Saturday, August 31, 2019
“Gaston†by William Saroyan Essay
The short story â€Å"Gaston†by William Saroyan is a creative story that portrays the better parts of life of a torn family. The father and the daughter in the story are spending quality bonding time during the frame of the story. What began as just the simple act of a meal of peaches turned into a thoughtful insight of there lives. Throughout the story the concepts of fear love and loss of both the father and his daughter are portrayed through Gaston. The imaginative father plays an important role in the story. He created a life for the bug within the peach that held so much meaning and importance to backbone of the story. Preparing the day with his daughter as she naps he purchases seven peaches for an afternoon snack. While eating the â€Å"bad†peach he comes across a bug that has made his home within the seed of the peach. He gives the critter the name â€Å"Gaston†and refuses to squash him. I feel that we can relate this situation of the bug to the relationship between the father and his daughter. The fathers fear of losing his daughter and or making her unhappy is very strong. Just in the way he jumps at the fact she wants a bad peach. And finding something good within the bad peach is like finding something good coming out of the divorce situation. The fathers love for his daughter is prominence, we can assume how much he cares for her when he tells her â€Å"the important thing is what you want, not what I want†(63). His love for her helps overcome the loss of his family and home. I believe that when he states â€Å"the poor fellow hasn’t got a home, and there he is with all that pure design and handsome form, and nowhere to go†(62), he talks about his self. The daughters concept of love grown within the story. Her first reaction to the bug was â€Å"ugh†and wanting to squash it. She formed a bond with the critter when her father was ar ound and explained to her how special the bug is.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Individual Assigment Essay
Narration: The world of technology has evolved over the years, and that means the need for technology has increased as well. Businesses have evolved over time with the use of technology, it allows us to shop, sell, trade, and function overseas. As I read over your business plan it seems that it is designed to compete in the local market, as well as add value to the community. Technology will play a huge part in both, it allows you to create and implement a plan that will help increase profit and customer satisfaction. As your business will compete in the local market, you will need to consider implementing Enterprise 2.0 or Web 2.0. Both Enterprise 2.0 and Web 2.0 offer many benefits to help your company succeed and grow with the ever changing economy and local market, both will allow your company to widen your market from county to county, state to state and even other countries. Enterprise 2.0 The attributes of Enterprise 2.0 practices can be very useful and sufficient in brainstorming, sharing, and evaluating ideas by utilizing enterprise social networking. Enterprise 2.0 helps business decrease IT costs by decreasing the amount of hardware and software that is needed (McAfee, 2010). Enterprise 2.0 would be a good asset to your business, it would keep it cost down and allow the marketing that you need to be competitive in your local market. Web 2.0 Web 2.0 also has many beneficial factors that would also be a good asset to your company, it includes social networking sites that would create great marketing tools, it allows you to create website which can also be a great tool for marketing and it allows you the user to be in control over the data used. Web 2.0 offer rich user experience, user participation, scalability, and freedom. Web 2.0 offers a wide variety of marketing tools as well as creating a safe and valuable way to increase profit, and safe guard your assets (McAfee, 2010). .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Love and Relationships Updates
Communication is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship. Taking serves to nurture your relationship and prevents problems or issues from festering. †Working things out is part of every relationship and everyone will do it differently. Many would have never been that serious when it comes to knowing more about how relationships work and how will it ever go well. Here’s how to deal with conflicts and how to manage your relationships. Learn to manage your time. If you really love the person you are in a relationship with, you should never forget that time is very much important when it comes to relationships. Remember that some people feel important when they are given time. To spend time on something thoroughly and effectively, takes time. And while this sounds redundant, it is a fundamental truth: to take time, takes time. Therefore, knowing how to use time effectively is essential. Use healthy communication to resolve conflicts. Try to see things from each other’s point of view. Negotiate in times of disagreements; understand that you cannot win at all times. Listen without judging. Stick to issues and do not attack the person, his beliefs or even his culture. Accept each other’s uniqueness. Realize that your differences enrich your relationship. Don’t sweat the small stuffs out. â€Å"Accept my supposed quirkiness as a woman and I’ll be accepting yours as a man. †as others would usually put in. From the start, build a foundation based on respect and apprec- iation of each other’s characteristics. Explore each other’s differences and interests and build them to make your relationship as a couple stronger. Don’t drag about the past. You see, PAST is PAST. You should never go back to it anymore because it is done. All you have to do is just to learn from it and prevent your mistakes and continue doing what is simply right. Take time to reflect on your own history as a third party looking in without judgment: simply observe. Understand that you are not your past. Understand that the situations and patterns and people in your life created your experiences, they didn’t create you. Knowing and understanding your past and some of your patterns will help you to recognize why you hold on and repeat self-destructive behaviors. Understanding creates awareness; awareness helps you break the cycle. Build your trust. Trust is the treasure of our daily lives. However, we do not understand its value. It is generally seen that trust in our daily lives is disappearing fast. Why have we become so suspicious that we can never enter into meaningful relationships with each other? Why can we not behave as normal human beings? After all when we were born as human beings the first lesson we learnt was that we should trust each other. However, as our lives progressed slowly, trust began to diminish. Our childhood innocence gave way to calculations in which there was no place for trust. Trust in each other gives strength and vitality to our relationships. It gives us inner happiness, which is priceless. It brings joy all around and life appears brighter and brighter . Its fragrance spreads far and wide. When you trust each other you feel self-confident. Trusting each other gives us a sense of deep bonding. It signifies that we are united to fight the battles ahead. It is indeed the communication in which relationships rely into. Without proper understanding and communication, a relationship can either deteriorate or be simply gone in a blink. The reason why most relationships couldn’t gone farther and longer is because they cannot talk about their problems, and egoistic people always are egoistic. Nobody wants to go under the other. Love is never about one but is about two or more hearts bind together as ONE. Love thinks less of oneself and it always gives and protects the other. Whenever we think that we are going wrong in love, we should never forget of the definition or should we say real definition of love in the Bible, it’s I Corinthians 13.
English Curriculumn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
English Curriculumn - Essay Example .†(Dec 2010, p. 16). Green and Cormack in their attempts to explain the wide acceptability of the English language specified that the hybrid quality of the English language that has resulted in its generosity. Empowered by the â€Å"hybridity†as specified by Green and Cormack, the English language has the capacity to satisfy an array of purposes, having multiple social, cultural and educational effects. Keeping in mind the wide acceptability and appreciation of the English language as an essential medium of communication in academic disciplines it has also become important to teach and consequently encourage students to learn the language with such effectiveness so that they can acknowledge effects of the English Language in social, cultural and educational peripheries. Green and Cormack have identified that irrespective of its development and phenomenal success as the language for communication in the global context adequate measures have not yet been taken to context ualise the language within the educational philosophy: â€Å"What has not been understood to date, or sufficiently appreciated, is the extent to which such matters can, and need to, be related to and contextualised within a more general educational history†(Oct 2008, p. 253). Thus, in it important in this context to revaluate theoretical models, pedagogical rationales and â€Å"hybridity†of the English language so that possibilities can be explored to make students realize about the wide scope of its effects in social, cultural and educational aspects. Keeping in accord with Green and Cormack argument about â€Å"hybridity†of the English language that has resulted in the... This essay stresses that while the theoretical models have aimed at enhancing aptitude of a student from different approaches, on the other hand, there is no denial of the fact that unless a student develops the expertise in understanding linguistic diversity and rich rhetoric of the language, he will not be able to communicate with the text and consequently the entire effort will fail. The English Language has been considered by academicians as the most effective medium that would help them to communicate with the text. The element of linguistic variety and ‘hybridity’ of the English Language has been widely accepted and it is because of this reason the language has been able to give birth to so many forms in different regional and cultural domains. This report makes a conclusion that the Victorian 7-10 Syllabus of the English language is ordained in such manner that finds a close relevance with the principles of different theoretical approaches, such as, the Personal Growth Model, Cultural Heritage Model and the Critical Literacy Model. While on one hand, the 7-10 Syllabus enables the education department to follow a specific and well planned structural approach to guide students in the context of enhancing their efficiency in learning the English Language, moreover, it also germinates among students the capacity of creative thinking, analytical power, an aptitude to understand the politics of modernist existence and finally the spontaneous will to realize the responsibilities of civic and citizenship, irrespective of the radical change that has occurred in the socio-cultural scenario compared to the earlier times.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Home work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Home work - Essay Example Often, this music is generated from computer-based sound systems to generate the necessary background of the play (The Open University, 2012). Ambient sounds. These are mechanical sounds like the clicking of drives or a CD-ROM, or opening of a drawer, or removing a bottle cap to demonstrate that something is operated correctly (The Open University, 2012). In the movie The Graduate, the viewer can hear the sounds of a closing door, voices of guests that are faded down, light switch or the sounds of the radio when music was played. You could also hear footsteps and sound of a vehicle being parked. (2)Using a film that youve watched in class, give an example of subtextual dialogue. Quote the dialogue using the format shown on page 91-2 in the text book. Summarize the text of the dialogue and then explain the dialogues subtext This was lifted from the episode when Mrs. Robinson attempted to tempt Ben for a sex but was halted upon the arrival of Mrs. Robinson’s husband (Buck, 1967). Mrs. Robinson was so expressive of her desire amid outright refusal and confusion of Ben on how to feign responsibly to this desire without insulting and getting hatred from the woman and anger from her husband (Buck, 1967) (3) Choose a scene from a film that you watched in class. You can use Rear Window by Hitchcock Briefly describe the scene and its accompanying sound.. Explain in the detail how the various types of sound contribute to the atmosphere, plot and theme. In the scene 10 of movie Rear Window where Lisa sat on bed browsing magazine and travel book, the episode was accompanied by a love song to add meaning to unspoken passion as the man is limited by his disability to maybe sit or lay besides Lisa (Hitchcock, 2011). The director used the music to bridge love in this couple and to replace supposed dialogues. Hitchcock (2011) explained that to
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Final term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Final - Term Paper Example hosen from the provided context is the ‘Part 112 - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of SBA-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Of 1964’. This law forms a part of the ‘Civil Rights Act of 1964’ and ensures that none of the individuals employed under any sort of ‘federal financial assistance processes’ within ‘small business process’ are subjected to discrimination based upon race, colour, sex or place of origin (GPOs Federal Digital System, n.d.). As a result, the discussion will majorly focus on evaluating every specific aspects of this chosen law along with the techniques through which the business entities within the domestic markets of the US can utilize this law as a form of competitive advantage. In addition, the discussion will encompass the illustration of suitable case examples where evidence regarding implementation of this law has been found. The ‘Part 112 - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of SBA-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’ forms a part of the ‘Civil Rights Act Of 1964’. The law entitles the equalized distribution of federal or state governance funding or loan provision to all sorts of small scale or self-proprietorship business initiatives by taking consideration of the necessary financial and business related aspects such as applicants as well as recipients of a loan. Specific preference is provided to such business entities that projects involvement in terms of serving the society and surrounding communities. The specific discrimination prohibition aspects that are supported by this law have been provided as under in a summarized manner. The Act encompasses every possible dimension of business processes that are entitled to provide equal employment opportunities to the business participants without projecting any sort of discrimination associated with racial or gender parity (LegalZone, 2013). However, the ‘Part 112 - Nondiscrimination in Federally
Monday, August 26, 2019
There has been extensive research into whether employees are motivated Essay
There has been extensive research into whether employees are motivated purely by money, or whether there are other factors which - Essay Example One such theory is that employees are purely motivated by money. There are other theories that contradict this and argue that there are various other factors that motivate the employees and impact employee behavior. In this essay I evaluate both viewpoints and conclude my opinion on the debate. Motivation Before going on to see what motivates employees, it is first necessary to understand what exactly motivation is and the various motivation theories. Motivation is best defined by Armstrong (2002, p. 56) as a reason for a person to do something and move in a certain direction. Most people are motivated when they believe that a certain course of action leads to the achievement of a goal or results in a reward that satisfies a particular need. There are mainly two types of motivation: Intrinsic Motivation: This is motivation through work itself. This is a result of self generated factors which leads to people behaving in a particular way or particular direction. The various factors tha t are responsible for intrinsic motivation are creativity responsibility, challenging environment, scope for development of skills and abilities, growth opportunities, etc (Armstrong, 2007, p. 121). Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is inspired by what is done to or for people if they act in a certain way. That is, what is done to motivate people. These factors includes rewards such as pay, praise, recognition, raise and even punishments such as criticism, pay withholding, disciplinary action, etc (Armstrong, 2007, p. 121). Employee motivation depends on the individual. Each individual reacts to a situation in a different way and are motivated by different factors. Therefore, some employees are motivated by intrinsic factors while others are motivated by external factors. Money as motivator One of the very first theories that were published discussed how money is motivator for employees to perform better. It even concluded that money is the only factor that influences emplo yee motivation. Research was conducted by Fredrick Taylor in 1911 and according to him employees worked only on money. The reason for this is that when employees were offered pay based directly on their performance or productivity, it was observed that productivity increased. This resulted in greater productivity and proves the fact that money is an important motivator. There are various other researches that were conducted in order to prove the role that money plays as a motivator. It is argued that financial rewards give employees an opportunity to secure their personal lives. Main motive behind employees to work is that they want to earn money to take care of their personal life and their families. If money is taken out of the equation, irrespective of what the job offers, no employee would be willing to work. Hence money is a vital motivator. Money may not be the only motivator but is definitely the most fundamental one. There is evidence from various researches that have proved that where financial rewards are offered, better is the productivity and the commitment of the employees. One of the best examples of this is how the changes in the pay system made a direct impact on the productivity and growth of General Electric. CEO Jack Welch’s strategy of greater rewards for those employees with better individual and organizational performance made motivated the employees and resulted in the revitalization of the organization (Rynes et al., 2004, p. 392). In a recent survey,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Disposal of Industrial Wastewater and Alternatives Essay
Disposal of Industrial Wastewater and Alternatives - Essay Example It is not surprising to meet industrial sewer water spilling on the surface. Notably, no one seems to see the impact that the industrial sewer water has to the society. Water serves the society in almost all aspects. Arguably, industrial functions, domestic functions, and environmental functions require water. This certainly means that all process in both environmental setup and industrial set up require water. It is right, therefore, to argue that water is the source of human livelihood. That well said, environmentalists argue in favor of processes or activities that preserve sources of water. Constant awareness creation has acted in the recent past as a tool that used by the environmentalists to enlighten the society about the consciousness in preserving nature. On the other hand, development conscious think tanks work proposals that aim at creating more opportunity that would lead to development. Industrialization and activities relating to it have often featured in their-ever-changing- development agenda. Industrialists site a number of reasons that support their course in the society. First, industrialization creates opportunities for the society such as employment. These opportunities promote the well-being of the society. Second, promoting industrialization ideology creates an opportunity for trade among countries or states. Trade brings products to the proximity of the consumers. What would happen when there is no trade? Would people be able to get products they need in the society? Holding social fabrics together entails a number of factors, which must promote the existence of people. Do we argue that environment has limited opportunities to offer to humankind? Probably not, but exhausting the opportunities in the environment would create a detrimental outcome to the society.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Inkjet Printing Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inkjet Printing Techniques - Essay Example This nozzle is connected to an ink reservoir, and places a singly drop of ink at a definite location on the substrate. A commercial inkjet printer’s head has approximately 300 nozzles per inch in the single column variety, and 600 nozzles per inch in the print head with two columns. All these nozzles can release a droplet of ink simultaneously (Madou 165). A few of the inkjet printer manufacturing companies have been able to produce printers that contain 600 nozzles per inch, in a single column. The inkjet print head is controlled by the software that is supplied by the printer manufacturing company. This software controls a number of parameters, such as ink temperature, ejection speed, print speed and the volume of the ejected drop (Madou 165). Out of the several types of inkjet technologies that are available, Thermal inkjet and Piezo-electric printers are used in mechatronics fabrication. The difference between these is the driving force behind the ink ejection. The principles, upon which these two technologies are based on, are described in the sequel (Madou 165). This method is commonly referred to as a bubble jet. In a thermal inkjet printer, small resistors are utilised to heat a thin ink layer, around 0.1ÃŽ ¼m, at a heating rate of around 100Â ° C/ÃŽ ¼sec to achieve of about 340Â °C. At this temperature, the ink layer is transformed into superheated vapour, which explodes and creates a bubble. This process takes less than 3 ÃŽ ¼ sec. Thereafter, this bubble grows, within 3 to 10 ÃŽ ¼sec, to form an ink drop at the tip of the nozzle. Afterwards, this bubble collapses and the drop descends from the nozzle, within 10 to 20ÃŽ ¼sec, to deposit on the substrate. The collapsed bubble creates a partial vacuum, which causes fresh ink to be drawn into the resistors, in order to form the next bubble at the nozzle. The time taken for a bubble to form at the nozzle is less than 80Â µsec at the operating frequency of 12 kHz. It is to
Friday, August 23, 2019
Fast-changing world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fast-changing world - Essay Example To begin with, let me point out that I previously experienced problems in developing the plot and planning about what I am going to write. In this regard, developing the plot was the greatest weakness I had before this class. However, it is evident that my writing has greatly improved since the many essays we have written have enabled me to plan my writing and develop an effective plan on what I am going to write. In this regard, I previously did not consider this as a monumental challenge although this class has helped me identify this as a weakness. Essentially, I have gained the ability to develop a system of writing that entails mapping out and having at least five episodes of the content I am writing about in order to develop a brilliant essay.Secondly, this class has helped me become aware of a weakness related to the general flow and eloquence while writing essays. In this regard, I experienced problems in developing a smooth transition from one episode to another. Hence, I re alized that I could jump from one point to the other because of an assumption that the reader was on the same page as I was, which eventually created confusion resulting from a false notion in my mind. Consistency in writing throughout the course has enabled me developed the essential skills required to develop an essay that is not only flowing with a smooth transition.On the other hand, this weakness went hand in hand with my inclination to talk down to the reader rather than talking with my readers.... However, consistency in writing throughout the course has enabled me developed the essential skills required to develop an essay that is not only flowing with a smooth transition, but also develop an essay that is eloquent. On the other hand, this weakness went hand in hand with my inclination to talk down to the reader rather than talking with my readers. For example, a colleague reviewed an essay that I once wrote and observed a detachment between the reader and the author. In this regard, she judged my essay as an uneventful and very dry although she indicated that the topic of the essay was significant. In retrospect, this has helped me develop an essay that connects with the readers. On the other hand, this class has helped me identify my strengths in writing. First, I have been able to find out that one of my greatest strength lies in my ability to enjoy writing for various reasons. In this case, I have observed that the most obvious and discernible reason is that I fe el at ease when putting my thoughts and ideas down on paper. For this reason, this has enabled me improve on my weaknesses since deriving freedom and joy from writing has given me self-confidence. Besides, I realize the importance of effective writing in building my self-confidence since I usually read my essays before my friends, which has essentially helped me develop effective skills in public speaking although it is different from writing. Secondly, I have realized that I have a penchant for knowing more and I inherently like enquiring more about a subject. In effect, this makes me a very talented researcher. In this regard, I am able to search for more information other than rely on course reading text and lecture notes provided by the teacher. As
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Looking for Alibrandi essay Essay Example for Free
Looking for Alibrandi essay Essay Essay question: Family has a strong influence on our lives. It affects the way we view ourselves and those around us. How has family influenced Josephine and what impact does it have?Family is one of our main influences in our lives, although we are not always aware of it. It shapes the people we are and the choices we make in our lives. In the text Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta, Josephine Alibrandi is seeking to be free from the world and its misunderstood societal regulations throughout her twelfth year of high school the year of change and new ways of thinking. Throughout her journey, her family influences her way of thinking. She grows and learns through family and structure, accepting her Italian heritage and family members. Family shows who she is, and by accepting that, Josie is able to live freely to the life she dreamed of, although not in the way she originally expected. Throughout the book, family influences Josephine to reach her goal of emancipation, creating a connected family and a liberated perspective on life. Throughout the book, Josies way of thinking changes immensely, from negativity towards her family and culture, to a new understanding and perspective towards life. This is the effect from family, personal experiences, and sharing truths and feelings. Which teaches Josie how she feels about her culture, family and find the part of herself which is embedded in her family. Showing that her family influences and changes the way she feels about life and gives her a new perspective towards it. As the book progresses, Josephine learns to appreciate family the sacrifices they make her, her Italian heritage and the community of family. Josie became respectful and thankful towards her family as apposed to resentful, because they loved her and her individuality. This has influenced Josie to learn her own truths, make her own rules and way of life, but most importantly, to figure out where her place in life is, I know where my place in life is. Its not where the Seras or the Carlys of the world have slotted me†¦ Im an Australian with Italian blood flowing rapidly through my veins. Ill say that with pride, because its pride that I feel. (page 259). Once Josie realises that her family had confided with her and had sacrificed all these things for her and the Alibrandi/Andretti name, she took action, to change her life for herself and her family, to be a better person. A lot has changed at home†¦ Maybe because Ive changed. (page 259), this shows that from what her family has taught her, Josephine has changed for the better. Maybe not in the way she expected to, but in the way she can learn to accept herself and her family, which has changed her family life to a more loving, excepting community. Every family has structure, just like Josephines family. Josephines family has a very significant structure, which is generally influenced by their Italian culture and society, making them blind to Josephines way of life, They stifle me with their rules and regulations they have bought with them from Europe, but they havent changed with the times†¦ Theres always someone I have to respect. (p40). This indicates that Josies family is stuck in the old Italian ways, so ignorant and stubborn. Expecting respect even though they have done nothing but age, I am an old woman now and I deserve respect. (p36). This is why Josie dislikes the culture and traditions, because she feels that those traditions are what hold her down and not let her live the free life she dreams of. But through experiences and feel she can not do anything that she wants with her life, her family will always look down upon her, only remembering the bad things and they will always talk, no matter what which is what Josie learns to accept †¦I think that if I lived like a saint and walked with two feet in one shoe; If I wore the clothes of St Francis of Assisi and suffered like a martyr; if I lived by the rules and never committed a sin, people would still talk. Because human nature. Theyll always, like me, find someone to talk about. (p261). Culture and its traditions is another thing Josies family is buried in, which brings Josie down with it as well, Josie: Culture is nailed into you so deep you cant escape it. (p175). All this is what holds Josie down from being free and doing what she wants. Family in Josephines life is what influences Josie to who she is and what decisions and actions she makes. Even though her family is who she thinks has trapped her life and social standing under the floor, Josie can not help the fact that family and culture and traditions and wealth is what makes Josie the person she is. And it is not until she realises this is when her emancipation can happen. I just sat there thinking back on the year and I realised that I was emancipated long ago†¦ I remember feeling socially out of it at St. Marthas, yet when the†¦ walk-a-thon happened, I realised I wasnt. I thought my birth circumstances were a cross Id bear for the rest of my life, but†¦ it had never been my cross. I had only made it mine. (p258) Josie feels emancipated because she had taken the time to reflect back and look at the bigger picture. She realised that she didnt care what people though of her anymore because what difference is it really going to make in her life. Josie will always be Josie, and no matter how much others disagree it cant change her, You cant hate what you are a part of. What you are. (p152). Her family will always be the ones who she will look up to, And I cried because I was loved by two of the strongest women I would ever meet in my lifetime. (p226) These strong characteristics are what have influenced Josie the most to stand up for herself and be strong for herself. You know a wonderful thing happened to me when I reflected back on my year. One day came. Because I finally understood. (p261), throughout her journey Josie learns through her family a new way of thinking, she grows and learns through family influences and family structure, accepting her Italian heritage and family members. Family shows who she is, and by accepting that, Josie is able to live freely to the life she dreamed of, although not in the way she originally expected. Throughout the book, family influences Josephine to reach her goal of emancipation, creating a connected family and a liberated perspective on life.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Morality of Management Earnings Essay Example for Free
Morality of Management Earnings Essay The term â€Å"Earnings Management†is a form of â€Å"number smoothing†used by a company’s management to manipulate or influence the companys earnings to match a pre-determined dollar amount. This is done in an attempt to keep financials stable, as opposed to showing financial fluctuations. When a company appears to be stable it has a greater chance of attracting investors, which in turn demands higher share prices. When a company is able to have higher share prices, the more likely they are to draw new investors. Likewise, a company that has low share prices is often a reflection of a company that is not doing well financially (Investopedia, 2009, para 2). Often, companies perform abusive earnings management practices in an effort to â€Å"make the numbers†(Inevestopedia, 2009, para 4). In order to do this, management may be tempted to â€Å"make up†numbers as a means of drawing investors or to make their company appear financially stronger than what it actually is. The methods used in earnings management can be varied, and may be done through manipulation of financial numbers or operating procedures (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 84). In a study conducted by the National Association of Accountants, a questionnaire was prepared which described 13 observed earnings management situations (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 83). Below are five listed generalizations that can be made by the study findings regarding short-term earnings management practices. 1. Respondents of the survey felt that earnings management practices utilizing accounting methods to be less acceptable than methods of operating procedure manipulation (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 84). Manipulation of operations can include something as simple as pushing shipping to the last day of the fiscal quarter or asking customers to take early delivery of goods (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). Another example is when companies make â€Å"Unusually attractive terms to customers†or â€Å"Deferring necessary expenditures to a subsequent year†(Rosenzweig ; Fischer, 1994, para 5). According to survey responses, practitioners had fewer ethical dilemmas when using operational earnings management tactics compared to those involving accounting methods (Rosenzweig ; Fischer, 1994, para 7). 2. When it came to accounting, survey respondents felt that increasing earnings reports to be less acceptable than the decreasing of earnings reports (As quoted by Gibson, pg. 84). Managers appear to be more comfortable in reducing the overall company profit when reserves show elevated numbers (As cited by Gibson, p. 85). It would seem that management might assume that if their reserve numbers are high, then reducing them to show lessor profitability acceptable. If the money is genuinely there, then what is the harm in reducing the profit amount to meet a designated number? However, when it came to reporting profit increases, managers were hesitant in determining what earnings management methods would be ethical and which would not. 3. Generalization #3 is similar to generalization number two where ethics are concerned. Respondents felt that if earnings management tactics were kept small that it was more acceptable than if the effects were large (As cited by Gibson, p. 84). When manipulations of numbers or operating procedures are kept to smaller changes, managers seem to feel it more justifiable and acceptable. For instance, if management were asked to show an increase of sales by $12,000.00, such manipulations would be more ethical than if asked to increase sales by $120,000.00. Likewise, if production costs were delayed for advertising to meet a quarterly budget it would be more acceptable than if production costs for advertising were delayed to meet the end of year fiscal budget. This also ties in to generalization #4, the time period of the end effect. 4. Time periods play a large part in determining how ethical earnings management practices are. As described above, when asked to alter numbers or operating procedures in an effort to make quarterly forecasts, managers seemed to feel this practice to be more acceptable. When asked to alter numbers or operating procedures for annual reports, however, the line between ethical and questionable is blurred. 47% of respondents to the survey felt that earnings management practices that were made to meet an interim quarterly budget to be ethical, while only 41% felt that such manipulations in order to make an annual budget to be ethically sound (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). 5. When asked whether it was acceptable to offer special extended credit terms to customers in an attempt to increase profits, only 43% of survey respondents felt the practice to be ethical. However, when asked if the same end result would be ethical if achieved through ordering overtime to ship as much product as possible at years-end, 74% of respondents felt this manipulation to be ethical (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). A staggering 80% of survey respondents felt that selling excess assets as a means of realizing a profit to be ethical, while only 16% felt it would be questionable (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 85). Short-term earnings management procedures, while questionable, are often legal. The alteration of financial information in an attempt to meet budgets or as a way to show profitability is often alluring and an â€Å"easy†way to draw investors. Managers who use earnings management tactics must take into consideration the impact such actions may have with key stakeholders (As cited by Gibson, 2013, p. 86). When numbers are skewed favorably, it gives stakeholders a false sense of security in their investments. Companies who engage in short-term earnings management practices often set themselves up for losses over time. When numbers are adjusted to make a quarterly or yearly dollar amount, chances are the following quarter will find the company in the negative. Such practices are rarely foolproof and care must be taken when making earnings management practice decisions. Focusing on long-term earnings management practices are ultimately more favorable, but in order to be effective management must remain committed to consistent operational procedures. Forecasting the product needs of customers and looking ahead are key strategies for keeping sales income at a consistent level. Waiting until the last minute to offer customers generous credit terms in an effort to boost end of year or quarterly sales is a short-term answer at best. Looking at the purchase history of customers and integrating theses sales number into future budgets should help alleviate the need to resort to last minute scrambling to make budget targets.
Swing Bridge General Earlier Bridge
Swing Bridge General Earlier Bridge The river Esk has been crossed for centuries and it has been maintained by Edward III in 1353, and has been repaired with hard wood from the Oak by John Sehlboty in 1407. In 1926 Riding justices decided that the bridge should be change to new structure bridge with movable parts. 96 years later the bridge was in very impoverished condition and was needed to be repaired, See Figure 1 earlier bridge whitby.png Figure 1 Earlier bascule bridge First Swing Bridge. The bridge was built in 1835 until 1908. The swing part was made from wood and the opening was by manned winches to allow the ships to pass through. After years opening system has been changed by water-driven opening engine. The problem was that the bridge gives limit pass to the ships by 13.72 meters, See Figure 2. scscsc.bmp Figure 2 first swing bridge Swing Bridge. The existing Swing Bridge was built after the First Swing Bridge by a year in 1909; its the third crossing bridge over the river Esk within the Habour zone of heart of Whitby. The bridge just turned 100 in 8th of August 2009. During 1966 to 1970, were 25 accidents recorded on 76.2 meters long. In addition the bridge has to open approximately every half an hour to let the ships passing through and this causes delay to both traffic and pedestrians around 5 minutes. The bridge carries (A171) that comes from Meddilsborough to Scarborough. Its one Way Bridge for traffic and two ways for large number of pedestrians, the bridge has insufficient dimensions regards to the traffic and pedestrians nowadays, its 4.2672 meters carriageway wide and footpath width of 1.05 meter. Throughout the high season the footpath it will be exceedingly packed and the people have to step out into the carriageway due to the restriction of footpath wideness without paying attention of oncoming vehicles. Even though sometimes the traffic indecisive to cross the bridge against other cars. As well as the when two big vehicles crossing along the bridge one of them has to mount on to the pavement to let the other vehicle pass through, see Figure 3. exesting swing bridge.png Figure 3 existing swing bridge Current condition of the bridge. The bridge has age of 100 years old and its over the expected age, at present time the Swing Bridge has annually maintenance of  £60,000. The main maintenance was carried in 1985 with cost of  £400,000. The major refurbishment was carried due to the bad condition as following: The superstructure was seriously corroded. Poor state of operating machines and its placed with electrically hydraulic system. At present time the bridge causes problems due to its position which is close to the North Sea. The surface layer of the paint being de-bonded, the flakes fallen into the river damaging the flora and fauna of marina. Moreover, the chloride is extremely high and causes serious corrosion to the steel plate of the bridge. New bridge. Movable Bridge. This type of bridge that moves in order to allows the ships and boats etc, to pass through. This design is economical because it reduces the cost of construction and this can be achieved by building it on the ground, evading the disbursals of high piers and the long approaches. Therefore this provides the ease of passages for the ships and reducing the constructions expense. Movable bridges is operating by different methods such as electrical motors like gearing and hydraulic pistons etc. these bridges also cause traffic delay because the traffic has to be stop to let the sea traffic to pass. Basically, there are 13 types of movable bridges and the common types are Swing Bridge and Bascule Bridge. Types of bridges. Name Description Design Drawbridge. The bridge deck is hinged on one end. Drawbridge..jpg Figure 4 Drawbridge Bascule bridge. A drawbridge hinged on pins with a counterweight to facilitate raising. bascule bridge.jpg Figure 5 Bascule bridge Folding bridge. A drawbridge with multiple sections that collapse together horizontally. Folding bridge.jpg Figure 6 Folding Bridge Curling bridge. A drawbridge with multiple sections that curl vertically. Curling bridge.jpg Figure 7 Curling bridge Lift bridge. The bridge deck is lifted up by counterweighted cables mounted on towers. Lift bridge.jpg Figure 8 Lift bridge Table bridge. A lift bridge with the lifting mechanism mounted underneath it. Table bridge.jpg Figure 9 Table bridge Retractable bridge (Thrust bridge). The bridge deck is retracted to one side. Retractable bridge.jpg Figure 10 Retractable bridge (Thrust bridge) Rolling bridge. An unhinged drawbridge which is lifted by the rolling of a large gear segment along a horizontal rack. Figure 11 Rolling bridge Submersible bridge. The bridge deck is lowered down into the water. Submersible bridge 4.jpg Figure 12 Submersible bridge Tilt bridge. The bridge deck, which is curved, is lifted up at an angle. Tilt bridge.jpg Figure 13 Tilt bridge Swing bridge. The bridge deck rotates around a fixed point, usually at the centre, but may resemble a gate in its operation. Swing bridge.jpg Figure 14 swing bridge Transport bridge. A structure high above carries a suspended, ferry-like structure. Transporter bridge 1.jpg Figure 15 Transport bridge Jet bridge. A passenger bridge to an airplane. One end is mobile with height, yaw, and tilt adjustments on the outboard end. AdelaidJetBridgeS7386.jpg Figure 16 Jet bridge Bascule Bridge. Bascule Bridges are the most popular of opening bridges, the main part of bascule bridges is the counterweight, which is designed to be overhead counterweight or counterweight below the deck as shown in figure 17 and 18. Counterweight is continuously balance the leaf (span) This kind of bridge is to balance the bridges that rotate about the horizontal axis at right angle to its longitudinal centerline. Bascule severely implements to these kind that consist of a single moving element, which turns about the horizontal line close to its centre of gravity in order that the weight on one side that rotate on an axis mostly balance the weight on the other side, however the balance usually not precise. The movement of the bascule bridge mostly is up and down, when it moves keeping the bridge closed, its called as span heavy, or if its moving to keep the bridge to open its called counterweight heavy. Bascule Bridge can possibly be a single or double leaf that moves up and down to allow sea traffic to pass through. . 29.png Figure 17 single bascule bridge with overhead counterweight Figure 18 single bascule bridge with counterweight below the deck road Double leaf Bascule Bridge. It comprises of two leaves pointed opposite each other and connected together at their ends where they attach over the navigation channel as shown in figure19. The distinction between the single and double is the double leaf has advantages as following: Its higher above the water level with the same span. Rapidly opening Large navigation headway while its closed. Provide less wind resistance. Require small counterweight. Require small machinery. The disadvantage is that the double bascule bridge requires two times as much of every part. Untitled.png Figure 19 Double bascule bridge with counterweight below the deck road Many types of bascule bridges have many failures, where as the Rolling lift type Scherzer type invention solved these problems with distinct advantages: As it rotates it pulls itself out of the way of navigation. Provide more clearance to ships compared with other types from the same class. It does not have to open at wider angel as the other type of bridges to give a clear way for the ships. Rolling bascule Lift Bridge has one disadvantage such as it does not pivot about a hinge point, instead utilizing a rack and pinion mechanism to maintain the support and alignment. Figure 20 Fixed-trunnion Bascule design Figure 21 Rolling Bascule The common type of design is called Chicago Bascule this structure of it is much better than the others where it is a fixed-trunnion bascule design, the bridge pivoted around a large axel when trunnion slopes upward, see figures 20, 21 and 22. rackpinion.gif Figure 22 Rack and Pinion mechanisms The difference between Double-leaf Bascule Bridge and Swing Bridge. Double leaf bascule bridge with overhead counterweight Advantages Disadvantages It works as a cantilever for both dead/live load and its simply supported for live load. Overhead-counterweight is exposed to vandalism and perhaps blocks aspect of view. The mechanisms can be avoided from the bad weathering and risks of vandalism by place them underneath the road deck. 2. The power required from the machinery to move the span is proportional to the max wind speed over large area of deck. Provide great opening and closing compared with swing beiges. Provide clearance to small boasts without fully opening. Swing bridge Advantages Disadvantages The power required from machinery to move the span is not great as for bascule bridge Its required more time for opening and closing compared with Bascule Bridge. The machinery is under the deck but part of them dipped into the water. Long pier required to protect the span and this block the scene of the view. Does not require building cofferdam for piers and foundation construction and protection. The old Bascule Bridge of Whtiby. The earlier bridge was Bascule Bridge constructed before the existing swing bridge in the heart of Whitby. The bridge was manually operated before replacing it by hydraulic operated swing bridge. Therefore, proposing to build new modern bascule bridge can bring back Whitbys historical heritage and remember the local people to their history. Improving or Replacing the Swing Bridge. General. As a result from the current condition of the swing bridge must be maintained by  £60,000 annually. On the other hand after few years it might to be carry maintenance with high cost. Therefore to construct new bridge with good specifications wont be maintained at least for the first decades. Basically its suitable to construct new bridge that might cost around  £350,000 thousand instead of using it for maintenance on the current swing bridge. The new design will avoid all the environmental effects, high cost of maintenance, and traffic congestion within the bridge and greatly reduce the risk exposed to pedestrians. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the Whitby should have a new bridge rather than spending money on providing maintenance to the swing bridge. The Viable Solution. The viable solution, whichever to improve or replace the Swing Bridge has been decided to replace it with new bascule bridge in the same location. The new bascule bridge will be used just by pedestrians and freight cars due to the area surrounding the current swing bridge it will be pedestrianized refer to New Development. As for the traffic, new bascule bridge will be constructed in the upper Harbour zone from New Quay Road to Church Street Car Park, refer to New Crossing. It will be used by traffic and pedestrians in order to reduce the traffic congestion and danger/risk exposure to pedestrians. The good advantages of this viable solution are: The new bascule bridge between the Church Street and New Quay Road will be constructed first and use the current Swing bridge as temporary bridge in order to reduce the cost of the construction. When construction is finished the current swing bridge will be replace with new bascule bridge which is just for pedestrians, and bring back old memories of first bascule bridge. When the construction of new pedestrians Bascule Bridge will be finished, so the tourist and local in peak season they will be comfortable to walk along the bridge without any congestion, no fear from traffic and enjoy the scene of the Harbour zone centre. Proposed location of new bridge. General. The locations are important to verify the reason of chosen bridge type, as well as proposing locations are useful to choose the appropriate position for the bridge. The location should be reasonable to match with other locations and suggestion of New Developments. Therefore, it should be easy to access and satisfy the users. All locations that will be proposed must not ruin other places and New Quay road to Church Street via Bridge Street. This proposal shows where the new pedestrians bascule bridge will be constructed which is in the same location of current swing bridge. When the new bascule bridge will be used by pedestrians the narrow road on both side will sufficient for them and enjoy the scene the Harbour zone, there wont be any demolishing required, no affect to ships owners and their parks and the old swing bridge can be placed in museum as memorial, as shown in figures 23 and 24. Figure 23 new pedestrians Bascu7le Bridge Untitled.jpg Figure 24 new pedestrians Bascule Bridge New Quay Road to Church Street. New bascule bridge for traffic and pedestrians, Refer to New crossing. Deck design of new pedestrians Bascule Bridge. The deck design of the bridge will be formulated to fit the maximum possible amount of pedestrians without any risk. In order to comply with the safety of the pedestrians the dimensions as the following: The comprehensive width of the deck is 6m. The total length of the deck will be the same as the total length of the bridge which is 43m as shown in figure 25. The overall thickness of the deck from the centre is 200mm and it descends to 190mm to both side ends of the bridge. This inclination counted for the drainage system. Concrete slab thickness is 0.15 meter. Historical brick thickness 0.05 meter. See figure 26. Handrails will be in the same dimensions for both sides. The recommended material that can be used for the Handrails is aluminum alloy which is can resist the corrosion from chloride spread from the air. Street lights will be installed on the bridge to enjoy the view during night time. The deck pavement will be brick covering the layer of the concrete to match with surrounding building and protect the history of the town. As well as for the piers. The material that will be used for the deck is composite concrete, this type will be used because it takes time to reach the certain rigidity in order to steel deck can serve as bracing for all horizontal forces. The beams that will be used to carry the load of the deck are I-beams; the design contains two beams parallel to each other along the length of the deck. The best steel beams type can be used that can resist the corrosion is galvanized steels beams and also can be painted to prevent it from revealing to chloride attack. Figure 25. Front elevation Figure 26. Section of deck and pier General assumption calculation for the pedestrians bascule bridge attached with next sheet. New crossing Proposed location of new bridge General The locations are important to verify reason of chosen bridge, as well as proposing locations are useful to choose the appropriate position for the bridge. The location should be reasonable to match with other locations. Therefore, it should easy to access, comfortable size and satisfy the users. From the viable solution of swing bridge that will be pedestrianized and the area around. So new crossing must be provide to solve the matter of traffic, its have been decided that new bascule bridge will be constructed for both traffic and pedestrians as a part of the viable solution. The best location of the bridge has been decided to be build between New Quay road and Church Street. New Quay Road to Church Street This proposal illustrates the location of the bascule bridge that will be constructed almost parallel to the swing bridge. This location has good advantages due to non narrow road, there is no demolishing required except on the river banks where the bridge is connected to the both sides. Having look at to the site, on the side of New Quay Road the pedestrians pathway has adequate space can be widen in order to construct the two lane new bascule bridge, in the other side the traffic and pedestrians can easily get access to Church Street throughout car park, the main advantages of these two sides are: Its easy to construct. No demolishing required to any houses, historical building or shops. Wont affect any boats, ships parking Wont have any objection from locals, or vessel owners. Figure: shown traffic from New Quay Road to Church Street Deck design of new traffic and pedestrians Bascule Bridge. The deck will be designed for pedestrian and traffic, this design should accommodate both of them without having any traffic congestion and avoid pedestrian from risk. Therefore, the design must comply for both of them. The dimensions will be as following: 13 meters overall width. 4 meters wide for each lane. 2.5 meters wide for pedestrians pathway for each side. 0.29 meter total thickness from the center of the deck sloping down to 0.28 meter to the ends parallel to pathways. This allows water to drift sideways to drainage system. Concrete slab thickness is 0.15 meters. Two layers of tar thickness are 0.12 meters. 0.02 meter bitumen thickness will be covering the concrete deck. Handrails will be design The Handrails design will be on both sides to prevent pedestrians to step out on the road. Therefore, the hazard will be greatly reduced for pedestrians. The perfect design of Handrails should comply with the decrease of risk. So the design of handrails on the side next to the road will be 500mm height concrete barrier and 500mm handrails above the concrete. As for the material used, composite concrete will be used in the deck because before the concrete reaches certain rigidity, steel deck is needed to serve as bracing for all horizontal forces. The best of handrails material its recommended to use galvanized steel handrails. The assumption calculation procedure for the new crossing is the same as new pedestrians bridge but the structural dimension will be different depending on the load because it has different material such as Asphalt, bitumen and concrete etc Abutment: for both bascule bridges. The abutment is the structure that conveys the load from deck to the pile cap. Thus, the size of the abutment is 3mÃÆ'-3m on the top part, and 2ÃÆ'-2 on the lower part, as shown in figure Cofferdam: Construction for both bascule bridges. Before construction the foundation, essentially required a cofferdam to be constructed to prevent the water from entering into foundation construction area. Sheet of steel plates that are joined together is commonly used type due to ease of penetration and pull out of the ground. Therefore after construction of the cofferdam the water need to be pumped out. Construction of counterweight: for both bascule bridges. The counterweight duty is to balance the closing and opening of the bridge which are called counterweight heavy and heavy span or held on position , the design of counterweight usually 1.5 1.7 times of the overall weight of the deck. Its recommended to choose 1.6 to provide appropriate counterweight for opening and closing. The recommended type of counterweight mechanism is Rack and pinion rather than using hydraulic pistons system. The Rack and pinion is more economic and easy to maintain comparing with hydraulic pistons system. Calculation of counterweight weight of Pedestrians Bridge. Total load of the deck ÃÆ'- 1.6 = 0 Therefore: 1856 ÃÆ'- 1.6 = 297 KN. Calculation of counterweight weight of traffic and pedestrians Bascule Bridge will be the same as above. Foundations and geology: for both bascule bridges In accordance with boreholes data, the following boreholes 22, 26 and 113 around the area of Swing bridge location are representing different characteristics. The information of borehole 22 shows the following: The depth from the surface up to 4.90 meters, the soil consists of made ground. Starting from 4.90 meters down to 15.00 meters deep, the soil composed of alluvium. The made ground and alluvium soil layers contains of coarse gravel, Sandy silty, Sandy clay, Alluvium soil, these types of soils have different status and properties such as the unit weight, void ratio, low shear strength and high ability to be compacted/condensed. The information of Borehole 113 illustrates the following. Starting from surface down to 2.45 meters deep, the soil composed of alluvium. From 2.45 meters down to 12.20 meters deep, the soil is mainly sand and gravel. From 12.20 meters, countdown to depth of 3.80 meters, the soil made up of alluvium. Starting from 3.80 meters depth layer of alluvium to depth of 16.85 meters, the soil consists of sandstone and glacial. The information of borehole 26 has the same characteristics, properties and condition of borehole 22 and 113. Footing. Based on the soil condition and the deck load the appropriate recommended size of footing of the pedestrians bascule bridge dimensions will be 3m ÃÆ'- 3m width and length. Piles Recommended type that can be used is steel tubular piles. Specification Steel tubular piles (rounded piles). Closed-ended, this means that the toe of the pile is welded with a piece of steel plate, and poured into it with concrete in order to strike the concrete with hummer. Stiffeners can be installed within the piles to enlarge buckling and bending resistance. The propose from using this type because it has common use in marina structure nowadays. Therefore the number of piles to be constructed for pedestrians Bascule Bridge as following: Four piles for each pier. The diameter of each pile is 400mm. As for the new crossing bridge: The footing size and number of piles to be constructed will be different than the pedestrians bridge because the new crossing has two lanes, different deck dimensions and two piers next to each other as shown in figure.. Method statement Introduction This method statement illustrates how all activities or special duties will be carried out. It shows the possible hazard connected with specific works and how to control it, in order to manage the work safely. Scope of works This document act toward with the constructions of three bridges over the river Esk of Whitby. The first bridge is new bascule bridge for pedestrians will be located in the same location of the existing Swing bridge, second bridge is the another new bascule bridge for both traffic and pedestrians will be located on the upper Harbour zone, and the third is to construct new Arch bridge will be situated in the same place of the high level bridge. Health and safety welfare and facilities Impermanent welfare facilities will be provided by the contractor or sub-contractor which will be accepted by the both. Welfare facilities should satisfy all staff which will include canteens, toilets etc. capable qualified personnel and a suitable number of first aid kits should be available during work period. All staff must undergo implement working rules, wearing personal protective equipment that will protect them against all different risks such as safety jackets, helmets, gloves, eye protection, shoes and good quality clothes that can clearly seen etc. General Approach. The construction preparation of the three new bridges will engage activities on the site for new development. The construction of the bridges will be in sensitive places which are important connection between two sides of Whitby in the centre of the Harbour zone. The majority of people and traffic need to move along to get on the other side and its significant especially in the peak season for tourists to enjoy the scene of the Harbour zone and traffic crossing Whitby coming from Tess to Scarborough. Therefore, the construction should be finished in short time. Hence the work duration for both bascule bridges will be as following: Weekdays, 7:00 19:00. Weekends, 9:00 13:00. Irregular works at night if its required. As for the new Arch bridge will be two shits per day as following: First shift Weekdays, 7:00 14:00. second shift, 14:00 21:00 Weekends. Saturday will be at the same time as weekdays. Sunday, one shift from 7:00 to 14:00. Prefabrication of bridge will be carried out off-site if needed. Construction activities on the new two Bascule Bridges will include. Site set up, including offices, services and facilities. Container offices are the economics and fast to build or remove. container_staircase_construction_office_02.jpg Figure 25 Containers offices Construction of piles support abutments of the bridge for both leafs. yourfile.jpground-pile-caps.jpg Figure 26 Steel tubular piles Figure 27 pile caps Construction of footing and piers for the bridge. Namibia_Caprivi_ZambeziBridge_Construction-Pier_1.jpg Figure 28 bridge piers Construction of impermanent fencing and entry gates, provisional noise and dust reduction devices around the site compounds. gates.jpguntitled.JPG Figure 29 Entry gates Figure 30 fences bnb.jpgccccc.jpg Figure 31 Permenant niose reduction Figure 32 Dust reduction devices Construction of impermanent environmental defense works, along with stormwater management and cars, vans, heavy machineries and trucks wheel washer. 5369_ss100_Round[2].JPGwheelwashbig2.jpg Figure 33 environmental protections Figure 34 Wheel washers Construction of cofferdams, the appropriate types for rivers is sheet piles due to its their ability of penetration to many different types of ground, water tightness given by its interlocking sections. cc.bmp Figure 35 Cofferdams Provide special machineries for river bed cleaning, and disposal all the rubbish to unauthorized areas or use it for filling. untitledb.bmpclean.jpg Figure 36 Excavator for river cleaning Figure 37 clam shale for river cleaning Provide pile drive machinery for piles installations. pile-driver-image1.gif Figure 38 Pile drive machines Constructions of temporary structures and footing demanded for the launch of the bridge for both sides if required. Activity includes preparation of hardstand areas for crane access and a long steel structure for the fabrications and set up of the bridge. Setting up and testing of establishing equipments. Proper lights should be installed in right places that will be used during night works. trip_kashaf.jpg Figure 39 site lights Provide appropriate cranes that can carry all parts of the bridge and arrange locations for standing whether if it on either sides or using barge crane. crane_page4.jpgBargeCrane.jpg Figure 40 heavy crane Figure 41river heavy crane Installation of security guards to separate the site construction from live roads such as NJ-barriers or fences or others. P145-01.jpguntitled.bmp Figure 42 NJ-barriers Figure 43 cones Site survey of the area designed for the passage and location of the cranes to be having a part in the setting of the bridge. Rearrangement or construction of protection works of existing services probably to be affected by the setting operations. Removing the Swing Bridge. Set up the method to remove it with any damages to the swing bridge. Provide cranes for uplift each span whether from sides of the bridge or by barge carne. Demolishing the foundation and recycled if its in proper condition or use it for land filling. All staff must have an experience about removing heavy structure to ensure that the bridge will be in the same condition after removing. Provide trucks or ships that can carry the weight of each span. Clean/wash the spans and all parts from any impurities that can affect the environment. Construction works during weekends for the launching of the bridges. Working together with energy company staff respecting power failure and other safety routines. Formal approval that the lanes, paths, roads surrounding area of launching to be closed for the weekends and first night for people safety and avoid any vandalism actions. Installation of floodlights and other possibility measures determined by the risk analysis. Setting operation. Installation of the bridge on its permanent bearing. Construction time period. The duration of the project depends on the obtainability of tracks to accomplish the removing and construction of the bridge. Removing of Swing Bridge depends on the plan, equipments and labours. Construction of foundation and piers can be fulfilled in normal times. The construction of the bridge will be divided into different stages: Stage 1: Consists of construction of the pile installation, footing, piers, impermanent structure and prefabrication of the bridge and precast elements if it will be provided. Stage 2: Launching of the new bascule bridge, which wont to take long time. Stage 3: Two day plan to check bridge deck
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Essay --
The Challenges of Managing Diversity in the Workplace In Today’s highly competitive and dynamic market place, it has become extremely important for companies to use diversity in the work place for their competitive edge and strategic advantage. Workplace diversity is great people factor that accommodates the similarities and people bring to a company. In the past few years, there is no organizational issue that has attracted this great attention as workplace diversity. This is a result of the fact that the U.S labor force will experience a profound change in its composition within the next decade. There will be older workers, minority group and women, a more homogeneous workforce which is greatly different from the largely homogenous workforce of the past. Workplace diversity focuses on observable attributes such as skills, knowledge and values. In a lot of ways, diversity complements non-discriminatory compliance programs by creating organizational culture and workplace environment for making differences work. Diversity is the sharing of ideas and differences from those who not the same, and about creating culture and workplace environment that encourages learning from others and capture the advantages diverse prospective. It is also fast become the master key for unchaining the growth lock, for any truly global enterprise to reach its full capacities. Globalization propelled by the information technology revolution throws a huge of possibilities and challenges that did not exist before. This phenomenon has not only made borders porous, but also shrunk the world into what is called a global village and many nation big or small is increasingly getting affected by what is happenings in any all part of... ...e†people to appropriately do what’s needed, where needed, when needed, and make the most of the resources available. It is an initiative which recognizes the links between effective people management and increased organizational efficiency and productivity. It is about increasing diversity at all levels of the department as well as making the most of the talent inside our organization. Managing diversity is a pillar for a company that keeps it ahead of its competitors, but just having diversity does not by itself guarantee greater business success nor does it guarantee qualitative social and creativity improvements. Managing diversity is complex because diversity can also act as a potential performance barrier. It is difficult to merge different cognitive styles, attitudes and values, such as those found in teams with diverse members. If not managed
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Comparative Analysis of The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness Essay
The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness, two of Joseph Conrad’s more well-known novellas, share striking similarities in theme, plot, character development, and symbolism. Each novella presents a seafaring first-person narrator who struggles psychologically with the concept of darkness and other deep themes. â€Å"Heart of Darkness is one of literature’s most somber fictions. It explores the fundamental questions about human nature: the capacity for evil, the necessity of restraint, the effects of isolation, and the necessity of relinquishing pride to achieve spiritual salvation†(Haskin). Conrad explores his major theme of human duality in both of his works. Character doubling is a key element to both works, and this tool allows Conrad to explore good and evil. The Secret Sharer’s Captain refers to Leggatt as his double frequently, and Leggatt â€Å"must have looked exactly as I [the Captain] used to look†(Conrad, The Secret Sharer 13). The Captain becomes obsessed with his doppelgà ¤nger, who he pulls up on deck in the Gulf of Siam, despite the fact that Leggatt explains that he has murdered a man on the Sephora, his previous ship. Doubling, in the physical and moral sense, is found throughout â€Å"The Secret Sharer.†The young captain and Leggatt are so similar that they seem to be twins, an identification that Conrad clearly intends the reader to take in more than one sense. Both men feel themselves to be outcasts  Leggatt actually so, because of his crime, the captain, psychologically, because of his newness to the ship and its crew. Leggatt can be regarded as the alter ego of the captain, perhaps a reflection of the darker, even criminal, aspects of the captain’s personality. Some readers have argued that Leggatt does n... ... any case, both novellas, whose titles have much significance, explore humankind’s capacity for evil. Conrad’s The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness quite obviously explore the same themes, using very similar plots. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." 1899. Project Gutenberg. Web. February 2012. â€â€. "The Secret Sharer." 1912. Electronic Text Center. Web. February 2012. Haskin, Wayne E. "Heart of Darkness." Masterplots 4. (November 2010): 1-4. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Perel, Zivah. "Transforming the Hero: Joseph Conrad's Reconfiguring of Masculine Identity in "The Secret Sharer"." Conradiana 36.1-2. (Spring/Summer 2004): 112-129. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Witkoski, Michael. "The Secret Sharer." Magill's Survey of World Literature. (January 2009): 1. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. A Comparative Analysis of The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness Essay The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness, two of Joseph Conrad’s more well-known novellas, share striking similarities in theme, plot, character development, and symbolism. Each novella presents a seafaring first-person narrator who struggles psychologically with the concept of darkness and other deep themes. â€Å"Heart of Darkness is one of literature’s most somber fictions. It explores the fundamental questions about human nature: the capacity for evil, the necessity of restraint, the effects of isolation, and the necessity of relinquishing pride to achieve spiritual salvation†(Haskin). Conrad explores his major theme of human duality in both of his works. Character doubling is a key element to both works, and this tool allows Conrad to explore good and evil. The Secret Sharer’s Captain refers to Leggatt as his double frequently, and Leggatt â€Å"must have looked exactly as I [the Captain] used to look†(Conrad, The Secret Sharer 13). The Captain becomes obsessed with his doppelgà ¤nger, who he pulls up on deck in the Gulf of Siam, despite the fact that Leggatt explains that he has murdered a man on the Sephora, his previous ship. Doubling, in the physical and moral sense, is found throughout â€Å"The Secret Sharer.†The young captain and Leggatt are so similar that they seem to be twins, an identification that Conrad clearly intends the reader to take in more than one sense. Both men feel themselves to be outcasts  Leggatt actually so, because of his crime, the captain, psychologically, because of his newness to the ship and its crew. Leggatt can be regarded as the alter ego of the captain, perhaps a reflection of the darker, even criminal, aspects of the captain’s personality. Some readers have argued that Leggatt does n... ... any case, both novellas, whose titles have much significance, explore humankind’s capacity for evil. Conrad’s The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness quite obviously explore the same themes, using very similar plots. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." 1899. Project Gutenberg. Web. February 2012. â€â€. "The Secret Sharer." 1912. Electronic Text Center. Web. February 2012. Haskin, Wayne E. "Heart of Darkness." Masterplots 4. (November 2010): 1-4. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Perel, Zivah. "Transforming the Hero: Joseph Conrad's Reconfiguring of Masculine Identity in "The Secret Sharer"." Conradiana 36.1-2. (Spring/Summer 2004): 112-129. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Witkoski, Michael. "The Secret Sharer." Magill's Survey of World Literature. (January 2009): 1. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ghost Story of College Ghost Lure :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends
College Ghost Lore If one were to take the beltway to I-270 north, about an hour north of Washington, DC one would arrive at a town called Emmitsburg, Maryland. Is the town haunted? I collected several stories from a senior in college who is from Emmitsburg. This senior is a white female. The stories I collected, many of which have to do with the small Catholic college indicate a rich ghost lore in the town. There are several stories that this woman told me concerning her hometown. The first is one that most people who live in the town know. In the mid 1800s, a man by the name Larry was born. Larry was the son of a famous composer and musician and came to teach music at the college. His father wanted Larry to be a musician like himself; however Larry was not as skilled. Larry became popular with the college students who would come to his grocery store where he would sing songs for the pretty girls. In the late 1800s, his father died, and Larry was quite sad. The following Christmas, Larry took his flute and went to the cemetery at Mount Saint Mary’s College to play one of his father’s most famous pieces, â€Å"When the Glory Lit the Midnight Air†. The town folk thought he finally mastered the ability to play the flute to honor his father. So the town folk went up to the gravesite by the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes on the campus. The event became a tradition, and La rry would lead the people up to the gravesite each Christmas to play the flute. In the 1920s Larry died. Older residents say that if you listen very carefully on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning you can still hear the ghostly strains of beautiful flute music coming from the cemetery. A little while later, the music is gone, not to be heard again for another year. Another story the storyteller told me is that about Father Brute. One of the earliest presidents of the school was Reverend Simon Brute. He died in the mid 1800s. Brute still glides about the campus wearing long black robes. People who have seen his ghost describe the same sunken cheeks and other particular features. He usually smiles and nods and moves on. In Brute Hall is the room that Brute once lived in. Room 252 is supposedly still haunted by his ghost.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Building Natural Hazard Resilient Communities In India Environmental Sciences Essay
India is extremely vulnerable utmost natural catastrophes chiefly due to its instead alone geographical location and climatic conditions. Earthquakes, cyclones, inundations, drouth and landslides have been witnessed independently. More than half of the land mass is vulnerable to temblors of different strengths. Large parts of its land mass are prone to cyclones and drouth. These events have led to the deceases of several people, supplanting of colonies and devastation to belongingss. As exemplified by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and the south Asia temblor of 2005, India can be said to be one of the most disaster prone states in the universe. Our universe can be a dynamic and dramatic topographic point to populate in. Extreme natural jeopardies nevertheless threaten the being of adult male, species and communities likewise. More often than was antecedently witnessed, the electronic and print media study scenes of decease, desolation and desperation brought about by immense temblors, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, inundations, drought etc. These catastrophes have grown to go a major cause for concern in countries of the universe with really long coastlines like India because the happening of these catastrophes have become really frequent in the recent yesteryear and hold had their effects on life and supports. Existing low degrees of technological development every bit good as societal, economic and gender inequalities enhance the exposure of the hapless, illiterate and unskilled coastal communities in India. As a consequence of these conditions, the resiliency required to resile back to pre catastrophe conditions is extremely limited. Of greater concern presently is the identified inter relationship between poorness, clime alteration environment debasement and related natural catastrophes interacting in a reciprocally reinforcing mode. This identified relationship earnestly shackles sustainable development and can do nonsensical any little additions that may hold been recorded in natural jeopardy extenuation planning and policy development. In recent times, authorities governments in charge have implemented a displacement in paradigm in their attack to disaster direction. This new school of idea is borne out of the belief that development can non be sustained unless catastrophe extenuation is built into the procedure of development. Another of import portion of this attack is that extenuation and planning have to encompass a multi disciplinary attack crossing across all sectors of development. This attack besides embraces the fact that investings in extenuation and planning are much more cost effectual than outgo on alleviation and rehabilitation. This bottom up attack adopted helps beef up the edifice of sustainable patterns undertaken by resource hapless households of this part Influence OF NATURAL DISASTERS Natural jeopardies and later catastrophes have become a portion and package of human being. It has been said that the impact of a meteorite on earth lead to the pass overing out of dinosaurs and several carnal species about 65 million old ages ago. These sorts of events are really rare nevertheless. Geophysical jeopardies like temblors which can trip tsunami moving ridges and volcanic eruptions on the other manus have assumed more frequent happening rates. These jeopardies have their beginning from deep within the Earth ‘s inside and they occur as a consequence of perpendicular supplanting of tectonic home bases at the underside of the ocean. Earthquakes that trigger extremely destructive tsunamis moving ridges can happen as was the instance with the catastrophe of December 26, 2004 ( Bilham, 2005 ) . Hydro-meteorological jeopardies like cyclones, inundations, drouth, landslides etc were responsible for a high per centum of deceases recorded in the 1890ss. The rate at which geophysical jeopardies have occurred in the past few decennaries has remained comparatively changeless while the hydro-meteorological jeopardies have witnessed a important addition in recent times. There have been important events like the thaw of ice caps in the polar part, sea degree rise and a more frequent happening of jeopardies like inundations, drouths, hurricanes, typhoons etc. These events lend acceptance to the premise that planetary heating is helping and act uponing clime alteration ( IFRC, 2001 ) . Experts have discovered that the cap of sea ice in the artic ocean melted to its smallest size for over a century ( Revkin, 2005 ) . The terrible storms of the past decennary have besides been blamed on higher sea surface temperature and increased H2O vapor in the lower ambiance which in bend are a effect of planetary heating ( Trenberth, 2005 ) . It has besides been reported that planetary heating may take to an upward tendency in tropical destructive potency. More late, terrible hurricanes that devastated New Orleans and some parts of Texas in the USA in 2005 and the tsunami that ravaged states around the Indian Ocean in 2004 were attributed to the effects of planetary heating by experts and media houses likewise. It must be mentioned here that the bulk of these natural catastrophes largely affect the development states and the hapless in developed 1s merely because they have limited get bying capacity as a consequence of terrible deficiency of proficient and fiscal resources. The negative impacts of clime alteration like heavy rainfall which lead to inundations and worsening rainfall taking to drought hold inauspicious effects on the economic system and nutrient security in local communities. Climate alteration besides puts more stress on socio-economic and ecological set-up of coastal India which is already stressed as a consequence of urbanization, globalisation and industrialisation. These jeopardies even cause greater adversity to occupants of states with long coastlines. India with a dumbly populated low lying coastline widening to over 7000km, is extremely vulnerable to sea degree rise. A great per centum of Paddy Fieldss in coastal parts are extremely vulnerable to flood by sea H2O ( Gupta, 2005 ) . Small island states like Maldives and Seychelles have about all their land mass at less than one metre above sea degree. The effects of sea degree rise for such countries of the universe as predicted by planetary climatic theoretical accounts will be drastic and lay waste toing as several lives will be lost and belongingss destroyed. The hazard of temblor happening is rather high for several parts of India ( Rao, 2005 ) . Predictions of high magnitude temblors along the mistake of Sumatra which lies south E of the old event of 2005 ruptures and the part adjacent have been made by experts. This part last failed in the 19th century, sometime in 1833 and it is believed that accrued significant strain exists within this country ( Lay et wholly, 2005 ) . Current attempts by the local governments and the international community to better tsunami warning capablenesss appear justified given the fact that future big graduated table temblors along the Sumatra mistake are extremely likely to happen. As a consequence of this states of the Indian Ocean have created and continually better on a part broad warning system in readying for the following at hand catastrophe ( Stone and Kerr, 2005 ) . The of all time turning population along the coastline of India will hold to be prepared for a much higher strength of hydro-meteorological jeopardies. Consequently, there is demand for little island states with long coastlines to pay equal attending to disaster direction with peculiar accent on the coastal parts. There is pressing demand for conjunct attempts at diversifying coastal economic systems with a position to heightening catastrophe recovery and edifice resiliency to the effects of these natural catastrophes ( Allenby and Fink, 2005 ) Vulnerability The exposure of any given country of community to natural catastrophes has societal, economic and ecological positions in add-on to fiscal and proficient capacities of the countries concerned. It refers to the degree to which physical assets and socio-economic apparatus are susceptible or resilient to the impacts of these natural jeopardies. Vulnerability is besides enhanced if susceptibleness to natural jeopardies in non provided for in development patterns. A close relationship can be seen between population addition in developing states, debasement of the environment, higher human exposure and the frequence and strength of natural jeopardy happening. An illustration of this can be seen in the fact that both loss of human life and strength of harm were much worse where the Rhizophora mangle had experienced debasement when the Orisa Cyclone occurred in 1999. Environmental debasement particularly with respects to forest screen remotion, is a critical factor in the transmutation of a jeopardy or climatic extreme such as heavy rainfall, into a catastrophe ( Myers, 1989 ) . A barbarous and reciprocally reinforcing rhythm is formed by environmental debasement, poorness and natural jeopardy exposure. In this state of affairs, the hapless are forced unrecorded alarmingly near to natural jeopardy hot musca volitanss and at the same exploit environmental resources for endurance. As a consequence of this, they become extremely vulnerable to the impact of temblors, cyclones, tsunamis etc. Among the hapless population, adult female and kids appear to be more vulnerable because of physical and socio-economic disabilities. Economic globalization has sped up the migration of immature work forces from the rural to the urban countries in hunt of employment chances. This leads to the ‘feminization of poorness ‘ where much of the rural agribusiness remains at the subsistence degree. Already faced with gender related disadvantages, the deterioration of economic position makes adult females much more vulnerable. It has been reported that four times as many adult female died in the December, 2004 tsunami as work forces ( Aglionby, 2005 ) . The of import thing here lies in the fact that both utmost and non so violent jeopardies exert their utmost effects unevenly in urban and rural environments, males and females and the rich and hapless. Natural Hazard Map of India Fig 1. Hazard Map of India. Beginning: Poverty, ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND NATURAL DISASTERS The section of economic sciences of the United Nations came up with a background papers for sustainable development at the universe acme held in South Africa in 2002. One of the documents submitted on the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction asked if sustainable development along with other instruments aimed at the protection of the environment and poorness decrease can be successful without seting into consideration the hazard and impacts of natural jeopardies. The obvious echoing reply was negative. Policies and steps aimed at catastrophe decrease should enable communities to go resilient to natural jeopardies while guaranting development attempts do non increase exposure. There exists linkages between poorness, environmental debasement and natural catastrophes and they are reciprocally reenforcing. Forest debasement straight and indirectly increases exposure to natural catastrophes. Resource hapless landless rural adult females and work forces migrate to neighboring urban countries in order to do a life and stop up as ‘environmental refugees ( Myers, 2002 ) . Any sensible attempt to undo these barbarous linkages will necessitate pressing attending to the decrease of menaces to sustainable rural development, preservation, Restoration, cut downing environmental debasement and sustainable use of natural resources. Developing states like India should try to ship on vigorous household be aftering programmes in order to look into the scaring rate of population addition. Developed states with high rates of human resource development have to cut down their trust on fossil fuels but besides portion their production engineerings and schemes of salvaging energy with the less developed 1s. The harmful effects of clime alteration possess a transboundary nature as it impacts are felt in every portion of the Earth. This fact leaves human sort with no other option but to join forces and collaborate with respects to minimising the negative impacts. As a consequence, the integrating of catastrophe direction with programmes and policies that support sustainable development is imperative. Vulnerability to natural catastrophe Ds Environmental debasement & A ; clime alteration Poverty and hungriness Barbarous spiral Set back to sustainable development Fig 2. Diagrammatic look of feedback relationship RISK REDUCTION MEASURES As a consequence of the annihilating effects of the Orisa cyclone of 1999, the Gujarat temblor of 2001, the tsunami of 2004 and a series of natural catastrophes, a high exposure to natural catastrophes has been identified. This owes to physical exposure, propinquity to guess prone zones, ailment maintained safety criterions to counter effects of jeopardies and socio-economic disabilities. A witting attempt for catastrophe hazard decrease later developed with support from several organisations. The spread that existed between information coordination and sharing was identified as experience and cognition by catastrophe professionals was remaining put with them. The authorities of India has adopted bar and extenuation as important parts of developmental scheme. The program merely supports the fact that development if planning and extenuation are non built into the development procedure. Each state or province is to develop a strategy for catastrophe direction in line with the attack of the defined program. Simply put, extenuation is being integrated into developmental planning. One of the several enterprises is fundamentally about the application of corporate cognition of the full work force to accomplish laid down organizational ends. It aids the procedure by which cognition is created, shared and applied. The cognition direction rhythm is made up of three positions viz. direction, application and organisation. Management which focuses on capturing, organizing and easing cognition Application trades with the smooth retrieval of required information through hunts. It relies on the cognition combination portion of the theoretical account. Organization trades with acquisition, sharing and partnering. This is chiefly the instruction part of the rhythm. Information about catastrophe readiness and extenuation steps policy guidelines have been available from assorted beginnings for some clip now. Faced with these natural catastrophes, 1000000s of people are badly affected due to non-existent or unequal header mechanisms. The ground for this is that information is non been transformed into life salvaging cognition for and by the existent communities at hazard. Due to the fact that India remains one of the most disaster prone states in the universe because of its big population, geo-climatic and socio economic conditions, authorities of India, through the place personal businesss office, in concurrence with nongovernmental administrations, educational and research establishments has been able to set this cognition program into action. With respects to temblors, a national nucleus group consisting experts in temblor technology and decision makers. They were assigned the undertaking of pulling up a scheme for extenuating the impacts of temblors, supplying advice on temblor extenuation, developing enchiridions for temblor immune buildings and working out systems for helping seismically vulnerable countries to follow and incorporate appropriate criterions and codifications in edifice byelaws. They were besides tasked with germinating systems for preparation of local applied scientists and practising designers in the private sector and developing a enfranchisement system for applied scientists and designers for proving their cognition of temblor immune building. They were besides staked with preparation Masons and shiping n public consciousness runs. The provinces were tasked with developing Hazard Safety Cells ( HSCs ) with the main applied scientist of the province public works section in charge in order to set up a mechanism for proper execution of edifice codifications and safety of constructions and edifices from assorted jeopardies. These cells will transport out appropriate design reappraisal of all authorities edifices to be constructed and act as advisers to authorities for retrofitting lifeline edifices. Some of these cells exist in Rajasthan, West Benghal and a few other provinces. RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The major aim of sustainable development is to make and keep comfortable ecological, societal and economic systems. There exists an confidant nexus between these systems as worlds can transform the ecological system and they besides depend on it for nutrient, wealth and security. Human actions can badly impact the ability of the ecosystem to execute its natural maps with inauspicious effects for exposure, human life and security. The indispensable function of resiliency for comfortable societal development has been revisited in the last decennary ( Gunderson and Holling, 2002 ) . Several instance surveies have helped cast more visible radiation on the connexion between resiliency, sustainability of societal ecological systems and diverseness ( Berkes and Folke, 1998 ) . Resilience fundamentally refers to the magnitude of daze that concerned system can defy and stay within a given province. It can besides be the grade to which the system concerned can form itself or construct capacity for larning and version. It has been argued that two constituents of any given system impact its resiliency, one being its adaptive capacity which is straight related to its heterogeneousness and loosely tantamount t the diverseness of its establishments and assets available in societal systems ( Folke et wholly, 2002 ) . The 2nd is its hardiness and this refers to the belongingss of a given system that allow it accommodate perturbation without extra version ( Webb and Levin, 2005 ) . Resilience and hardiness refer t the capacity of the system to suit perturbation without losing functionality. Catastrophe direction manner or process can destruct or construct resiliency depending on how the community concerned organises itself in response to direction actions. Building social resiliency requires understanding of ecosystems that incorporates cognition of local users ( Olsson and Folke, 2001 ) . The incorrect perceptual experience that adult male is decoupled from and in control of nature is the underlying cause of social exposure ( Kasperson, 2001 ) . Structured Scenarios and active adaptative direction have been identified as important to constructing resiliency. Scenarios are used to visualize alternate hereafter scenarios. By so making, resiliency edifice policies can be identified and used within the context of sustainable development. The likeliness of sustainable development is enhanced by pull offing for resiliency in a dynamic universe full of surprises. OPERATIONALIZING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development is a form of resource usage aimed at run intoing human demands while continuing the environment so that these demands can be met non merely in the present but besides for future coevalss ( Bruntland Commission, 1987 ) . It brings together the concern for transporting capacity of natural systems and societal challenges faced by humanity. hypertext transfer protocol: // Fig 3. Scheme of sustainable development demoing three constitutional parts. Beginning: ( Adams, 2006 ) It is now clear that sustainable development that considers the impact of adult male ‘s activities on the natural environment and efforts to cut down harm to the natural environment is the key to poverty decrease, environmental security and direction and extenuation of conditions and H2O related jeopardies. The programmes and development enterprises of the MSSRF have come up with theoretical accounts that are replicable for sustainable development ( Swaminathan, 2005 ) . It fundamentally targets resource hapless and landless communities particularly in the coastal parts because of population denseness, quickly worsening natural resources, work and income security and a high degree of exposure to these jeopardies. A typical illustration of a biological heritage in India is the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve in Tamil Nahdu. It is a typical illustration of a biological heritage earnestly affected by the reciprocally reenforcing relationship between poorness, debasement and natural resources. With this in head and the house belief that environmental debasement can be tackled by cognition and technological authorization of the resource hapless, illiterate rural adult male and adult females, the MSSRF came up with a programme for furthering sustainable supports in the Gulf of Mannar part with aid from the United Nations development programme. The major purpose of these programmes is to intermix technological frontier with local cognition in order to supply an incorporate orientation to technological development and airing. This aids the attendant ‘ecotechnologies ‘ to be adopted by rural households because of their ecological and economic advantages. When acquisition is done through work experience the hapless become able to get the hang engineerings in a short period. Womans organize themselves into self help groups ( SHGs ) and these groups undergo preparation and capacity edifice based n the resources available in that peculiar part, while small towns are grouped into biovillages with attending been paid to natural resource preservation and sweetening. As a follow up to this biocenters are established to supervise and supply support to biovillages with a position to constructing the capacity of rural households to pull off the assorted ventures. The MSSRF has come up with a kit for the description of this engineering and how to develop them. Fig 4. Location of biovillages in India in green Beginning: ( Kesavan and Swaminathan, 2006 ) In 1997, the MSSRF set up village information Centres and they are now called VKCs. These Centres generated clip, local particular and demand driven information refering to endure, harvest, poorness, authorities relief programmes, instruction, inside informations of eco-enterprises etc. It is documented that on the forenoon of December 26, 2004, proclamations from the VKC talkers saved many lives. Damage to belongings could non be stopped but many cherished human lives were saved. Decision We are faced with an increasing frequence in the happening of natural jeopardies and this can be attributed to a more complex universe where population detonation stares us in the face. The exposure of communities is besides increasing due to human activities. However, climate alteration and sea degree rise may be responsible for increased happening of some of these jeopardies. Globalization besides spreads the effects of natural jeopardies traveling beyond the boundary lines of the state straight affected. The international community responds to natural catastrophes when they occur in hapless or developing states but when they occur in the developed universe like USA, so there can be inauspicious effects for the universe at big. It would look that with all our technological and scientific discipline based progresss in our pursuit to understand natural jeopardies, applications and technological responses have clearly been deficient. Like ( Shah, 2006 ) justly noted ‘there is need to go the last stat mi ‘ . Response to catastrophe go on largely after the event and adequate demands to be done to back up research and pull up programmes for hazard appraisal, recommend countermeasures, physique and strengthen resiliency in communities at hazard. Scientists and catastrophe directors likewise need t work difficult to do certain robust scientific discipline takes a cardinal function in policy development.
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