Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Strick Essays - Education Economics, Public University, Free Essays
Strick Essays - Education Economics, Public University, Free Essays Strick Public University vs. Private College Tuition The major difference between public universities and private colleges lies in how they are funded. This affects students because funding is tied to tuition prices. Most public universities and colleges were founded by state governments, some as early as the 1800s, to give residents the opportunity to receive public college education. Today, state governments pay for most of the cost of operating public universities. They also oversee these institutions through appointed boards and trustees. This influx of public money is why tuition is lower at a public university. The real cost of an attendance is subsidized. Money raised from tuition doesn't need to cover all of a public college's expenses, such as paying faculty. Meanwhile, private colleges don't receive funds from state legislatures. They rely heavily on tuition and private contributions. This means tuition rates are generally higher. Size and degree offerings Another difference between private and public colleges is their size and the number of degrees they typically offer. Private colleges tend to be much smaller than public universities and may have only a few thousand students. Public universities and colleges can be big, and some are huge. One example of a large public university is Ohio State University, home to 42,000 undergraduates. Students who want a wide choice of majors can find them at public universities. In a single large public university, undergraduates will be enrolled in academic programs ranging from traditional liberal arts to highly specialized technical fields. Private colleges offer a smaller range of majors, but often have a particular academic focus. Some private colleges may emphasize the liberal arts or the fine arts, for instance, while others focus on engineering and computer science. Class size and demographics Class-size is another major difference. Private colleges keep classes small, with easy access to professors. At public universities, however, 200 students may be enrolled in some classes, especially in lower-division courses. Private and public colleges also tend to have different demographics and ratios. For example, in-state students applying to their public universities are admitted in far greater numbers and pay lower tuition than students applying from out-of-state. In contrast, state residency isn't crucial at private colleges, which results in a greater geographical diversity among the student body. Public university or private college? You should identify your goals and consider costs, class size, culture, and environment before choosing between a public university and private school for your college experience.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Do You Know Your Student Rights
Do You Know Your Student Rights Did you know that college students have more freedoms than high schoolers? And, not just access to better parties and more free food. While you have the same rights to equality and non-discrimination that you had in high school, you have more protections for what you say, what you keep in your dorm, and who can arrest you. In honor of Human Rights Day, here are some of the lesser-known legal protections that you have as a college student. It might just inspire you to go out and take advantage of your newfound freedom. Your College Is Obliged to Keep Its Word Whatever a college prints or says is true, is really so. In the case of Andrà © v. Pace University (1996), the court found in favor of the complainant since she did not receive the advertised level of instruction as stated in the course catalog. The right to college integrity isn’t limited to written publications. Any person with the authority to make a verbal contract (such as a dean, admissions officer, recruiter, or academic counselor), is required to fulfill the terms. Such was the case in Healy vs. Larsson (1974). The complainant was awarded a degree based on a track of courses laid out verbally by his academic advisor, even though they didn’t meet the degree requirements. Protection From Search and Seizure The next time someone demands to see what’s in your dorm room, tell them they don’t have the right – because they don’t. In the 1971 case of Piazzola v. Watkins, the court found that college students don’t give up their right to unlawful search as seizure simply by signing a dorm room contract. In addition, only evidence found by a police officer with a legal warrant to search is admissible in court – and that doesn’t include campus cops. So, unless it’s a city or state police officer with a warrant, you don’t have to let anyone search your room. Control of Your Privacy Under the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), you have the same general privacy protections as any other citizen. However, if you are dependent on your parents’ taxes, your college has the right to send your grades directly to them. In addition, colleges have the right to publish information like your name, phone number, and address in a school directory (without your express permission) unless you specifically request for them not to publish that information. Right to Safety As a student, you have the right to be kept safe from campus injuries caused by facilities, other students, or foreseeable crime circumstances. For example, in the case of Miller v. State (1984), a college student was raped at knife point in her dorm because the school had failed to lock the doors for the night. She won her case, showing that the college has a special duty to protect its students, especially in areas where they make a claim that a student should be safe. Freedom of Speech and Demonstration Under the First Amendment, students are free to share their opinions through physical demonstrations, online activities, or through student groups. Papish v. University of Missouri (1973) clarified this language to include any speech that doesn’t interfere with the rights of other students or the school operation. This right especially protects students who are making statements on the school’s public message boards, intranet, or group publications. In Rosenberger v. University of Virginia(1995) the school was found at fault for refusing to distribute student group funds to a group that created a pro-Christian publication. Due Process If you are involved in a disciplinary action, you have the right to due process. That means you have the right to legal counsel, to view evidence against you, and to have a fair trial. The case of Texas Lightsey v. King (1983) showed that it is unconstitutional, for example, to expel a student for cheating when a disciplinary council finds him or her innocent of the act. So, if you get in trouble, make sure you get the fair trial you deserve. Summary From safety to scheduling, you have way more freedom than you think. Make sure you know your rights before you let your college take any away from you. It’s up to you to stand up and fight for your freedom to share your opinions, protect your privacy, and ensure that your college is everything you think it should be. Have your student rights ever been violated? Please share your stories and opinions in the comments below
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Islamic banking Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 19500 words
Islamic banking - Dissertation Example These research findings show that both bank managers/staff and customers perceived that there is less awareness of Islamic banking products/services. The respondents could not distinguish the difference between conventional offerings and Shariah compliant offerings; thus, they are not motivated to have an Islamic banking account. Their primary reason of using the Islamic banking is not related to profitability or religion, but it is on the perception that the system is rewarding for the life hereafter. This paper reflects two important implications. First, Islamic banks must increase customer awareness on the product/service offerings of the system through advertising in the real world and through the Internet. Second, it should increase its number of network and distribution channels to gain competitive advantage and allegiance by disseminating Islamic banking information. This research will be of interest to both conventional and Islamic banking in the Muslim and non-Muslim countri es. This paper provides fresh results on the level of awareness of Islamic banking in the UK and Saudi Arabia. 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Information Islamic banking is the new representation of financial system and it is also one of the fastest growing industries in the global financial market. It is also considered as the best solution during financial crises and credit crunch in looking for a better and fairer way of managing money and in underpinning the real financing activities. Islamic banking is following the Islamic Shariah law and Islamic financial system which are derived from the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah (Strom et al., 2007). Thirty years ago, Islamic banking existed... The intention of this study is islamic banking as the new representation of financial system and it is also one of the fastest growing industries in the global financial market. It is also considered as the best solution during financial crises and credit crunch in looking for a better and fairer way of managing money and in underpinning the real financing activities. Islamic banking is following the Islamic Shariah law and Islamic financial system which are derived from the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. Thirty years ago, Islamic banking existed only in major Islamic countries and become a profitable segment of the banking industry considering that 20 percent of the world’s population was Muslims and Islam being the third largest religion. The Islamic banks primary clients are those people that keep away from paying nor receiving interest of any form and for them to have a source of income, they established a profit and loss sharing banking system that permit them to share th e risk with client. Islamic banks are required to operate based on Islamic jurisprudence and this law inhibited them from paying and accepting interest fees (RIBA). Muslims are inhibited because it brought a lot of negative effects on human beings’ earning capacity and purchasing power, incredible poverty in the society and unequal wealth/debt crisis in the economy. However, the common banking system operates on the basis of interest which is also known as the conventional banks.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Human Resource Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Human Resource Development - Essay Example It will further correlate the significance of coaching in improving corporate ethics and in enhancing critical learning processes pertaining to HRD. HRD and Coaching Human resource development technically deals with the relation between workers and employees. Most companies organized their human resource office to implement or enforce resource policies for employees that are substantially contextualized on national policies on labor. Aside from policies pertaining to workers’, the administration provides supervision, guidance, and performance measure to ascertain that human resource will maintain its commitment to the organization’s vision, mission and goals (Gibbs, 2007; Wilson, 2005). A significant part of shaping workers’ commitment to improve its performance and relation to the clientele is to do coaching or mentoring. Bax, Negrutiu and Calota (2011) described that most companies use coaching or mentoring as significant in making job at the right place, hence , this learning process needs effective interaction between the coach and the employee to permeate the former to unlock the potential of the worker in the process (p. 4-5). It is therefore significant that a coach must have in-depth knowledge pertaining to varied needs of an employee so that adequate information, systems and frameworks are transferred to the workers to meet the required standard of performance (Lynham & Cunningham, 2004; Harrison, 2005). Coaching, otherwise known as mentoring, is an executive function and privilege. Although the terms somewhat evoke similar meanings, but for clarity of meaning the words should be distinguished (Bax,, 2001, p. 5). Mentors are teachers who can provide guidance to rediscover and tap the unutilized competences, strengths and values of a person using theories and empirical experiences as exemplars (Pettinger, 2002). The coach, on the other hand, provides behavioral feedbacks for a person to straighten on something to learn and grow . However, coaching is by far encompassing and inclusive in approach because it can include mentoring as part of the process which can be realized through training, seminars, and alternative form of education (Bax,, 2001, p. 5). A coach has roles to play for employees. These are guiding, teaching, sponsoring, empowering and mentoring. The latter is already discussed in the preceding paragraph. Guiding refers to providing of proper direction and about giving supports without necessarily intervening in such fashion that could disturb the creativity and sense of autonomy of every worker to complete his tasks (Bax,, 2001, p. 5). Teaching appeals to the cognitive capacities of employees since this entails undergoing serious learning process to acquire necessary knowledge and skills (Bax,, 2001, p. 5). These are basic in nurturing strategies for in depth consideration and action (Bax,, 2001, p. 5). Indeed, education is an impetus for the company to empower its work ers to make them more conscious of organizational obligations while realizing their competences. Coaching for SM Company SM Prime Holding is a leading mall operator in the Philippines and claimed to provide world class integration of shopping, dining, entertainment section in one venue and in varied strategic location in urban centers (SM, 2012, p. 5). SM malls is engaged in retail industry. But aside from that, it has also diversified into property sales,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Inside the Clinton White House Essay Example for Free
Inside the Clinton White House Essay The book â€Å"The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House†(1995) written by Bob Woodward keeps an eye Bill Clintons activities on a day-to-day basis, and most often than not on a minute-by-minute account starting from the period Clinton made a decision to run for president by way of telling the story of his campaign, the election, and Clinton’s first year in office as President. The book deals with the time from late August in the year 1991to early 1994. Almost two-thirds of the book covers the planning, writing, and eventual passing of Bill Clinton’s economic policy, which is considered to be the â€Å"heart†or â€Å"core†of his presidential campaign in the year 1992. Meanwhile, I personally think that the heart of Woodward’s book is about the synergetic activities of the First Couple – Bill and Hillary . This activities include their collaboration and partnership with their advisers and friends, their interpersonal relationship, their power, skill and capability to have an influnce on Congressmen, and also their failure to adapt and adjust to the way of living in Washington. In writing this book, the author interviewed and reinterviewed over 250 individuals. Sometimes, Woodward carried out 20 interviews with 10 sources to document and record a single meeting or a decision made. According to Woodward, in majority of these interviews, he had an agreement with his sources that he will withhold their identity. Nevertheless, in a lot of instances, the readers of the book could easily recognize these sources. Aside from conducting Woodward also obtained information from diaries, schedules, meeting notes, transcripts, and memoranda. I think that most likely, the greatest surprise of the book is the degree to which the people or the sources gave their private papers and opinions to Woodward. In fact, a lot of those people who are close to the First Couple offered exceedingly candid, and oftentimes condescending evaluation of Bill and Hillary. Upon reading the book, as I have said earlier, I think that the topic of the book is Bill Clinton’s first year in office and his effort mainly to pass an economic plan. However, I also think that his effort also includes NAFTA and Health Care. As I can remember, President Clinton had promised three main things as far as his economic plan was concerned. These things are first, to cut the deficit; second, to cut middle class taxes and third, to reinvest in social programs for the working and middle classes. Nevertheless, they swiftly discarded the tax cut and the spending programs ensured afterward, so all they had left was a strategy to cut $500 Billion from the country’s deficit for a period of five years. This brought about a big gap and discord among the inner circles of the Administration. According to the book, on the one hand were the deficit hawks and on the other hand were the people who wanted to stress tax cuts and spending programs. In the meantime, according to Woodward, somewhere in the middle, leaning one way or another, was President Bill Clinton. Despite the fact that the author discloses in detail what a lot of people know, which is the reality that Bill has a temper and has the capacity to be enraged at people, Woodward likewise portrays Bill as a man who is sincerely concerened regarding what has occurred to the middle class people and a man who honestly desires to fulfill his promises made during his campaign and help the people. Moreover, in his book, the author depicts Bill as a hard-working and intelligent President who might have a hard time coming up with a decision, yet wishes to attain what he thinks and feels will enable America to become a safer, better, and more secure nation. In this book, Woodward has also portrayed a somewhat convincing and believable picture of Bill Clinton at work as President. Nevertheless, he also showed a not-so-pretty picture of Bill Clinton. For instance, Woodward has shwin that Bill Clinton tends to vacinate, even though Bill’s uncertainty to act in a powerful and straightforward way is an outcome of thinking too much. Hence, it is in this part that Woodward paints a positive image of Hillary. According to Woodward, she thinks that the burden of implementing the Administration policies was too much on her husband and she also thought that a lot of senior officials in the Administration and on the staff were stopping short of full preparation. In his book, Woodward also disclosed some of Hillary’s thoughts about Bill. According to the book, Hillary said that her husband was such a complex person. She also said that no one had described the whole personality of Bill because people kept attempting to chop Bill into little pieces. She further said that her husband confused people because his manner produced dissonance. Woodward has kind words for Hillary in this book. Obviously, it can be gleaned that Woodward spent several hours with Hillary and was extremely impressed with her. In his book, Woodward regards Hillary to be Bill’s most significant adviser. Woodwards thinks that Hillary is a considerate and compasionate woman because she is eager on doing things that she thought would be best for America. Woodward said that oftentimes, Hillary thought of the thousands of people they had seen and met during their campaign rallies and trips and rallies and she thought and felt that she and Bill had a responsibility to deal with these people’s and the country’s concerns. In terms of the style in writing thr book, Woodward’s book is well-written and interesting and offers a postive and favorable impression and account of Bill Clinton’s work as President. I even think that the book could convince or persuade some Republicans to vote fo Democrats in the next election for President. In reading this book, the reader will observe that Woodward made a novelistic approach to a political issue because as stated earlier, Wordward was able to show that he obtained information from a variety of sources including getting insider information. I think that the purpose of the book is to show that Woodward has unique access to the inner councils of government, and to show the reader an exciting glimpse of the typically unknown process of governing. I believe that through his work, Woodward was able to show that in his own subtle way, he is capable of creating an indictment of centralized political power. I think that â€Å"The Agenda†is a good example of this method of Woodward. Nevertheless, I also think that there is a problem with the author’s failure to take into account larger concepts and ideas. Since the author’s viewpoint is somewhat narrow, since sometimes he is looking down into the details, he tends to miss the big picture. I think that the big picture is how insignificant Clinton’s bill was. Moreover, the author mainly centered on Bill’s failures but doesnt put the appropriate emphasis on the plan’s conclusion: President Clinton got his economic plan passed eventually despite of the odds against him and numerous gaffes, a budget that could be considered as equally important as the 1981 Reagan plan, was passed. Lastly, I think that Woodward must have done o a better job explaining how hard and complex it is to get things accomplished and fulfilled in Washington, particularly legislation that is viewed as damaging well-established and ingrained interests and introduced by a freshman administration. # Reference Woodward,B. (1995). The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House. Pocket.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Water Biomes :: Environment Ecology
Water Biomes Marshland is covered with grasses, reeds, sedges, and cattails. These plants all have their roots in soil covered or saturated with water and its leaves held above water.Marshes may be freshwater or salt. Freshwater marshes develop along the shallow edges of lakes and slow-moving rivers, forming when ponds and lakes become filled with sediment. Salt marshes occur on coastal tidal flats. Inland salt marshes occupy the edges of lakes. They affect the supply of nutrients, the movement of water, and the type and deposition of sediment. Â Â Â Â Â Salt marshes are best developed on the Atlantic coasts of North America and Europe. In eastern North America the low marsh is dominated by a single species, salt-marsh cordgrass. The high marsh consists of a short cordgrass called hay, spike grass, and glasswort. Glasswort is the dominant plant of Pacific Coast salt marshes. Â Â Â Â Â Freshwater marshes provide nesting and wintering habitats for waterfowl and shorebirds, muskrats, frogs, and many aquatic insects. Salt marshes are wintering grounds for snow geese and ducks, a nesting habitat for herons and rails, and a source of nutrients for estuarine waters. Marshes are important in flood control, in sustaining high-water tables, and as settling basins to reduce pollution downstream. Despite their great environmental value, marshes are continually being destroyed by drainage and filling. Â Â Â Â Â Marine Life, plants and animals of the sea, from the high-tide mark along the shore to the depths of the ocean. These organisms fall into three major groups: the benthos, plants such as kelp and animals such as brittle stars that live on or depend on the bottom; the nekton, swimming animals such as fishes and whales that move independently of water currents; and plankton, various small to microscopic organisms that are carried along by the currents. Â Â Â Â Â Shore Life, the essentially marine organisms that inhabit the region bounded on one side by the height of the extreme high tide and on the other by the height of the extreme low tide. Within these boundaries organisms face a severe environment imposed by the rise and fall of tides. For up to half of a 24-hour period, the environment is marine; the rest of the time it is exposed, with terrestrial extremes in temperature and the drying effects of wind and sun. Â Â Â Â Â Life on rocky shores, best developed on northern coasts, is separated into distinct zones that reflect the length of time each zone is exposed. At the highest position on the rocks is the black zone, marked by blue-green algae. This transition area between land and the marine environment is flooded only during the high spring. Below the black zone lies the white zone, where
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Merit Philosophy Essay
In the present society we value struggle and hard work that we owe. The paper â€Å"Merit: Why do we value it? †the author, Louis Pojman, claims that in life we always get whatever we earn in life, what you deserve is what you get. But others have come with the counter argument that we cannot take advantage from our success because of our social standing or our intelligence. I agree to Pojman’s observation of things that â€Å"Good deeds must be followed by good outcomes and bad deeds by bad outcomes†(pg. 96). And also â€Å"Each act in the world has an appropriate response†. In this essay I will give details on the situations where this fits and also discuss the events in which people feel hard done by when others are being rewarded in situations where they should not. Merit is a quality which determines the distribution of rewards, praises and prizes on the basis of good or quality work done. Merits should be served as the prime basis of handing out rewards and punishments. Any person who trains or works really hard deserves a better position. For example, at the office one intern works really hard and shapes his qualities better then any other interns, deserves to get the job over the boss’s son, who spends less hours at the office and trains less, thinking that he has the job in the bag simply because he is the boss’s son. Pojman has stated in his study that â€Å"I have trained harder then anyone else so I deserve to win the race. I deserve reward or praise for my kind act as it came after an ethically good will thinking (pg. 87). The author explains in his paper that praising good deeds will encourage a person to do good deeds in the future. Alternatively punishments are handed out to revise the bad actions. With this we can also form a system in which we can search out the best possible order of people who can perform the task efficiently. For example, I want the best engineers to build the particular bridge or I want the best performing employee to perform a task for me. Being at the top of performing a task gives a person a deserving praise and reward according to the level. Some disagree to this and say that the person does not deserve to be rewarded for a job that has been done efficiently based on the lottery system. The lottery objection system says that â€Å"One does not deserve his natural talents, his determination and his society in which he his living†(pg. 99). It means that anyone having ability, like for example to run fast or to sing well, does not deserve it. So likewise they should not be awarded to sign contracts with different music companies or should not be awarded with prize money for winning a race on his talent. The natural lottery objection is flawed in my opinion. People prefer to listen to the people who can sing well. The persons who cannot sing are being left out or not listened to fairly. The society chooses the persons for their place of involvement. This goes for the persons having their natural ability to construct things smoothly with the most ideal results. Society places a superior worth on the best of the best. It is natural to select the things this way. Every individual first learn and then develops his talents to serve the world. But there are also people who lack the determination to generate good things. These people do not deserve merit for their non serious work attitude. An individual who train hard and have a good attitude deserves the best offered in life. Individuals who do well to others are also deserved to be treated well in return. Nothing like Mantle, whose name was on top of the transplant list just because he was a baseball player. He was admitted to the hospital because he had damaged his liver. He confessed that he has damaged his liver by the constant use of alcohol and drugs. Because of his reputation he knocked off other who were in line and were suffering from liver damage by no fault on their own. Mickey Mantle did not deserve to get his new liver. As we are all human beings, when someone strips away someone’s talents they are believed to be equal. But in the case of Mickey Mantle it was not there and it spread injustice. He only deserved to get the liver but it was injustice to be placed top on the list. This specific occurrence is horrendous. It was an injustice to the humanity. I have stated in favor of Pojman’s paper that high-quality work deserves merit and an equal reward or praise to the good work produced. Individuals get in life whatever they have put on it. It is very unfair to say that people with natural talents and abilities do not deserve good simply because they are born with it. One has to learn what he is good at and use his ability to do well. ? Reference: Pojman, L. (1999). Merit: Why Do We Value It? [Electronic version]. Journal of Social Philosophy, 30(1), 83-102.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Disney’s Hercules and the Heroic Code
Disney’s Hercules Disney’s Hercules, while not entirely true to the scripture he was first conceptualized in, is rife with the same heroic traits as his definitive counterpart. Throughout the course of the film, Hercules faces a series of challenges and events which test his strength and ability. Subsequently these events fulfill the majority of his heroic archetype. By Hercules’ masculine nature, divine parent, divine helper, trip to the underworld, and fulfillment of kleos (his immortal quest for glory), Hercules would have been considered a hero in Ancient Greek society despite the archetypical traits left unfulfilled in the film. Hercules’ masculinity becomes majorly evident as a physical aspect after undergoing training with Philoctetes (Phil). His muscular personage is representative of man in a direct way. While he does not dominate his relationship with his love interest, Megara (Meg), by physical means he overshadows her and asserts masculinity. Hercules is also masculine in his bravery by the way he confronts challenges head on. In one instance, Hercules literally bashes the centaur, Nessus, with his head. In Hercules’ muscular build and his courageous albeit headstrong tendency, he is personified as a masculine hero. Hercules actually has two divine parents, Zeus and Hera, in Disney’s rendition as opposed to only one in Greek myth. In this way the heroic notion of having a divine parent is fulfilled perhaps to a greater extent. Hercules’ father, Zeus, also plays a role as his divine helper, another trait of the hero archetype. Zeus fulfills this by revealing Hercules’ past to him and his relation to the gods, setting him off on his journey to heroism. In addition to Zeus, Hercules’ winged horse, also serves as a divine helper throughout the film. Pegasus assists Hercules in nearly all of his battles and takes his abilities to new heights. Hercules makes his trip to the underworld in an attempt to rescue Megara from death itself. Hercules’ immortal quest for glory or kleos is fulfilled in many instances of the film. On multiple occasions Hercules slays fantastic creatures such as the Hydra and achieves his glory through the admiration of others. While enchanting the people of Thebes and creating some lasting effect in their continual praise, Hercules’ immortal quest for glory is cemented at the conclusion of the film when Zeus creates a constellation of him in the night sky.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Strategic dissonance
Strategic dissonance Strategic dissonance is what Praxim is facing. Their implied strategic intent has always been to build the best relationships of any PC supplier with corporate clients. They appear to do this better than their competitors do. However, they have also been happy to take profits off the top end of the consumer market. Now that profits are falling, and the consumer division is to blame, there is a conflict between their mission, and what actually needs to be done to survive let alone grow. CEO Jack Thompson has already made the decision to rethink the firm's strategic vision. His recruitment of Linda Marcus makes it plain that he is willing to significantly alter the goals of the consumer division, and drastically change its position within the company.Just as all managers faced with strategic dissonance, Jack must emotionally detach himself from the old ways of doing things. He has done a good job of allowing debate on the topic among his senior staff, but it seems he still needs to con vince himself that he is doing the right thing.English: This plan was created for the Wikimedia F...Just because the corporate market has been more important to Praxim in the past, does not mean that the consumer market cannot be just as important for the future.The management team at Praxim has arrived at a decisive moment. Even though this area generates 20 percent of the company's sales, profit margins are terribly low in their consumer sales division. If they dispose of it, their profit margin may go up, but the loss of sales might still drive down their overall performance. The team, divided on how to resolve this issue, but a close assessment of the fundamental facts will give way a clearer picture.The company is ready to make the drastic and radical changes Jack's new...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Monsoon Cycle Defined
The Monsoon Cycle Defined Every summer, southern Asia and especially India, is drenched by rain that comes from moist air masses that move in from the Indian Ocean to the south. These rains and the air masses that bring them are known as monsoons. More Than Rain However, the term monsoon refers not only to the summer rains but to the entire cycle that consists of both summer moist onshore winds and rain from the south as well as the offshore dry winter winds that blow from the continent to the Indian Ocean. The Arabic word for season, mawsin, is the origin of the word monsoon due to their annual appearance. Although the precise cause of the monsoons is not fully understood, no one disputes that air pressure is one of the primary factors. In the summer, a high-pressure area lies over the Indian Ocean while a low exists over the Asian continent. The air masses move from the high pressure over the ocean to the low over the continent, bringing moisture-laden air to south Asia. Other Monsoon Areas During winter, the process is reversed and a low sits over the Indian Ocean while a high lies over the Tibetan plateau so air flows down the Himalaya and south to the ocean. The migration of trade winds and westerlies also contributes to the monsoons. Smaller monsoons take place in equatorial Africa, northern Australia, and, to a lesser extent, in the southwestern United States. Almost half of the worlds population lives in areas affected by the monsoons of Asia and most of these people are subsistence farmers, so the coming and goings of the monsoon are vital to their livelihood to grow food to feed themselves. Too much or too little rain from the monsoon can mean disaster in the form of famine or flood. The wet monsoons, which begins almost suddenly in June, are especially important to India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar (Burma). They are responsible for almost 90 percent of Indias water supply. The rains usually last until September.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The new idea business restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The new idea business restaurant - Essay Example I found an appropriate site last month and lease negotiations are set to be complete before this month ends. I chose Crockett Street because there is a large population of the target market. After signing the lease, I will raise the start up funds required for construction. Apparently, the construction period will take approximately two months. After completion of this phase, Vegas restaurant will open and start serving consumers with nutritious food. However, if the restaurant meets its projections within nine months of operation, we will scout for another location and establish plans for setting up another restaurant. Apparently, our four-year goal is having three restaurants within Texas with a joint yearly profit of between $ 600,000 and $1,000,000. Market Analysis According to Ariss (2010), the restaurant industry faces increased competition but lifestyle alterations resulting from contemporary living continue to propel growth in the industry. Baruch (2004) affirms that that sev eral people have minimal time and resources to prepare a meal on their own. Vegas restaurant will perform better because it is likely to offer healthier foods at affordable prices. The industry happens is the third leading industry in America. Additionally, it accounts for approximately $ 250 billion yearly in sales. However, individual restaurants contribute to fifteen percent of this total. Bevitt (2008) affirms that an average American uses fifteen percent of income on meals away from their residence. Moreover, this number is increasing over the last 7, and four years. This industry has outperformed the GNP by approximately forty percent. Over six hundred restaurants open monthly and over three hundred required in offsetting the increasing demand for fast foods. A report released by ‘National Restaurant Association’ revealed that as contemporary lifestyle creates demand, it would force individuals to consume more meals away from their residence (Halverson & Tirmizi, 2008). Consequently, Vegas restaurant focuses on attracting several consumers leading to higher profits. Products Vegas restaurant will offer food and beverages with a unique image. It will incorporate two ways of purchasing products namely; table service and take away. The Vegas menu offers a variety of ethnic foods that are nutritious. As earlier stated, the prime goal is to develop an image of light, satisfying and healthy foods. This is attributable to increased awareness on consuming healthy and nutritious foods. Food production will occur at the restaurant’s kitchen using fresh vegetables and dairy products. However, the chef will conduct strict sanitation standards, quality production, and packaging. As they purchase food, customers may sit on one of the sixty seats at the dining room that will allow waiters to attend to them. A separate counter will service clients, who opt to consume food away from the restaurant. Competition An average of twenty restaurants within C rockett Street sells food at equivalent prices. Although this situation creates a clear challenge regarding market share, it also indicate the existence of a strong potential to obtain customers. The new competitors have made a successful entry into this restaurant industry based on novelty. However, this should not restrict Vegas Restaurant from venturing into the industry because it will present an inventive product using an equivalent style at a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Best Treatment Approach For Persons Diagnosed With Schizophrenia Research Paper
Best Treatment Approach For Persons Diagnosed With Schizophrenia - Research Paper Example They also were incapable of winning people over or keeping their jobs because of their odd behavior, poor memory and inattention. Every day of their lives, they were on therapy. This writer will be investigating various researches to find a possible solution to the plight of the schizophrenics. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the schizophrenic patients. The best treatment approach for improving the quality of life of persons diagnosed with Schizophrenia Introduction Schizophrenia was a mental health disorder with several symptoms: positive and negative (Draper et al, 2009). Diagnosis was made by the DSM-IV criteria. Hallucinations represented the positive symptoms. The negative symptoms were the emotional problems of flat affect (Arif et al, 2011). Cognitive deficits included attention problems. This writer will investigate the efficacy of the types of therapy that had been used for management of schizophrenics and the advantages of using cognitive behavior therapy and r ehabilitation in addition assuming that the combination of procedures would elevate the quality of life of schizophrenics. CATIE The CATIE (Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness) was performed in US with 1460 patients to unearth evidence to indicate how clinical management could improve the efficiency of management (Bick et al, 2007). Different atypical antipsychotic drugs were investigated in clinical practice for an 18 month period (Bick et al, 2007). A 3-phase design was used. The results were depressing in that the drawbacks of the clinical practice were found. Antipsychotic treatment alterations The second generation drugs of olanzapine and clozapine which were the usual first-line- of- treatment drugs and widely used had the problems of metabolic dysfunction. Responding to the need for improvement of treatment of schizophrenia, newer drugs had been studied recently. This paper will highlight a few recent studies out of the many. The goal of antipsychotic treatment was to eliminate symptoms rapidly, prevent the relapses, decrease the severity of the illness and help to improve social relationships (Chwieduk and Keating, 2010). The use of Iloperidone, Paliperidone and Lurasidone were investigated (Arif and Mitchell, 2011; (Chwieduk and Keating, 2010; Ehret et al, 2010). Cognitive behavior therapy Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) had been recognized by many researchers as appropriate for treating schizophrenic patients as a complement to their pharmacotherapy (Kuller et al, 2010). The collaborative efforts of the clinician and the patient in evaluation of delusional beliefs in order to understand the underlying beliefs constituted one approach. The success of the therapy depended on the extent of therapeutic relationship between the clinician and the patient. Almost 20 trials had compared the treatment of patients who had the usual therapy of drugs and case management as against another group which had CBT in addition. The outcomes wer e based on patient characteristics, acute against chronic illness, short against long-term results and the type of symptoms. Psychosocial rehabilitation Valencia et al investigated the possibility of implementing a rehabilitation program in Mexico on the lines of similar programs in the US and the UK (2010). Social skills training and family psycho-education both established rapport between them (Valencia, 2010). The patients became less anxious and the program was a
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