lewis Outpatient Counseling Agency713 Words  | 3 PagesMy clinical experience at Lewis Outpatient counseling Agency, provided me with exactly what I wanted, which was an opportunity to focus on utilizing and implementing the client-therapist relationship in order to enhance my therapeutic work and a chance to see how outpatient counseling could be delivered in a different setting. During the beginning, I found it challenging to get used to a new way of working, mostly given my relatively new caseload of mostly adolescent youths compared to my previousRead MoreJournal Articles Summary: Group Psychotherapy1118 Words à ‚ | 4 Pagespsychotherapy supervision. Psychotherapy Supervision in the 1990s: Some Observations and Reflections In this article, the author Edward Watkins discusses ten ideas or conclusions about the psychotherapy supervision. These ten points highlight the several psychotherapy supervision issues, trends, problems and areas that need attention. The author has arrived at these ten conclusions by taking help from three sources, which include: authors reading about the psychotherapy supervision literature
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Personal Statement about the Things I Have Learned in...
The issues, ideas, concepts, and facts I learned in this course have stimulated my imagination and ability to think critically. I have been intrigued most by learning about art through history, from Caravaggio to Munch. The topic that confused and bothered me the most was related to the American Civil War, which illuminates the dark side of the countrys history. Because of my future ambitions, I believe that our understanding of why Hollywood became the center of the movie industry over other cities is useful knowledge to me personally. However, I also believe that checking historical facts and verifying knowledge will become critical in my future career. The questions I would most like to ask my classmates in this course include those related to the painter Caravaggio because of the unique way the painter renders light and shadow. Painting has always intrigued me, because of the astonishing breadth and variety evident in art throughout history. In this course, we learned about en plein air, or open air painting traditions in Europe and the United States. The en plein air techniques are taken for granted now because we see painters working outside regularly. However, before the nineteenth century, it was relatively rare to see artists with their easels and paint palettes working out of doors. The work artists did was confined to their studios. Even with en plein air painters, studios are places where the artist performs much of their craft. Artists will create and blendShow MoreRelatedWhy I Am A English?947 Words  | 4 Pagesskills that I can now apply to future writing projects. Among many things, the three lessons that I got the most use out of are the following; how to correctly structure an essay, different methods of writing, and the personal growth that I’ve had since taking this class. With En glish being my second language, it is difficult for me to express myself in writing form. 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Throughout this course, I have learned abut the work world, and different laws and regulations. I have been able to reflect on skills and work habits, learn more about resumes and cover letters. I have also been fortunate to learn about a key aspect of becoming employed; interviews. One of the major things I have learned and discovered are, my educational and career pathways for the future. In this course, I have learned quite a bit about the work world. I have learned thatRead MoreCapstone Course : Learning On Structuring A Business1163 Words  | 5 Pagesin learning on structuring a business. I was hesitant throughout my sessions on how to proceed; however, after researching the web and corresponding with the session requirements, I was able to gain and improve a new insight of knowledge. I appreciated the diverse topics that the Capstone course presented. I agreed with the assignments for each session. What I disagreed with was not having thread discussions (besides session 8). In the past, I have learned different background experiences and perspectivesRead MoreOrganizational Behavior : An Organization1521 Words  | 7 PagesOrganizational Behavior (OB) entails the study and usage of knowledge about how individuals, people, as well as groups function in organizations (Luthans Yousseff, 2007). Using a systematic approach, organizational behavior interprets people/organization relations in terms of the groups, individuals, entire organization, and social system. The main objective of organizational behavior is to help find or develop better relationships by attaining human objectives, social objectives and ultimatelyRead MoreInternational Business Reflection812 Words  | 4 Pagesremember this is a management course and not an academic seminar. We are particularly intereste d in your management insights and not just your ability to show us that you have read the book. Make the links to the book, concepts, etc. where appropriate. 5. Include a â€Å"Going Forward†section about how you can apply what you have learned to your world outside the classroom and/or change how you have been doing things. Introduction Of all of the courses I have taken thus far I felt that I have takenRead MoreI Am A Senior At Baruch College1385 Words  | 6 Pages I was a college graduate and was hired as treasurer in China. After I immigrated to New York, I knew that I have to back into school, because everything in the past is just like a piece of white paper once I entered a new country. I need a chance to start again, to rebuild my life. Currently, I am a senior at Baruch College, and my major is accounting. I transferred to this school from Borough of Manhattan Community College, and already have a goal that I want to be an accountant. I had taken numerousRead MoreEnglish 111 Evaluation Essay623 Words  | 3 Pagesacademic writing. This is a prerequisite English class for higher-level English education. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Life of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Free Essay Example, 5250 words
Eleanor's public activities during that time paved the way to the political career of her husband. But, upon the involvement of the US in WWI, she became active in the American Red Cross, thus doing volunteer work in the hospitals. After bearing six children in her 13 years of marriage, Eleanor started again the quest for her own identity. The journey started shockingly: the 1918 discovery of love letters exposing that Franklin having an affair with Lucy Mercer. "The bottom dropped out of my own particular world, " she then later said. "I faced myself, my surroundings, my world, honestly for the first time. " A talk on divorce came up, but when Franklin had promised never to see Lucy again, their marriage goes on, for Eleanor a new path had been discovered, the opportunity of being at a distance from Franklin. No longer would she identify herself exclusively in terms of her husband s needs and wants. A new relationship was fictitious, on the context of being different from the way t hings were before during their marriage7. Upon her husband s diagnosis with polio in 1921, Eleanor Roosevelt became more active in the field of politics in order to both assist Franklin in maintaining his interests and at the same time, be able to assert herself based on her own goals and personality. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page During the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt was a very active First Lady as she traveled all around the globe, surveying the working conditions of the people, visiting relief projects, and then making reports on her observations to her husband, the president.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Disenchanted Research Paper - 3448 Words
Research paper: The Disenchanted F. Scott Fitzgerald’s life and work were in a knot from the start; his profession spanned one of the most tumultuous eras of the century, and from the very start he was the creator and the victim of the new culture of celebrity which accompanied the rise of modern technology. Budd Schulberg masterfully created a character that closely and in many ways represents Fitzgerald in his later years; Manley Halliday is that character. â€Å"His mind’s eye, incurably bifocal, could never stop searching for the fairy-tale maiden who made his young manhood a time of bewitchment, when springtime was the only season and the days revolved on a lovers’ spectrum of sunlight, twilight, candlelight and dawn.†[Ch.10]. Fitzgerald†¦show more content†¦His colloquial dialogue, vital ideological protests on behalf of human dignity, and feeling for the family were distinctive ( Lindbergh on the other hand reflected the dichotomy of the era â€Å"our Lindy, the blue-eyed boy, the Lone Eagle etc†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [1930s, p.53]. In the book, Shep and Halliday discuss this â€Å"And we had Lindy. God how we loved Lindy. Maybe that’s what’s goneâ€â€that capac ¬ity for abstract love. Anyway, it seems rather symbolic, doesn’t it, your Charles A. Lindbergh, the appeaser and our Lindy, the blue-eyed boy, the Lone Eagle, Horatio Alger in an airship conquering space. [Ch. 5] T.S Eliot’s famous poem The Waste Land depicts society as being a part of an unfruitful cycle. â€Å"Human beings are isolated, and sexual relations are sterile and meaningless†[The Wasteland;]. In one excerpt from the poem â€Å"presents the voice of a countess looking back on her pre-World War I youth as a lovelier, freer, more romantic time. Her voice is followed by a solemn description of present dryness when the dead tree gives no shelter. [The Wasteland;]. In the novel, Shep contemplates death â€Å"Was failure inevitable and tragic? Or merely the biggest and last of the bad breaks? Would death, like the unfinished manuscriptâ€â€another broken promiseâ€â€be the final symbol?†[Ch. 24] The Wasteland has aShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Bush versus Gore Crisis609 Words  | 3 Pagesalso some-what served in the military. He was a journalist writing for The Army Flier, the base newspaper at Fort Tucker. The message emerging from a recent research series on youth civic and political participation is clear: todays youth are not disjoined from associational and small political life, but they are increasingly disenchanted with formal political institutions and practices. 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(House of Commons Research Papers, 2015) Does this statistic and blatant political apathy of 22.5 million people spark a threat to democracy? In order to assess whether political apathy poses a threat to democracy, the terms â€Å"political apathy†and â€Å"democracy†must first be definedRead MoreTheory X And Theory Of The Open System View1735 Words  | 7 Pagesestablishing efficient and effective organization, many management practices have developed gradually to arrange with the political, economic and cultural forces of their time. This paper critically evaluates the theory established by McGregor i.e. Theory X and Theory Y and also theory of The Open System View. The paper will initially introduce to the theory. This will be followed by their contributions and limitations in managing employees today. 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People have gone to school and cannot find jobs in their chosen fields and are disenchanted with the job they have. It does pay enough, and most must move back and live with their parents, or they live six to a two-bedroom apartment. This OLWB has led to many frustrated people. When working at the United States Post Office, many ofRead MoreThe Evolving Relationship Between The U.s. Government And The Mormon Church2341 Words  | 10 Pagesmembers, as citizens, denied.†Despite this outlook, the oppression of Mormons grew in the United States. Anti-Mormonism began to flourish, rooted in Gentile fear of the political control of the Mormon church. The Mormons became more and more disenchanted with their mistreatment by Gentiles, non-Mormons, and the government of the United States. This prompted them to create a new type of government, what Joseph Smith called a â€Å"theodemocracy.†The Mormons dubbed their settlement the State of Deseret
Case Study of a Childs Play and Development Essay
MODULE TITLE: Therapeutic Playwork CREDIT POINTS: 15 LEVEL: 3 LOCATION: B.A (Hons) Playwork STATUS : Elective AIMS: This module is addressed to meet the needs of playworkers intending to practice therapeutically and aims to offer insights into a range of techniques used. The core of the module is theoretical, but practice issues will be addressed and techniques explored at a practical level. The module aims to enable intending therapeutic playworkers to make appropriate choices as to methods used and to develop skills in those they prefer. LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion of†¦show more content†¦Day 1 Tuesday 2nd Feb in C210; from 09.30 to 16.30ish Introduction to the module, processes and content, participant knowledge, experience and values. Use of X-stream to support sessions, study aids such as iGoogle. Work for assessment, overview and arrangements to discuss any planned variations from the standard format. The elective stands alone and is appropriate to undertake from many backgrounds that include some study of social, cognitive, developmental and depth psychologies. [examples of each Social psychology – Cognitive psychology – Behavioural (and animal) psychology – Developmental psychology – Depth psychologies - ] It is also the third in a series of electives intended to offer that background to playwork students. It is primarily a theoretical elective, requiring students to examine a range of theories and related practices. In session 5, students are asked to present a theory and related playwork practice for a fifteen minute discussion which they should prepare themselves to facilitate. The work for assessment is an analysis of aShow MoreRelatedFactors Influencing The Development Of A Child1266 Words  | 6 PagesContextual Information The present study is about the how family, in specific older siblings, affect young children in their emotional development. â€Å"The Contribution of Older Sibling’s Reactions to Emotions to Preschoolers’ Emotional and Social Competence†by Sawyer, Denham, DeMulder, Auerbach-Major, and Levitas (2002) explores the rates that affect preschoolers in different socio-emotional situations, depending on their interaction and relationship with their older siblings. According to previousRead MoreThe Role Of Play Therapy On Trauma Victims1274 Words  | 6 Pagesexpress their feelings through play. According to the Association for Play Therapy (2002), play therapy is a systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process in which trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development. Although various studies have been conducted in regards to play research, there is no link that has been given between play therapy and the successRead MoreThe Importance of Childrens Play1653 Words  | 7 PagesThe importance of play in young children cannot be stressed enough. It has be shown numerous times through research the benefits that play can have. When you think of children playing it brings a smile to your face. The importance of play definitely plays a big role in a child’s life especially between the ages of 5 to 7. What does â€Å"play†mean? There are many different types of definitions because everyone â€Å"plays†differently. Play â€Å"engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than aRead MoreChildren s Development As An Integral Part Of A Child Development1488 Words  | 6 PagesPlay is important in a child’s development as it helps in the child’s cognitive, emotional, physical and social development. It is through play that the child is able to interact and engage with the world around them and discover new things such as the objects they fiddle with and the lessons that they will soon learn from interacting with toys and people. Under article 31 (leisure, play and culture) of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, play has been recognized as being anRead MoreThe Processes by Which Genes and Environment Operate Together to Influence Development1597 Words  | 7 PagesEnvironment Operate Together to Influence Develo pment Psychologists have argued for centuries over which has played the larger role in child development, heredity or environment. The British philosopher John Locke (1632 –1704) proposed one of the first theories in the seventeenth century. Locke believed that a child was born with an empty mind, tabula rasaRead MoreThe Environment And Development Of Children1321 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Millions of children suffer from poor development. Environmental factors, such as family, school and peers, play a major role in the healthy development of children. This is a single case study that involves Anna, a 9 year old female with a history of social and cognitive issues. Anna attends a quality educational institution, but fails in her academic performance, in comparison to her peers. Anna is also overtly shy, which inhibits her from establishing friendships with her peers.Read MoreEssay on The Role of Methodology in Developmental Research1467 Words  | 6 Pagesexperience throughout the lifespan (Berk. E. L 2003). Developmental psychology focuses hugely on development in childhood, as major changes occur in childhood, it is the scientific study of ‘how we grow and develop’, (Davenport 1994). Developmental psychology aims to understand the important aspects of cognition, socialisation, emotional development, and personality development through childhood to adulthood. ‘Researchers are captivated by and want to understand the fascinatingRead MoreImproving Healthy Development And Maintaining Strong Parent Child Bonds1546 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction â€Å"Play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights†(Ginsburg, 2007, p 182). There is no opposing argument to the statement that play is essential to children and youth in all domains of development. Although certain types of play may be more meaningful in terms of development, any kind of play is better than no play at all. â€Å"The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and MaintainingRead MoreStatus of Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education and Development (Eced)1733 Words  | 7 Pageswritten by Nasima Shakeel The field of human development has recently gained considerable importance globally. This results in shifting the contemporary educational discourse, one that moves ECED closer to the front of policy formation. Literature shows that developed nations are investing enormous resources into their early intervention programs, hence, during the last decade international aid agencies, and some education systems, have promoted the creation and expansion of ECED programs in developingRead MoreDescribe and Assess the Evidence That Socialisation Plays a Major Part in Determining Human Behaviour.1735 Words  | 7 Pagesnext. It is during socialisation that individuals learn the values and norms that play such an important part in shaping human behaviour. Socialisation provides the skills and habits necessary for acting and participating within one’s society. Charles Cooley divided socialisation into two stages – primary and secondary socialisation. Primary socialisation is the early years of our socialisation. It occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values and actions appropriate to individuals as members of
Healthcare for Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHealthcare for Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare. Answer: Context The article by Jones et al., (2011) has selected a significant research topic of nurse prescribing roles in the acute role. The role of nurses in acute care settings has evolved through the years to meet the increasing demand for health care services. According to Haririan (2016) prescribing by nurses is a key approach that aims to optimise the ability of nurses to bring improvement in the speed of access to high quality care. Non medical prescribing has bene indicated to bring improvements in clinical decision making across teams. A number of countries have implemented this novice role including Singapore where the practice is in the limelight. On an international basis, prescription rights for Nurse Practitioners varied significantly from limited formulary to full prescriptive authority. In 2014, National Nursing Taskforce (MOH) in Singapore recommended for the hospitals to initiate a prescription framework for nurses to prescribe medicines on the basis of drug formulary (Ayre Bee , 2014). As suggested by Jones et al., (2011) not much information is available regarding the implementation of this role into practice. At the time when the study by Jones et al., (2011) was conducted, there was a lack of suitable studies that evaluated nurse prescription in acute care settings. The majority of the studies was only responsible for reporting nurse prescribers view of the prescribing roles they had. In this regard, the perceptions of other stakeholders were not taken into consideration, which forms an integral element for understanding the suitability of this new emerging role. Further studies were needed that highlight the views of healthcare peers across different settings in relation to nurse prescribing roles as well as the dissimilarities in roles of nurse and medical prescribers. Key Aims The main aim of the study conducted by Jones et al., (2011) was to carry out an assessment of the functioning of nurse prescribing in an acute care hospital setting in the city of England, UK. The purpose of this study was to bridge the gap in existing literature regarding the ways in which nurse prescribers can work and lead to better patient outcomes and satisfaction levels. The author succeded in achieving their aims as the study was flourishing in addressing the research question. Methods The research was carried out following a mixed method single case study approach. The study was conducted in the year 2005-2006. An acute care hospital in England was the setting for the study that was located at a metropolitan borough of England that is densely populated and having it spopualtion from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The study had three clinical departments as units of analysis; namely the hypertension clinic, renal clinic and renal satellite unit. As the study method purposive sampling was done for recruiting the participants. A total number of 18 hospital staff were selected of which 3 were prescribers, seven were colleagues, and 8 were senior hospital staff. In addition, 2 nurses and 2 doctors took part in the study as non-participant observers. Semi-structured interviews was the tool for data collection with these participants. 52 patient-prescriber consultations were done with 47 patients. 122 patients were considered for a questionnaire survey was done with. Qualit ative data analysis was done with the help of data analysis framework porposed by Ritchie and Spencer. This was a deductive approach enabling an accurate sifting, charting and organisation of data depending on themes and key issues. SPSS software was used for quantitative data analysis. Descriptive statistics helped in summarising numerical data (Jones et al., 2011). A mixed method was suitable for the study as it was aligned with the research aim. Since the study wanted to highlight the overall experience of practitioners and stakeholders in relation to nurse prescribing, a mixed method enabled qualitative as well as quantitative approach. Such a method enures deeper, broader and more significant information. Rich datasets can be attained by this method (Nieswiadomy Bailey, 2017). As opined by Parahoo (2014) mixed methods augment the credibility and reliability of all studies with the help of the triangulation of the different evidences. A better understanding of the study problems is achieved through this method. However, it is to be noted that it was inappropriate to conduct the study in one single setting and with only three clinical departments. Due to such an approach, it can be stated that the study results were not generalised as the sample population was not a true representation of the general population. Purposive sampling has certain disadvantages, including researcher bias (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2014). Findings The staffs taking part in the study pointed out that the main aim of nurse prescribing was directed towards patient benefits and enhanced team working. Further, nurse prescribing holds the potential for ensuring working advancements and legitimisation of practice. Staff satisfaction and increased patient satisfaction could also be achieved through nurse prescribing, as reported by the staff. The nurse practitioners reported that prescribing practice was a key approach for guiding better team work and patient care delivery. Nurses could also use their nursing skills in a better manner. The central themes emerging from the data set were increased confidence to prescribe, improved patient care, increased role fulfilment and successful implementation of nurse prescribing. The data did not point out any statistically significant differences between the manner in which doctors and nurses performed the prescribing roles. Nevertheless, it is to be highlighted that a statistically significant difference existed between the medication-related information satisfaction ratings of patients witnessing a nurse prescriber, compared to those witnessing prescription by a doctor. The findings of the study were easy to follow the flow of information were aligned with the research questions. The findings were also believable to the extent that nurses have come a long way in taking up different roles and additional responsibilities in acute care settings. Agreeing to the authors conclusion that the benefits of nurse prescribing roles can be better assessed with the help of performance indicators having clarity, it is to be stated that multidimensional approaches are required in future for studying such performance indicators based on evidence (Smith et al., 2014). Importance of findings The study findings added to the increasing body of research on the domain of nurse prescribing. It is to be mentioned that the findings were different from the existing literature since in the present case the researchers undertook an exploration of nurse prescribing from the organizational perspective. This was done by using data from different levels; patients from different ethnic groups and senior managers. There were certain aspects known about the research topic prioir to the present research. These were in relation to nurse prescribing works in certain primary care settings. Moreover, it was also known that nurse prescribing allowed physician-nurse substitution in acute care. There was also a pool of evidence indicating the presence of concerns in relation to patient safety. The present paper provided additional information that physicians and nurses provide equivalent care. However, patients report higher satisfaction rate when nurses provided medicine related education. More over, the study was a benchmark to highlight that patients across different ethnic groups can uphold similar viewpoints in this context. Based on the findings of the research healthcare settings can consider increasing the operational and supportive infrastructures for supporting nurse prescribing practices. The variables that are to be considered in this regard are shared vision, action learning, local championship, and peer support. Any restraining forces that hamper the implementation of the change are to be eliminated after analysing the importance of the same. The findings of the study also have implications for policy reforms. Policy makers are to consider setting up policies that guide nurse prescribing roles in varied settings. Changes are also to be sustained in the long run for ensuring best outcomes of the process (Gielen et al., 2014). Ethics There were come ethical issues pertaining to the design of the study. The first cocnenr was the relationship between the researcher and the prescribers. Secondly, there was a risk related to the fact that the study findings could have demotivated the nurses. Thirdly, there was a risk related to the fact that patient respondents might be not maximal in the presence of the researchers. Lastly, there was a risk that patients would indicate dissatisfaction with the service provided. Further research Against the backdrop of a growing evidence supporting nurse prescribing role, there is a requirement to put focus on further research in this direction. Researchers must shift the focus from prescribing performances suitable measures towards the influence of the role in bringing about advancement in care delivery. Future research needs to be carried out for identifying the process by which patient care quality can be enhanced in Singapore settings, and determining the interventions accordingly that suit patient population in Singapore (Hardey Mulhall, 2013). References Ayre, T. C., Bee, T. S. (2014). Advanced practice nursing in Singapore. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 23(4), 269-270. Link : Gielen, S. C., Dekker, J., Francke, A. L., Mistiaen, P., Kroezen, M. (2014). The effects of nurse prescribing: a systematic review.International Journal of Nursing Studies,51(7), 1048-1061. DOI: Hardey, M., Mulhall, A. (2013).Nursing research: Theory and practice. Springer. Haririan, H. (2016). Prescribing: A Crucial Factor in the Professionalization of Nursing in Iran.Evidence Based Care,5(4), 65-66. DOI:10.22038/EBCJ.2016.6160 Jones K., Edwards M. While A. (2011) Nurse prescribing roles in acute care: an evaluative case study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(1), 117126. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05490.x LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., Cameron, C., Singh, M. (2014).Nursing Research in Canada-E-Book: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization. Elsevier Health Sciences. Nieswiadomy, R. M., Bailey, C. (2017).Foundations of nursing research. Pearson. Parahoo, K. (2014).Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Palgrave Macmillan. Smith, A., Latter, S., Blenkinsopp, A. (2014). Safety and quality of nurse independent prescribing: a national study of experiences of education, continuing professional development clinical governance.Journal of advanced nursing,70(11), 2506-2517. DOI: 10.1111/jan.12392
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Ethics of Photos
Question: Discuss about theEthics of Photos. Answer: Introduction The internet has become a popular mode of communication for young children, adults, organizations and businessperson. There are number of different advantages due to which people as well as organization wants to publish their images including documentation, advertisement or for promoting different activities of an organization (Jassim et al., 2015). The accessibility as well as the increased popularity of social media has become very easy therefore, many people including adults and young children share their images on facebook, twitter and web pages. This has raised number of ethical challenges, which includes contributors safety, social journalist well-being, right and legal issues and issues related with workflow and resources (Cornwall et al., 2016). The use of photography is an integral part of medical surgery in hospital, which has raised many liability issues. The liabilities issues occur as sometimes are photographed without their consent or knowledge. There are number of lega l issues of photography in plastic surgery practices. In this essay, different type of ethical issues that occurs due to photography is discussed. The content of this assignment covers issues that are related with images on social media, Intellectual and Intangible property Images of Children, issues occurred due to Manipulation and Deception of images. The easy also discusses the problems or ethical issues that are related with the access sing of images and cameras. Various problems are also illustrated that are related with the identity theft. Discussion on Ethical Issues of Photography Ethical Issues of Intellectual and Intangible property Intellectual property is defined as the original creative work that is manifested in a tangible form, which can be protected legally. Advertising, fashion and lifestyle photographers include various types of sculptures, paintings, toys or other types of artistic works in the photography (Eckhoff, 2015). The photographs that are made by the artist are often protected by copyright. Only the owner of the copyright has the right to reproduce the photographs. The copyright law protects not only photographs but also different types of literary and artistic works. Many ethical issues are related with the copyright of the photos (Foreman, 2015). In todays world, images can be transferred all around the world very quickly. This enhances the risks associated with the photos that were meant to be private but entered into the public arena. . It is mentioned by the copyright law that any picture that is used for modification then it must wholly be done by the owner of the copyright otherwise the picture should be created again in order to maintain the law of copyright. In order to safeguard the intangibility of an image it is suggested that the image must be used by the owner of the image. If it is used by another individual than both the intellectuality and tangibility of, the image is destroyed (Bittar-Cortez et al., 2014). The ethical issues that are related with the copyrights are many. If an image or photograph of an individual is shared or downloaded by another individual then the act is against the copyright law. Therefore, it is an ethical issue (te Riele Baker, 2016).The downloaded or shared images on the social networking sites can be used by another individual for making fake profiles. This act is very much dangerous it creates a negative impact on the personal information of an individual. If a image of a student wearing the school uniform is posted on social media then the information about the schooling of the student is revealed. Thus it can be misused by some individuals in kidnapping or in providing threats. The copyright act suggest that an image must be used by an individual who owns it and thus if it is used or shared by another individual then it is a crime whether the person is using it for an legal or illegal activity (Couldry, 2012). The images of children and elders are accessed from the social networking sites in order to misuse them in illegal activities such as bullying. Hence, it is always recommended that youngster and elders must investigate about the site on which they are uploading or posting their pictures. Twitter uses the benefits of a post without sharing it with its users (McKee, 2013). Therefore, a user must know all the rules and regulation before using a social networking sites. The facebook and twitter must use proper licensing and authentication technique in order to avoid issues related with copyright or intangibility. Ethical Issues of Images on Social Media The social media acts as platform for making new friends and getting information. It has been seen that the use of social media has been increased over the years. The passage of time and growth of technology has largely influenced the advent of social media in daily lives of people. However, social media does not only provide benefits in the lives of people (Walker, 2012). Everyone over the social media faces some general problems like misuse of personal images and information. The misuse of image over the social media can greatly affect the persons life in a permeate manner. The ethical issues faced by people because of misuse of the images posted over the social media are explained below. Misusing images for creating profile in some other sites: It has been seen in many cases that the images and information about the people (especially girls) are used for creating a fake profile over other social media sites (Couldry, 2012). There are references of many cases where a person has claimed that the images and information posted on a website has not been provided by him or her. It is mostly seen in the case of girls. The images such as group pictures and selfies are used for making the fake id on the website to appear genuine (Williams et al., 2013). Hence, the images are vulnerable over the social media and they can profoundly be misused by other persons. Editing of the images: The images provided over the social media are photo shopped by others. The images over the social media are generally public and it makes them vulnerable for ill treatment (Kim et al., 2014). The images over the social media are used by social criminals for editing them for their financial gains. The images posted by the celebrities over the social media are treated by various photo editing software and applications. These edited pictures are sold in the market for financial gain. Compromise of privacy and confidentiality: The images of the person are strictly liable to be used by that person only. However, the platform of social media can be filtrated for extracting the information and images (Barbovschi et al., 2013). The technological development of the information system of social media had made it possible for the cyber criminals and hackers to get into the system. The private images of the celebrities, sports person, and renowned person are being downloaded from their account and misused in the market. The information system in the social media is misused in the information system. Hence, it can be said that the ethical issues faced by the images posted over social media can be classified into misusing images for creating profile in some other sites, editing of the images for personal gain, and compromise of privacy and confidentiality. These ethical issues of the information system can be sorted out by checking the privacy options and limiting the visitors on the social media. Ethical Issues of Images of Children Many people all around the world share the images of their children on social websites to promote different activities (Bobkowski Smith, 2013). Different organizations involved with children and young people such as performing art groups and sport share the images for the promotion of their organization on social networking site. The accessibility and the increasing popularity of internet networking sites led people sharing more images of their children and near ones. This has increased the ethical concern of the people, which has impact on the safety, and welfare of the young children. There are many issues related with privacy. There is a commonwealth law related with the privacy of the unauthorized production and publication of an individuals image. This law helps in regulating the personal information of children that helps in conveying the identity of a person (Cook, 2010). For example if a person standing outside the house or wearing school uniform should not be published on the social networking sites as it can keep the children in danger. According to the child, protection legislation the identity of a student must be keep confidential. The images of small children should not be posted as it can be used for different illegal practices. The pictures of the children posted by the parents on social networking sites can follow children from their birth to death as their data are sold and resold to different marketers. They provide prejudice as well as barriers to the marketers (Green, 2013). Sometimes a picture of a children uploaded by a parents can be shared by another individual and at last a situation occurs when it is impossible to stop sharing of that picture. The picture of that child can be used for illegal practices such as bullying. The private information of the children can be accessed from the social networking sites by the kidnappers (Jassim et al., 2015). Pictures of the children must be kept safe so that they do not have to face situations or problems due to illegal activity on their pictures on the social networking sites (Greensmith Green, 2015). The facebook or twitter must use proper authentication so that the images of children should not be misused. Hence, the ethical issues related with the images of the children can be solved by taking proper measures. The parents should not publicly post the images of their children on social media. Social networking sites must use proper authentication and copyrights of the images so that they cannot be share by another individual. Parents should avoid pictures of their children, which show their private details such as address, or name of the school. The individuals who use the pictures for illegal activities must be penalized. All the factor would be helpful in minimizing the ethical issues of the images of the children. Ethical Issues of Manipulation and Deception Using Images The images that are available from other sources can be misused for personal or financial gain (Hannay Baatard, 2011). The technology has been developing over the time with the innovation in technology. It is possible that the images can easily be edited or modified as per the requirements of the person. A number of photo editing software like Picasa, photo editor, and Adobe Photoshop. The software can edit, modify, manipulate or distort the image as per ones requirements. Ethical issues of manipulating and dissipating images by others: Manipulating People use the editing for earning money or making a good profile picture over the social sites (Hazell, 2011). However, many people misuse the technology for distorting the images for controversy and personal gain. For example- crazy fans always manipulate the images of their favorite cricketers, actors, or celebrities. These are harmless try of fans for their own pleasure. However, some of the people have gone further in creating controversial image after editing them and it has resulted in severe problems to many people. Recently a news article came that showed that Force account have to delete the edited images of famous celebrities made by fans (Livingstone, 2014). They had to suffer from many ethical issues and charges for letting people post such pictures online. Ethical issues of self manipulating and dissipating images: The manipulation and dissipation of the images are not only done by others seeking financial and personal gain (ORourke, 2011). It has been seen that the people are using various photo editing software for forming better images. The images are photo shopped for making attractive and effective profile pictures as the images over the social media are generally public. Hence, it has become a trend for beautifying the images. However, it has resulted in harming the moral of people and creating false impact on others. The moral of people who are average looking feels complexion from these edited pictures and images of others. There is major inferior complexion issue faced by the people with minor flaws on their images. The people have started using Photoshop for making them look pretty and fit. The image correction and correlation have largely affected the quality of image with resizing and toning options (Staksrud et al., 2013). The edited pictures and images of people made a false impact on the others. Hence, there are two major reasons for ethical issues by the manipulating and dissipation of the images and they are classified into the self manipulation and manipulation by others. All these have contributed in affecting the life of people involved in the event. However, if the ethnicity of the human values are maintained it would be possible for minimizing the harmful effect of the misuse, manipulation and dissipating of the images. Access to Images, Camera Access and Ownership Using Mobile Devices The images that are posted on the social networking sites such as facebook, twitter are the property of the owner and therefore the copyright of the images belongs to the owner of the pictures or posts (Stein, 2009). The owner of the image or picture have the right to modify it, change whenever required, distribute, copy or share it as per the need. The owner of the image have the right to copy, use or distribute the image but when the image is posted in the social networking site the site gets a license to use the image for their commercial activity and can share the image with other individuals also. For example, Twitter or Facebook can use the uploaded image of a person for their commercial gains, which can be done by obtaining likes and shares of the images (Cochrane, 2012).The service that is provided by the twitter is very much risky than the services provided by the facebook. In twitter, people can recover their deleted images this means that twitter led an individual to use t he image after also its authentication of its license is terminated. Twitter also provides access permission to different users in order to gain profit from the images that are posted by the user. They gain profit without paying any amount to the users. Therefore, it is very much necessary that the users must be careful before posting picturing on different sites of the social media. The problems that are related with the ownership of the image can raise an ethical issue for the social networking sites (Johnson Zinkhan, 2015). The issues must be solved or mitigated such that the user does not have to face problems before posting pictures on the social networking sites. The users must feel free in posting pictures to different social networking sites such as facebook and twitter. The sharing of the images must be licensed and restricted on the social networking site in order to minimize the problems that can arise to the misuse of the images. Many ethical issues as the images of different individual sometimes are used by other for performing illegal activities. The images of others are downloaded, shared on social networking site that is against the copyright act (Hashmi et al., 2015). It is very much important to maintain the copyright of the images. The ethical dilemmas are harassing people by misusing their individuality, threat on National Security, and false financial transactions (Dhotre et al., 2014). These problems have major role in harming the mental health of the individual by harassing them on basic level, physically by the efforts they have to make for proving that they have no hands in the frauds or faults made, and financially. The social networking cites must use proper license facilities so that the images of different individuals cannot be accessed by other individuals. It must also be maintained in mobile phones or cameras so that the images of other individuals cannot be misused by others (Zabih, 2015). It is very much important for the users that they must investigate the social networking sites properly in order to have proper authentication of pictures on the social networking sites. Ethical Issues of Identity Theft Identity theft is the major issue that has been faced by the people. Identity theft is an offensive crime and punishable offense to ones right to privacy. The posting of images over the Internet has resulted in making the identity of the person vulnerable. Harassing people by misusing their identity: The identity crisis is a result of identity theft by using the information provided and images posted over the internet. The people use the identity of different persons for getting their work done (Hazell, 2011).The identity theft can be misused for financial gain as well as for harming the involved person. For example- the hackers make fake id in the name of some other person and post pictures of the person for making it look genuine (Zabih, 2015). Then using the same fake accounts they get into different accounts for their personal or financial gain. The involved person whose identity has been hacked would be blamed for all the activities done from the id. The involved person would have to go through rigorous ordeal for managing and proving that they do not have any role in these criminal offensive activities. Threat on National Security: The identity theft could also affect the national security of the state. It has been seen that the information system of national security has also faced the issues by the misuse of information and images of high ranked officials (Cochrane, 2012). Some of the national security agents have been impersonated by fake ids made by using the images available on the internet. Identity theft is a major issue that has reasoned in affecting the privacy of the person. These issues are prevalent in the identity theft by using the image provided over the internet. False financial transactions: The identity theft of the person makes them liable for financial frauds. The person impersonating the fake identity might end up making false transactions on their pretext (Staksrud et al., 2013). It is a major ethical issue faced by the people due to the misuse of identity. The person hacking the identity would end up spending money on behalf of the person. It is a major criminal offense as it not only affects the person by harassment, but also harms them financially. Hence, the ethical dilemmas of the identity theft are harassing people by misusing their identity, threat on National Security, and false financial transactions. These errors have major role in harming the person mentally by harassing them on basic level, physically by the efforts they have to make for proving that they have no hands in the frauds or faults made, and financially(Livingstone, 2014). The errors can be rectified by making sure that their identity could not be impersonated by anyone else. The privacy of their personal images and information must be protected from misuse. Other Issues With the help of digital photography, the processes of capturing and utilizing medical images have become easier. In hospitals, digital photography system is used for depicting death, diseases injuries of patients. The digital photography in hospitals has several ethical issues. An individual has certain fundamental right for the privacy of their image. Unauthorized publication of any image can cause both social and legal problems (Greensmith Green, 2015). For example disclosure of abortion, pregnancy, plastic surgery if occurs unknowingly then it can create problems to the patients. Many problems may occur to a patient if their medical photography is not handled by the hospital properly. If the photograph taken is not appropriate then there is a chance to harm the patient. The use of photography is an integral part of medical surgery in hospital, which has raised many liability issues. The liabilities issues occur as sometimes are photographed without their consent or knowledge. There are number of legal issues of photography in plastic surgery practices. The changing nature of health care has created several challenges and opportunities before the health care professionals (Hazell, 2011). The patients can suffer from ethical problems if the reports or photographs of the patients are not handled by the authority of the hospital properly. Sometimes the authority of the hospital became careless and the photograph of the one patient is provided to the other individual (Cochrane, 2012).This will not only create ethical issues but also occur a situation of heath risk to those patients. It is also very much necessary that the hospital must maintain confidentiality of the data and information of the photographs of different patients in order to maintain ethics inside the premises of the hospital. Photography of the patients must be taken with the consent in order to maint ain the law and ethics in the hospital. Hence, the ethical dilemmas are harassing people by misusing their individuality, threat on National Security, and false financial transactions (Staksrud et al., 2013). These problems have major role in harming the mental health of the individual by harassing them on basic level, physically by the efforts they have to make for proving that they have no hands in the frauds or faults made, and financially. it is always recommended that youngster and elders must investigate about the site on which they are uploading or posting their pictures. Twitter uses the benefits of a post without sharing it with its users. The facebook and twitter must use proper licensing and authentication technique in order to avoid issues related with copyright or intangibility. The ethical issues faced by the images posted over social media can be classified into misusing images for creating profile in some other sites, editing of the images for personal gain, and compromise of privacy and confidentiality (Wi lliams et al., 2013). The ethical issues related with the images of the children can be solved by taking proper measures. The individuals who use the pictures for illegal activities must be penalized. The entire factor would be helpful in minimizing the ethical issues of the images of the children. Conclusion It is concluded that digital images are facing many ethical issues. The main ethical issues that are faced by the digital images are in the social networking sites. The images posted by the people can be shared or misused by some other individuals, which arises a number of ethical issues. For example, revelation of abortion, pregnancy, plastic surgery if occurred then it can generate troubles for the patients. Many problems may occur to a patient if their medical photography is not handled by the hospital properly. It is analyzed that the picture of that child can be used for illegal practices such as bullying. The confidential information of the kids can be accessed from the social networking sites by the kidnappers. Images of the children must be kept secure so that they do not have to face situations or problems due to illegal activity on their pictures on the social networking sites. The concerned individual whose individuality has been hacked would be responsible for all the activities done from the id. The involved individual would have to go through rigorous ordeal for running and proving that they do not have any role in these illegal offensive activities. There is major low-grade complexion problem faced by the people with minor disadvantages on their images. Many individual have started using Photoshop for modifying images. The image adjustment and correspondence have largely affected the quality of image with resizing and toning options. The edited and images of people made a false impact on the others. 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