Thursday, December 26, 2019
Italian Verb Conjugations Scoprire (to Discover)
Conjugation table for the Italian verb scoprire scoprire: to discover, find out, spot, sight, uncover, bare, expose Irregular third-conjugation Italian verb Transitive verb (takes a direct object) INDICATIVE/INDICATIVO Presente io scopro tu scopri lui, lei, Lei scopre noi scopriamo voi scoprite loro, Loro scoprono Imperfetto io scoprivo tu scoprivi lui, lei, Lei scopriva noi scoprivamo voi scoprivate loro, Loro scoprivano Passato Remoto io scoprii/scopersi tu scopristi lui, lei, Lei scopr/scoperse noi scoprimmo voi scopriste loro, Loro scoprirono/scopersero Futuro Semplice io scoprir tu scoprirai lui, lei, Lei scoprir noi scopriremo voi scoprirete loro, Loro scopriranno Passato Prossimo io ho scoperto tu hai scoperto lui, lei, Lei ha scoperto noi abbiamo scoperto voi avete scoperto loro, Loro hanno scoperto Trapassato Prossimo io avevo scoperto tu avevi scoperto lui, lei, Lei aveva scoperto noi avevamo scoperto voi avevate scoperto loro, Loro avevano scoperto Trapassato Remoto io ebbi scoperto tu avesti scoperto lui, lei, Lei ebbe scoperto noi avemmo scoperto voi aveste scoperto loro, Loro ebbero scoperto Future Anteriore io avr scoperto tu avrai scoperto lui, lei, Lei avr scoperto noi avremo scoperto voi avrete scoperto loro, Loro avranno scoperto SUBJUNCTIVE/CONGIUNTIVO Presente io scopra tu scopra lui, lei, Lei scopra noi scopriamo voi scopriate loro, Loro scoprano Imperfetto io scoprissi tu scoprissi lui, lei, Lei scoprisse noi scoprissimo voi scopriste loro, Loro scoprissero Passato io abbia scoperto tu abbia scoperto lui, lei, Lei abbia scoperto noi abbiamo scoperto voi abbiate scoperto loro, Loro abbiano scoperto Trapassato io avessi scoperto tu avessi scoperto lui, lei, Lei avesse scoperto noi avessimo scoperto voi aveste scoperto loro, Loro avessero scoperto CONDITIONAL/CONDIZIONALE Presente io scoprirei tu scopriresti lui, lei, Lei scoprirebbe noi scopriremmo voi scoprireste loro, Loro scoprirebbero Passato io avrei scoperto tu avresti scoperto lui, lei, Lei avrebbe scoperto noi avremmo scoperto voi avreste scoperto loro, Loro avrebbero scoperto IMPERATIVE/IMPERATIVO Presente  scopriscoprascopriamoscopritescoprano INFINITIVE/INFINITO Presente: scoprire Passato: avere scoperto PARTICIPLE/PARTICIPIO Presente: scoprente Passato: scoperto GERUND/GERUNDIO Presente: scoprendo Passato: avendo scoperto
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Literary Analysis Unicorn By Bronwyn Oliver, Christo...
Artists use their artworks to communicate different meanings and transfer specific messages to the audience. Their artworks can be presented in different forms like architecture, drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery and many other forms. Each artwork contains a specific meaning which is usually based on the artist s beliefs, culture, identity and the nature surrounding us. Rona Rubuntja from the Hermannsburg Potters, Bronwyn Oliver, Christo and Jeanne Claude each presented their art in different forms but they all communicate meanings and ideas to the audience. Rona Rubuntja who is a senior member of the Hermannsburg Potters and her famous pottery work ‘I m Black’ for the exhibition ‘Our Land is Alive’ at the National Gallery of†¦show more content†¦She has participated in over twenty exhibitions in Australia and internationally. One of her most famous pieces is called ‘I’m Black’ and was exhibited in ‘Our Land is Aliveâ⠂¬â„¢. In this artwork, Rona Rubuntja recreated one of the most famous moments in Australian football when, in 1993, player Nicky Winmar lifted his shirt and proudly pointed to the colour of his skin. Football was traditionally a white’s sport which is very racist towards the Aboriginal as well as other nationalities. This moment when Nicky Winmar publicly stood up against racism communicates the victory of identity showed that even though he’s Aboriginal, he can still play football and he is proud of his identity. Rubuntja especially focused on this event because she wants to communicate to the audience to stand up against racism and discrimination and her ideas of her culture and identity. Bronwyn Joy Oliver was born in 1959 at a farm in Gum Flat. She was not born into an artistic family as her father worked as a greenkeeper and her mother as a pharmacy assistant. Oliver always wanted to become a famous artist in her childhood. She attended a Saturday TAFE art class when she was 10 years old and that was where she later studied sculpture from 1977 to 1980. Oliver later graduated and received the Dean’s Award which was followed by many other awards including NSW
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Pianist free essay sample
Historically World War II has caused a huge impact around the world. Many people have known The Second World War as one of the most devastating wars in history with more than 70 million of people killed. One of the main reasons of this war was Hitler and his ambitions of creating a perfect race. Due to this was that some enmities around countries in the the world began. Hitler`s empire hated the Jews and forced them to go to the concentration camps. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pianist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jews under the rule of Hitler had a miserable life. In the movie the pianist we can see how the Jews suffer for the Nazi abuse in the concentration camps. In this movie the protagonist Wladyslaw Szpilman struggle to survive. This man spent five years wandering, seeking shelter and food whenever he could find it. This was the situation of many Jews who had the luck of not being killed in the concentration camps. The reaction of the Jews to Hitler`s actions probably was of surprise because they didn`t understand very well what was happening. The Germans think they are superior and that`s all they know. The Jews know that they have to be very careful because they are killing every single Jew in the way and they can do nothing about it because they don`t have the army nor the equipment to defend themselves from such powerful army like was the German army. Then there is what is known the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising which was the poor resistance of the Jews for the Holocaust. This took place in Poland in 1943 and a representation of it is featured in the movie. In The Pianist the protagonist had the luck to survive because several people help him. This people were in their majority Polish but in one occasion a German general help him. This is how he got the chance to become who he did at the end of the movie. This didn`t actually happened with the real people in The Holocaust because the majority died. I think that the German general that help Wladek in the movie was doing it for interest more than anything else. He didn`t really cared about Wladek but he knew that the Russian were going to take control of everything so he decided to help Wladek, and not to kill him so that in the future when the Russians captured him Wladek would help him. I want to make the clarification that is really rare that a German Nazi believe in God and in the movie the general â€Å"believed in God†. He was a wise man because at the end Wladek did came but it was too late for him to save the general. The Germans did what they did because that was how they were train, and that what they believe in. Hitler hated the Jews because of situation in his personal life and he didn`t really had a family before. He admire Mussolini and he decides to create an army in Germany (which he considered his home) that couldn`t be defeated. Then he made every German believe that the Jews were the reason of their problems, and he train the people with a huge national sense. This way he controlled the Germans and they were ok with it. In the point of view of the Russians I personally admire them because they are the kind of people who fight for their country no matter what. Russia is the only country that had ever been conquered by anyone. Russian preferred to burn their houses, poison their water, animals food and resources, and to kill themselves before surrender. They do this because in case their enemy â€Å"takes control†the enemy would die because they don`t have water in good conditions to drink nor food or animals to kill, besides in the winter they will freeze because they won`t have shelter. In The World War Two the Russians use an interesting technique. The German wanted to take control over Russia and for this they needed to get over to Moscow. The Russians created various fronts in which the German would have to pass over to get there. But the Germans weren`t prepare for the temperature or for the army. When they got there they literally were froze and they have to surrender. For Poland what I have to say is that part of the war was to take control over Poland which the Germans basically did. Poland was devastated for the concentration camps, the bombs and everything that was going on. There were also lots of Polish killed but not as many as Jews. In conclusion I think that the actions taken by Hitler and his army were very racist and unjust but we have to recognize what an empire he built because training those minds isn`t an easy job. Also the Jews had really tough time but they make it through which I think we have to admire that too.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Strategic Management and Points Earned free essay sample
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the RBS brand? You clearly identified issues related to the central decisions in the case. Your analysis was clearly linked to facts from the case. (2 Points Earned) Your analysis was unclear or was not supported by facts from the case. (1 Point Earned) Substantive omissions were made in your analysis. (0 Points Earned) B. Past Promotional Events (2 Points Possible) Analyze the effectiveness of past RBS consumer and trade promotions. How have the promotional strategies impacted sales volume? What kind of return on investment is the company getting for consumer promotions and trade promotions? You provided a well-reasoned financial analysis that was supported by facts from the case. (2 Points Earned) Your analysis was incomplete or was not supported by facts from the case. (1 Point Earned) Substantive omissions were made in your analysis. (0 Points Earned) C. Push vs. Pull (2 Points Possible) Compare the relative merits of a push vs. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management and Points Earned or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page pull strategy for the marketing a low-involvement, lowprice grocery item in a mature market setting. You clearly identified the relevant strategic considerations of the two strategies case and provided a well-reasoned analysis based on those considerations. (2 Points Earned) You were not clear in your identification of the relevant strategic considerations. Your analysis was incomplete or was not supported by facts from the case. (1 Point Earned) Substantive omissions were made in your analysis. (0 Points Earned) D. Recommendation (2 Points Possible) What is your recommendation for how Regnante can achieve her 2008 target profit? What if any changes should be made to trade and consumer promotions to make them more effective? Your recommendation logically flowed from your analysis, was specific, and was supported by data from the case. (2 Points Earned) Your recommendation did not logically flow from your analysis, your recommendation was not specific, or your recommendation was not supported by data from the case. (1 Point Earned) You did not provide a clear recommendation. (0 Points Earned)
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