
Friday, May 31, 2019

Apt Pupil, Daily Show, Perfect Storm, and How to Make an American Quilt :: The Daily Show Perfect Storm

Apt Pupil, Daily Show, Perfect Storm, and How to Make an American pull - How Will These Help My Writing? Apt PupilPsychological thrillerLack of a conclusionNot enough character developmentPlot didnt develop Daily ShowAppeals to a specific audienceComedy and satire of the news examine and current eventsSensationalism Perfect StormUse of imageryBelievable dialogueSuspenseful situationsBelievable reactionsHow to Make an American QuiltComplete mental picturePlots independent of each but subscribe an interdependent storyBelievable events and reactions The four works Apt Pupil, Daily Show, Perfect Storm, and How to Make an American Quilt are all very respectable in their individual sense. Each work possesses a different style and is different in presentation. The difference in presentation is very important when analyzing a specific work. Television for example can deal with changing current events and issues. The Daily Show is the perfect example. The show thrives off of satire of everyday events and needs changing circumstances to exist. Satire is not restricted to television it has been utilized in books, magazines, and videos for years. Jonathan Swift is a height example of a satirist of his times. He wrote novels such as Gullivers Travels that criticized his era in a mocking fashion. The main differences between the television and a novel are the interaction. The fact that the dialogue is heard and not just read, seen not just imagined. The spectacle of The Daily Show is not wonderful. The set is very ingenuous but it is functional. The Daily Show is a perfect example of how to make the scenery and set functional and not showy. The Daily Show uses its resources to make the best show possible, and it succeeds.A similar form of media is film. Films are dependent on superb scripts, dialogue and acting. Acting is essential, even if the script is beautiful, if the acting is wretched the film suffers and vice-versa. Apt Pupil is a film that lacks in screen play. The acting was great, the portrayl of the characters believable, but the dialogue and plot was not well developed and therefore the movie lacked a sense of completion. The spectacle was wonderful, there was great use of light, objects, angles but the work was definitely lacking essential parts. The literary lesson to learn from this work, is that a few good points of a work do not make up for the lacking parts. A film, television show, novel, or essay needs to clear and concise and complete.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Use of Characterization and Symbolism in Fitzgeralds The Great Gat

F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby focuses on the corruption of the American dream during the 1920s. For the duration of this eon period, the American dream was no longer about hard work and reaching a set goal, it had become materialistic and immoral. Many people that had expert and incorruptible dreams, such as Jay Gatsby, utilise corrupted pathways to realize their fantasy. Peoples carelessness was shown through their actions and speech towards others. Fitzgerald uses characterization and symbolism from different characters and items to lead the corruption of the American dream.Fitzgerald expresses the corruption of the American dream through the use of characterization of different characters. Daisy is one of the few characters that could get what she wanted but does non because of her own rules. She has set standards that she would not lower for anyone, even those she loves. The Jazz age had many flaws, inconsiderate actions was a major flaw. Her carelessness shows her attitude towards others. Her eyes vicious on Jordan and me with a sort of appeal, as though she realized at last what she was doingand as though she had never, all along, intended doing anything at all. Daisy had just realized that the affair between Gatsby and herself was real to him. She was insulting his American dream of having her, therefore she was corrupted. When she was with Gatsby she lived in a daydream, carefree and happy, as she says Look at that, she whispered, and then later on a moment Id like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around. Daisy just states her fantasy, she wants Gatsby, but in reality she knows she cannot have him, consequently she again insults Gatsbys hope of having her. Fit... ...pectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose. The all projecting eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg see through the corrupt colored eye glasses. God was watching all the dishonesty take place and those who did wrong were punished.In the novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald used characterization and symbolism to exemplify the corruption of the American dream during the post World War One era. Pre-war society had not grown out to epic urban cities and the fast world of the east coast. As WWI commenced, many Americans had to go to cities and work in factories, including women. As a wartime measure women were granted the right to vote which gave women freedom. As a result after the World War, many Americans lived in the cities, where the corruption and infidelity began. The American dream was being soiled, the uphill battle that had formerly existed to success was no more.

New Deal Outline Essay -- essays research papers

The New DealI. FDR and the First New DealA. FDR Takes the helm1. Roosevelt was gener aloney popular and got good grades2. Marriage to Eleanori. distant cousinsii. March 17, 1905 they were married3. An Emerging Politiciani. democratii. 1921 polio left him paralyzediii. treatment gave him partial(p) use of his legsiv. spoke publicly in 1924 since the attack4. The Roosevelt Victoryi. Roosevelt proposed a solid and straightforward plan of action to end depressionii. was open to all ideas (ex. Employed Republicans)iii. The Hundred DaysB. The Hundred Days1. Moratorium temporary shutdown of operations2. Stemming the Bank Crisisi. William Woodin appointed to resolve bank crisisii. FDR reassured the people their bills is safer with new banks3. A New Deal&... ... reservations and could decide how their lands would be used and managedD. An Expanded Government Role1. 14% of all families obtained aid or backup man from the federal government2. Federal Regulation the expansion of the federal government into almost all aspects of peoples lives3. The government programs of the New Deal uncomplete eliminated individual poverty nor ended the DepressionCT 44. Assumptions could have easily included the stereotype of a minority or a glossiness facing extinction. Native American cultures were generally neglected but when people overanalyze acts that were instated to help the Native American culture, stereotypes and rumors could be concocted.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing The Murder of Duncan in Macbeth and The Assassination of Kennedy :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing The Murder of Duncan in Macbeth and The Assassination of Kennedy          There is a military man who is a head of state.  He is a very powerful man and iswell liked by his subjects.  The people love him.  Then he is suddenly,inexplicably transfered.  Someone is blamed for the murder, but the entire countryknows the accused ar gratis(p) and are tools used in a cover-up.  Does thissituation sound bizarre?  Does it sound like some work of fiction?  Well, it is.It is the beginning of William Shakespeares Macbeth.  However, it is much morethan that.  It is real life.  It is the circumstances that surrounded one of themost surreal periods of time in United States history.  It is the situationsurrounding the assassination of one of the USs most idolise Presidents, John F.Kennedy.  These circumstances suggest that the events which occur in the playMacbeth are still possible.  It is possi ble for the circumstances surroundingMacbeth to be repeated in ripe day America because no protection providesabsolute safety, some men are still willing to do what Macbeth did, and the ac tcould still be covered up.         No amount of protection provides absolute safety.  In todays world, itis easier than ever to kill someone.  Any psyche can buy a cheap handgun and killsomeone.  It is also easier to kill without being caught.  There are long rangerifles and remote control explosives that can be used as the murder weapon whilethe actual perpetrator is far away.  Also, it is easier than ever to find aprofessional assassin who will kill anyone for the right amount of money.  Theselatter(prenominal) methods could allow a person to commit murder and easily get away with it. Even though the actual murderer may be caught, the person financing theoperation could get away untouched.         In Macb eth, Duncan was well protected by his guards.  However, he wasstill murdered.  The guards were overcome through with(predicate) a simple trick.  The doorsare open, and the surfeited grooms Do mock their charge with snores.  I havedrugged their possets...  says Lady Macbeth.  She had drugged their drinks, andinstead of guarding Duncan, they were asleep.  Macbeth was easily able to sneakpast them and kill Duncan.  either precaution available had been taken to insureDuncans protection.  It is not an easy task to get past two armed bodyguards ina cramped area.  However, through some deceit, Macbeth was able to accomplishthis.  This reaffirms the statement that no protection is absolute.         Perhaps the best example that no protection is infallible occurs in the

Impact of transformational leadership on organizational learning Essay

Organizational Learning (OL)Literature reveals that OL improves the maturation by introducing new expertise, output or commercialism. Nonaka & Takuchi (1995) argued that accomplishment is vital for product innovation which means that it is not limited to only acquisition and retention of knowledge but it is used to get the required outcomes. companionship oriented view of the organizations argue that knowledge and learning capacity influence the organizational performance and also direct the firm to achieve sustainable and continuous competitive advantage (Zhang, 2008). In last thirty years extensive research have been conducted on the OL and it has contributed a lot in the organizational development and change management, but still there is a little agreement on what is meant by the term OL and its nature. (Crossan, Lane & White, R.E, 1999 Huber, 1999 and Kim, 1993). The reason for this problem is that the OL has been studied by many disciplines and perspectives (Lopez, et al, 2 006). According to (Argyris, 1995), Learning occurs whenever errors are detected and corrected or when a match between intentions and consequences is produced for the first time. (p.20). According to Huber (1991), when knowledge is acquired, information is spread, the right way analyzed, and recalled, organization learning eventually takes place. He further assumed that learning occurs in the organization if any of its unit acquires information useful to the organization. This is also pledge by DeNisi & Griffin (2008) that OL is the process by which the organization learns from past mistakes and adapts to its environment. From these definitions, it is concluded that OL is a process whereby organization gets knowledge and removes the problem and adapts ... ...pply knowledge, then OL will be damaged, so organizations should have such compensation systems that motivate the employee to get, share, and apply knowledge in the organization (Wong, 2005). The findings of the study conduct ed by Dechawatanapaisal (2005) demonstrated that the pay for performance and designation are the contributing factors in the organizational learning. Especially recognition that is easy to implement and does not require large investment, can increase the employee morale that support their learning. Khandekar & Sharma (2006) pointed out that improved abide by system plays an important role in strengthening the learning capabilities of the organization which leads us to propose that the selective compensation and reward system that create a powerful motive for the employees to get, apply and share knowledge has a positive impact on OL.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Use of Metaphors in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston Essay

Zora Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God follows protagonist Janie Mae Crawfords excursion into woman and her ultimate quest for self-discovery. Having to abruptly transition from childhood to adulthood at the age of sixteen, the story demonstrates Janies eternal struggle to find her own vocalism and realize her dreams through three marriages and a lifetime of hardships that come about from being a black woman in America in the primordial 20th century. Throughout the novel, Hurston uses powerful metaphors helping to unify (as heat content Louis Gates Jr. puts it) the novels themes and narrative thus providing a greater spirit of Janies quest for selfhood. There are three significant metaphors in the novel that achieve this unity the pear steer metaphor, metaphors representing the inside and outside world, and lastly the figure of the mule. I. The Pear TreeThe pear tree metaphor is one of the most prevalent and recurring metaphors throughout the novel. It is one that represen ts Janies sexual awakening, her relationships, her dreams, and her journey to womanhood. Gates argues that this repetition of the tree metaphor is fundamental to the process of narration, and Hurston repeats the figure of the tree both to expound her theme of becoming and to render the action of the eyepatch and simultaneous and as unified as possible (78). The tree first appears when Janie is preparing to tell her story to Phoeby Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom was in the branches (8), seemingly setting out what Janies story will entail and as Henry Louis Gates Jr. asserts in Zora Neale Hurston and the Speakerly Text, this introduction of the metaphor re... ... CitedDilbeck, Keiko. Symbolic Representation of Identity in Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God. The Explicator. 66.2 (2008) 102-104. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Gates, Henry Louis. Zora Neale Hurston and the Speakerly Text. Zora Neale Hu rstons Their Eyes Were Watching God A Casebook. Ed. Cheryl. A. Wall. tonic York Oxford University Press, 2000. (59-116). Print. Haurykiewicz, Julie. From Mules to Muliebrity Speech and Silence in Their Eyes Were Watching God. The Southern Literary Journal. 29.2 (1997) 45-60. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Hurston, Zora N. Their Eyes Were Watching God a Novel. New York Perennial Classics, 1999. Print.Johnson, Barabara. Metaphor, Metonymy, and Voice in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God A Casebook. Ed. Cheryl. A. Wall. New York Oxford University Press, 2000.

Use of Metaphors in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston Essay

Zora Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God follows protagonist Janie Mae Crawfords trip into muliebrity and her ultimate quest for self-discovery. Having to abruptly transition from childhood to adulthood at the age of sixteen, the story demonstrates Janies eternal struggle to find her own congresswoman and realize her dreams through three marriages and a lifetime of hardships that come about from being a black woman in America in the ahead of time 20th century. Throughout the novel, Hurston uses powerful metaphors helping to unify (as hydrogen Louis Gates Jr. puts it) the novels themes and narrative thus providing a greater reasonableness of Janies quest for selfhood. There are three significant metaphors in the novel that achieve this unity the pear head metaphor, metaphors representing the inside and outside world, and in the long run the figure of the mule. I. The Pear TreeThe pear tree metaphor is one of the most prevalent and recurring metaphors throughout the novel. It is one that represents Janies sexual awakening, her relationships, her dreams, and her journey to womanhood. Gates argues that this repetition of the tree metaphor is fundamental to the process of narration, and Hurston repeats the figure of the tree both to expound her theme of becoming and to render the action of the plot of ground and simultaneous and as unified as possible (78). The tree first appears when Janie is preparing to tell her story to Phoeby Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom was in the branches (8), seemingly setting out what Janies story will entail and as Henry Louis Gates Jr. asserts in Zora Neale Hurston and the Speakerly Text, this introduction of the metaphor re... ... CitedDilbeck, Keiko. Symbolic Representation of Identity in Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God. The Explicator. 66.2 (2008) 102-104. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Gates, Henry Louis. Zora Neale Hurston and the Sp eakerly Text. Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God A Casebook. Ed. Cheryl. A. Wall. new York Oxford University Press, 2000. (59-116). Print. Haurykiewicz, Julie. From Mules to Muliebrity Speech and Silence in Their Eyes Were Watching God. The Southern Literary Journal. 29.2 (1997) 45-60. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Hurston, Zora N. Their Eyes Were Watching God a Novel. New York Perennial Classics, 1999. Print.Johnson, Barabara. Metaphor, Metonymy, and Voice in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God A Casebook. Ed. Cheryl. A. Wall. New York Oxford University Press, 2000.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Intelligence Definition and Measurement

Question athough the construct of intelligence has been in being for a long period of clip, there has been no acceptable definition of what intelligence really is. Further, the beginning of intelligence remains elusive, merely as is the value and truth of its discharges. As dissevered governments have attempted to sequester intelligence from different positions. One common definition is that it is the capacity to get and use cognition. ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Another authorization looks at it as the ability that intelligence trials step.Though definitions argon by and large used for general intents, there ar certain facets that they fail to turn to. In the prototypical topographic point, there argon people with histories of autism or those who ar mentally retarded, still who are exceptionally talented in specific countries such as music, but hapless in others such as mathematics ( Angela, 2003 ) . Other people are able to make certain things because of the environment in which the y stay, and non because they are intelligent. A kid who grows up in a house with a Television set fundament run it unlike adept who does nt cognize what a Television set is. Others are able do carry through certain things because of familial pointors, and non because they are intelligent. One s province of wellness put forward besides impact the carriage he acquires and applies cognition, which is non needfully a grade of intelligence. On the other manus, there are people who have been brought up in certain environments, but who are unable to use the cognition from the environment to make certain things. These may be presumed to be less intelligent.The theory of multiple intelligences, propounded by Howard Gardner, best tantrums my selected instruments. He identified seven constituents of intelligence which are independent, and each of which is possessed by different persons to different grades. These are the visual-spatial intelligence, the verbal-linguistic intelligence, the bodily-kinetic intelligence, the logical-mathematical intelligence, the interpersonal, and the musical, intrapersonal and realistic intelligence ( Gardner, 1999 ) .Question BThe reliableness of ACER Test of Reasonability can be rivuleted. Several points which claim to mensurate similar general concepts are tested to see if they produce similar tonss. The prospect s intelligence and general cognition is tested by each of the 70 points. The trial has been declared 85 per centum reliable.Cogency refers to how strong decisions, propositions and illations on a given issue are ( Oswald, 2001 ) . thither should be a correlativity between the instructor s evaluations and the tonss obtained by the pupils. Reasonable dependableness and cogency of a trial must accomplish some(prenominal) educational and vocational counsel in establishments of acquisition.The normative process has to make with a choice of a exhaustively figure of people whom the trial is to be administered to. The broad co untry from which the choice is done is likely to do anomalousnesss because of varied geographical, school type, gender, linguistic communication and the social and economical backgrounds. Bias could be as a consequence of gender. Certain subjects could be better handled by work forces and non adult females, or vise versa. reliability of The Constructive Thinking stock list could besides be considered. The points on the graduated table must be able to prove what they purport to prove. There should be adequate points proving each variable. Validity relies to a great extent on correlational surveies. A figure of points resting one s emotional and physiological fittingness are used. There could besides be instances of prejudice originating from one s age, educational score, and gender, though these should be curbed if the trial is to hold any significance. learning trials are used in both academic and professional scenes. They include the Basic Achievement Skills fund ( BASI ) and t he Test of Academic Performance ( TOAP ) ( Reynolds, 1998 ) . BASI is administered as a group trial. It can assist place larning disablements common in reading, numeracy, choice pupils for grouchy accomplishments, college arrangement etc. TOAP estimates the academic public presentation of kids topographic points them in classs in footings of accomplishment and analyze how their public presentation has changed over clip. It employs a aggregation of six topics. Two are cerebrate to reading while 4 are administered to persons and groups. The trial is timed, and is meant to be done rapidly and easy.Reliability testing is done to prove the stableness of the consequences on a test-retest footing in the BASI appraisal. The first and 2nd testing of each pupil is computed and correlated. Two hebdomads are allowed between trials. The estimations from test-retest samples are largely reasonably strong. Cogency could besides be tested by looking at the assorted subsets of the pupils to be tes ted. The norming process could affect random sampling, and attention taken to avoid any prejudice for or against any group.reliableness and cogency for tonss does non come out really clearly in TOAP. However, the test-retest method could still be used. Validity could be looked at by correlativities between subsets. As is the instance with others, possible countries of prejudices need to be avoided for so trials to reflect the true place.Question degree CelsiusThere are many types of appraisal for proving intelligence degrees. These screen background from cognition and abilities of a general nature, to countries and topics that are specific. One of these is the ACER Test of Reasonability. The other one is Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) . The ACER Test of Reasonability consists of 70 multiple pick points which seek to prove the general ability of scholars between 9 and 11 old ages, and it is largely used in Australia. Focus is on single tonss, whose consequences assist the i nstructor usher and advocate pupils refering vocational preparation. All inquiries are to be answered, even if the reply is non perfectly known.The Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) consists of 108 self-reporting points. It is designed for mature people of over 18 old ages. Descriptive statements of idea and behavior are given, where the respondent is supposed to rate himself on a graduated table from 1 ( Absolutely False ) to 5 ( Absolutely True ) ( Simons, 1998 ) . The trial measures one s ability to believe constrictively or destructively. The consequences from this sort of appraisal are used to assist in psychotherapeutics. It is besides used in reding substance maltreaters, pupils in college, human resource choice and work related issues in organisations.Question vitamin DThere are a figure of ethical issues associated with accomplishment and intelligence trials in instruction. Consideration should be put to the fact that an test can forever alter person s life. Care shou ld hence be taken when puting and administrating. A low achieving pupil could for illustration be put in a particular category from where his demands can easy be met. One could hold misinterpreted the inquiries and therefore given the incorrect replies, non because he is non intelligent. If the trial is culturally biased, the pupil s public presentation is likely to be affected. Care should hence be taken to avoid this scenario. The pupil s degree of success can easy be hindered by IQ trials which are frequently considered biased. Ethically hence, an appraisal of pupils must hold an unquestionable degree of dependability and cogency.The foregoing discourse establishes that the definition of intelligence is varied, and frequently combative. Assorted theories whose purpose nevertheless is to assist in the apprehension of intelligence exists. Measures and trials at the disposal of instructors could be employed to guarantee that proving meets the needed criterions.MentionsAngela, C. ( 2003 ) . Intelligence and Autism. New York. Pride BooksGardner,Howard. ( 1999 ) Intelligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for the twenty-first Century. New York Basic Books.Reynolds, W. ( 1998 ) . Intelligence Theories and Tests. VirginiaOswald. H. ( 2001 ) . Trials for Research Instruments. Vermouth Cedar languish PublishersSt. simons, T ( 1998 ) Trials and Measurements of Intelligence. Hollywood Noel PublicationsIntelligence Definition and MeasurementCritique of the definitions of IntelligenceThere are certainly many definitions of intelligence as there are experts who study it. A Psychologist, R.J. Sternberg (2000), editor of handbook of intelligence offered build definitions from various writers. Few of these definitions done by the editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology, which I consider fits for this paper are as followsIntelligence is sensory capacity, capacity for perceptual recognition, quickness, range on flexibility or association, facility and imaginatio n, span of attention, quickness, or alertness in response (p. 8).Intelligence is in addition defined as the ability to learn or having learned to adjust one self to the environment (p. 8). There are still to a greater extent definitions but to conserve some space I just chose two. Indeed, all the definitions offered by the editors of the Journal of the Educational Psychology were obviously product of years of studies as about of the definitions were directed towards mental ability. The definitions above identify the intelligent person not only in terms of the intellectual ability of the mind but in its ability to quickly adjust to new environment.The Measures of IntelligenceThe Standford Binet theory of intelligence fits for these two definitions because the measures of intelligence test are more related. The Standford-Binet intelligence tests cover four major(ip) areas such as verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, and short-term memory. Scores incl ude raw scores and scaled scores for each of the 15 subtests, scaled scores and percentile ranks for a composite of the four area scores, a composite of any combination of the four area scores and a profile of all 15 subtests based on scaled scores. A pretest is administered to identify the level at which to begin testing. Scores corresponding to IQs are called Standford Age Scores.Meanwhile, the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) has a number of positive features according to Joseph F. Jastak. He explained that the WRAT is fast and simple to draw away and score, the examiner can create choices in the content of the test and in management of the form (Singular or Combined). The prototype of errors that a person has done can be analyzed qualitatively, particularly if the collective form of the test is used, since the WRAT scores are free from the polluting effect or understanding the standard score can be used for comparison with other tests, e.g. the Weschler Scales in order to de termine learning ability or disability, the evidence for construct soundness and dependability is highly regarded and as the literacy sub-tests are untimed, the subject can complete these segment with no time pressures.The WRAT can offer an indicator for the measuring stick of fundamental reading, spelling and arithmetical skills in individuals with few or no academic qualifications. It can also be used in combination with other tests to present a more wide-ranging picture of the individual academic skills to determine learning ability or disability.Comparing and Contrasting of Selected IntelligenceBoth Kaufman assessment battery for children or K-ABC and the Stanford-Benit theories offered the same areas of concern, cognitive ontogenesis. They both paid attention to intelligence testing beginning from the childs early age. However, Kaufmans ABC development assessment focused on particular groups such as the handicapped group, those with learning disabilities, and cultural minoriti es. On the other hand, The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale presents their test items by age level rather than by particular groupings of special people. Kaupman ABC can also be viewed as rather insufficient in the since that it still needs to be reinforced by other more established, and well studied neuropsychological test such as Stanford-Binet, Wechler scales, and McCarty scales.How the goals are are similar and differentThe Stanford-Binet theory in contrast with the insufficiency of the Kaufmans ABC intelligence test is well established and offers a wide range of studies involving all age levels. They have established theories on both language and cognitive development. Kaufman study paid attention on their studies of intelligence on emotionally seriously disturbed children. Their focus is on cognitive development based relationships rather than language skills, while the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale offers measures of the persons general intelligence. In this case, they were on different focus of providing intelligence measurement.How are the Tests Used?In Kaufmans intelligence scale test is made of sixteen parts. The child then is to complete some task that usually involves placing items in sequence. The child is then evaluated on his or her mathematical, spatial, the ability to mentally process the tasks or problems, and reading skills. The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale Jacquelin Goldman, Claudia LEngle Stein, and Shirley Guerry (1983) noted that intelligence measurement tests were given at age range from two years old through adulthood. They cited that at each of the age levels there are six items and one alternate item. But from age two through five, test levels are at half-year level intervals, then at age six through fourteen, test levels are at yearly intervals. Goldman, LEngle and Guerry pointed out that test content conducted for age two, includes form board, delayed response, identifying parts of the body, building blocks, word combin ations, and identifying objects by observe (p. 148).Purpose of Giving Differing TestIn Kaufman ABC, the purpose of test is for the assessment of the cognitive development, while Stanford-Binet provides the test to measure persons general intelligence. This is obtained by presenting to the individual a variety of tasks of known increasing difficulty.Examining the Ethical Considerations Associated with Achievements and Intelligence Test in EducationAside from children, maybe adult are maybe more liberal in this aspect as long as test that were conducted does not violate any of rights, or as long as it does abuse them. I believe that there is postcode ethically inappropriate with test measures of both Kaufman and the Stanford-Binet. However, test conducted for children should be more cautious especially with use materials. Lead toxicity and choking hazards should be passing under strict monitoring. Data revealed that prolong exposure to toxic materials may lead to serious renal, hem atologic, and neurologic complications (. 117)ReferencesGoldman, J., Stein, C. E., & Guerry, S. (1983). Psychological Methods of Child Assessment. New York. Brunner/Mazel Inc..Sternberg, R.J. (2000). Handbook of Intlligence. U.S.A. Cambrige University Press.Guide to clinical preventive Services. (1989) U.S. Preventive Task force. U.S.A. Reane PublishingInternet sourceKaufman Assessment Battery for Childrenwww.cps.nova.edu/cpphelp/KABC.htmlJastak, Joseph. (1978). Wide Range Achievement Test, Jastak Associates, Incorporated.www.cumc.columbia.edu/dept/sergievsky/cnd/pdfs/ReadingLevel.pdf

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Relationships Between Society and Religion Essay

The relationship between religion and society has provided the focus for some of the greatest works of sociology (one thinks of Durkheim, Pareto, and Weber, as advantageously as Marx and Parsons). Samuel Delbert, a Canadian sociologist, rebelled against what he saw as the static concerns of American sociologists, trained his eyes on the process of kindly change, and placed the subscribe of religion as a major item on the agenda of social analysis in Canada.In three important works, Clark argues that the changing grammatical construction of religious organization provided a measure of the pace and character of social change. Clark undoubtedly made the study of religion an important topic in Canadian sociology. At the same time, however, his work intended to limit the range of sociological concerns by linking the study of religion to questions of the forms of religious organization and politics (Artibise, 1990).The Essence of holiness In order to further understand the context bet ween the relationship between religion and society, it kick the buckets clear only after we have determined the radical essence of religion, that which is common to them all. Many different attempts to conceptualize the essence of religions have been made. These definitions usually reflect the viewpoint of the defining subject more than the essence of the delineate object.When, for instance, Immanuel Kant defines religion as the fulfillment of all of our duties as miraculous commands, this doesnt reflect the essence of religion which is concerned with a completely different sphere, besides rather the rationalistic standpoint of Kant, for whom religion is essentially theonomic ethics. Often the essence of a specific historical religion is held up as the ideal and average for all religion (Mensching, 1976). Prophecy presupposes a relationship between religion and society that conflicts profoundly with established religion.Established religion sees religion as the tabu ideology o f the established social order. It is the handmaiden of the ruling class. It pronounces the established social order to be created by God and to be a reflection of the divine will (Riemer, 1996). The Founding Fathers In their sociological writing, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim were responding to the economic and social changes of the 19th and early 20th centuries, timely more often than not by the shameful effects that fleeting industrialization had imposed on the European community of which they were sector.The course of religion could scarcely be averted with this foundation, for religion was seen as an important knowledge base of the society that seemed to be shifting beyond identification. By at least a period, Karl Marx (1818-83) predates the other. There are known two important factors in the bolshy thoughts on religion The first is descriptive, the second evaluative. His dependent variable is religion in other words, its structure and nature are liable on social and most impor tantly economic relations, which constitute the foundation of social examination.It can never be understood separate from the economic form and the association of the capitalist or worker to the basis of formulation. The second factor connects from this however, has an assessing component. Religion is said to be a form of indifference or alienation it is a mark of social malformation which disguises the exploitative relationships of capitalist society. Religion persuades people that such relationships are natural and, therefore, acceptable.It follows that the real causes of social distress cannot be tackled until the religious grammatical constituent in society is stripped away to reveal the injustices of the capitalist system everything else is a distraction. Subsequent debates concerning Marx/s approach to religion have to be approached with care. It has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between (a) Marxs own analysis of religious phenomena, (b) a subsequent school o f Marxism as a form of sociological thinking, and (c) what has occurred in the twentieth century in the name of Marxism as a political ideology.The essential and enduring point to grasp from Marx himself us that religion cannot be understood apart from the world of which it is a part this is a crucial sociological insight and central to the evolution of the sub discipline. It needs, however, to be distinguished from an everywhere deterministic interpretation of Marx that postulates the dependence of religion on economic forces in mechanical terms this is unhelpful. The final point is more political. It may indeed be the case that one function of religion is to mitigate the very evident hardships of this world and so disguise them.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

“Progressive Proportional and Regressive Tax System”

Throughout history, every organized society had some form of government. In bountiful societies, the goals of government have been to protect individual freedoms and to promote the well-being of society as a whole. To achieve those goals and meet the expanses all governments need some assessation, and that revenue is raised mostly by means of evaluate revenuees. In USA, governments levy several different types of taxes on individuals and businesses. The Federal Government relies mainly on income taxes for its revenue. State governments depend on both income and sales taxes. close county and city governments use property taxes to raise their revenue.Nearly all tax organizes contain two basic parts the tax base and the tax rate. The tax base is the amount to which the tax rate is applied to determine the tax due. The tax rate is basically a portion rate applied to the tax base, and it can be progressive, regressive, or proportional. Progressive taxation refers to a tax that ta kes a larger percentage from the income of high-income people than it does from low-income people. And this is a basic principle underlying the income tax laws of the United States people should be taxed according to their ability to turn out. For example, a person making $200,000 in a family might pay 30% of his income in taxes ($60,000), while someone with an income of $30,000 might pay only a 10% tax rate ($3,000 in taxes). Most income taxes in US are considered progressive. What can be disadvantage of progressive tax? Well, some individuals may think that progressive tax is discouraging the success. why to work hard, and try to increase income and wealth, when half of that will be taken away in taxes? It is simply unfair Because the taxes are then redistributed to poorer individuals through government aid programs, some see this as socialism.But despite opposition most economists believe that progressive taxes are the best form of taxation, because the reduce class individua ls, who are already socially and economically disadvantaged, are shielded from large tax burdens. A tax system may also be regressive or proportional. A proportional tax system, called sometimes flat tax, is one where the rate of tax is the same for all taxpayers, regardless of the level of their tax base. Example of proportional taxes may be state and local sales taxes, real estate taxes, personal property taxes, custom duties etc.Advantages of flat tax can be its simplicity and predictability. Opponents declare that proportional tax is in reality a regressive tax, as both the lowly paid and super paid individuals consume products. No matter if they want to or non, they have to spend a certain amount on necessities like food, clothing, or pay property taxes, and flat tax takes up a higher(prenominal) percentage of an individuals budget that has a low income, than it does for an individual with a higher income. A regressive tax system is one where a tax rate decreases with an in crease in the income.The example of regressive tax is Social gage (FICA), because the maximum amount of wages subject to the Social Security tax for 2009 is $106,800. After an individual reaches $106,800, no more FICA tax is withheld. No matter what structure the tax system has progressive, regressive or proportional, most people dont enjoy paying at all. Unfortunately taxes are inevitable, and refusing to pay them does not make sense. Thanks to them we can drive on the paved streets, seek the justice in court system, send children to public schools and be able to rout out up every morning feeling safe.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Business and Administration Unit 1 Assessment 1

Unit peerless Principles of personal responsibilities and raceing in a transaction environment sagaciousness You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then expire through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When youve finished, print out a copy to keep for root Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study ara make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please none that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is make up of 7 naval divisions. Name Devan Primus Business and Administration Unit 1 Assessment 1 Section 1 Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer 1. corroborate wind four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to rear yo ur make (feel free to obscure any confidential randomness). Place of employment S. Com Group Limited (Company Registration Number 02209742) whose registered office is at 800 the boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire.LU1 3BA occupancy Title W behouseman Start Date The date in which an employee would commence work Holidays e. g. The contractor will be entitled to accrue, on a professional rata basis, 28 days of paid holiday per year (for the avoidance of doubt the 28 days are including Bank Holidays). payments for holiday will be careful on the basis of the Normal Rate. Holidays may only be reappearancen with the prior written consent of S. Com. The contractor shall(a) endeavour to co-operate with the Clients requirements at all multiplication and any request for paid holiday should be made as far in advance as possible.The Contractor must record all authorised holiday in the relevant termsheet. 2a) List three key points of legislation that affect employers in a busi ness environment. Security Data tax shelter Health and Safety 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. Employment Rights and Responsibilities Grievance Procedure Equal Opportunities 3. pose a range of places where a person end recall information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least cardinal internal and two a right smart sources of information.You can get internal information from you line theatre director or a representative from your trade union. You can also find external information from the government websites and libraries. 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. For example Trade Unions can help employees with such things as disciplinary hearings and any disputes employees get under ones skin on regarding wages, holidays or even changes in the work place. 5. Briefly describe employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environm ent.You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your oeuvre (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. When hiring a new employee a union should never discriminate. For example if they interview a person who was over weight or from an ethnic background, they should still be considered for the job based on their acquisition set not their background or how they look.Also as a company s dash holders, manager and team leaders afford a business to ensure and maintain equality and diversity throughout the company to make sure every employee is respected and treated fairly. Every individual employee is responsible for their make behaviour and actions. They should never make another employee feel unsafe, singled out or be unfairly treated. Any employee who is ever witness to such discrimination has a duty to report it to the relevant management without fear of being discriminated against themselves. . Briefly let off the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment. Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organisation. Employee By offering employees training opportunities who are uncoerced to gain extra skills to progress in their career, they will find ply will work harder and be more productive. In the long turn over staff will feel appreciated knowing their all being treated fairly.Employer By offering training opportunities and not discriminating in any way or form, the company can bring in talented people from all backgrounds that in turn will bring fresh and new ideas. ecesis Overall outcome for the company will see a happier work force and productivity increased possibly leading to increased profits. Section 2 Understand the intention of wellness, safety and security procedures in a business environment 1. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health, safety and security.If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. An employer is responsible to ensure that all workers have a safe place to work in regards to their health and safety. They must assess any risks an employee will encounter whilst in the work place, not only this but anyone who comes into contact with their business. Risk assessments should be carried out and information given to all employees making them aware of all isks and how to deal with situations if and when they arise, this can be achieved by training staff on relevant protocols and use of equipment. It is an employees indebtedness to look after themselves an that of others who may be affected by their actions at work, employee, co-workers and employer must work together to ensure that everyone meets their legal requirements. If an employee has any worries about health and safety in their work place they should voice their queries to either a manager, team leader or a health and safety representative.To support my answer I have some health, safety and security polices from an old place of work. Risk Assessments/Methods Statements Make sure you know what hazards exist before you start work. stupefy them communicated to you. Always follow instructions given to you by your line manager/supervisor. Risk assessments/method statements have been completed for your protection and are there to make water awareness of the hazards you may be subjected to. Ask to read the assessments before you commence work. Machinery and Equipment Use only serviced and tested equipment Use the machinery or equipment for the purpose it is intended. Know the view of the cut off switch. Ensure that you have bee n trained and authorised to use that item of machinery or equipment. If defective equipment is found, clearly mark it, ensure no one else can use it and report it to your line manager/supervisor. Read instructions carefully before operation. If in doubt ask. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) You must co-operate with tire by wearing PPE to combat potential hazards. Factory floor employees must provide their make safety boots and overalls. Protective eye goggles are to be worn at all times on the factory floor. 2. Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. chase these procedures is very vital for a company, keeping its staff safe is a main priority when it comes to health, safety and security. Keeping employees information confidential fight legal responsibilities in regards to the data protection act, also protecting staff from personal attack or assault. . Describe three different ways of maintaining a safe and secur e business environment. Three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business could be Using passwords on computers to stop unauthorised access Making sure valuables are locked away and kept out of sight Reporting any security issues to the appropriate person Section 3 Understand how to communicate effectively with others 1. issue the table infra with descriptions of different methods of communication.You should include two verbal, two non-verbal and two written methods of communication. Methods of communication Description vocal communication 1. Standing in front of colleagues giving a presentation. 2. Having a conversation over the telephone. Non-verbal communication 1.Body language i. e. facial expression and peoples attitudes. 2. persons posture or hand movements Written communication 1.Writing an email to a colleague 2. ending a letter to a client 2. Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communication to meet your needs and the needs of others.If you had a deadline to meet and had to make changes at the last minute to a project, you would need to inform all relevant people of the changes as soon as possible. The most appropriate method would be verbal communication as sending an email for instance may get to all recipients to late. Written communication is a most appropriate method when detailed information or instructions are required, for example a client or business associate is far away to easily speak to over the phone or in person. 3. Describe at least two ways of actively listening. Showing eye contact is a ripe(p) way to show that you are listening to someone when they talking. Also writing down notes and questions to be asked at the appropriate time. Section 4 Understand how to work with and support colleagues 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for your own work. Give at least two reasons. If the employee agrees to work place standards it gives the employee a offend understanding of what is expected of them, this also enables them to keep track of their own progress and performance.Work place standards are set and known by managers, if employees dont stick to them this could lead to employees interpreting the own ways of doing things causing conflict between themselves and other colleagues. 2. Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to change at work. Being able to take on new challenges at work would make you more valuable to an organisation, if you are more willing to learn new skills and progress with the company you could find yourself in a new job role with more responsibility.There are many reasons for change in the work place and most of these are made to make the organisation be more efficient for themselves, employees, clients and to stay inline with the ever changing legal requirements. 3. Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration. As the saying goes do unto others as you would expect them to do unto you. If u treat everybody the same with honesty and respect they will show you the same in return. This will make the work place and its employees run more swimmingly with fewer hiccups.Every person is an individual and has their own problems but if you show respect they are more likely to escaped up and in turn begin to trust. This doesnt mean you have to agree with them but shows you are willing to listen to their opinions and ideas, in the long run things can be achieved which will benefit everyone. Section 5 Know how to plan own work and be accountable to others 1. Explain the purpose of meet work standards and deadlines when completing tasks in a business environment. It is important to stick to work standards and deadlines in a company as failure to do so could to adverse outcomes for the organisation.Every body has their duties and responsibilities and if they are not executed properly it can have a knock on effect and lead to the loss of clients and not hitting set out targets. 2. Describe two different methods that you can use to plan your own work in a business environment. By planning your work before starting a task youre making yourself aware of what need to be achieved. You can do this by prioritising your work load getting the more important aspects do first and the lesser important task after.Avoiding any distractions that will cause you to lose site of what you have to achieve in a set timescale, this could be stopping to chat or other colleagues asking you to do trivial task which could be done at a later time, apologise and continue with your work. 3. Describe ways of keeping other people informed about progress and compare their effectiveness. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach? Telephone conversation You can keep your manager informed by telephone to update him/her on your progress.He or she will get all the information they need quicker but by communicating in this way it could lead to missed out information Meetings This is a good way of informing your manager and colleagues of your progress. The only draw back is its a little time consuming nether the less you can fill your manager in with all the relevant information and also give an estimated completion time, if you feel you wont get the job completed on time you can ask your manager for an extension. Section 6 Understand the purpose of improving own performance in a business environment and how to do so 1.Explain the purpose of continuously improving your performance in a business environment. Continuing to improve your own performance can lead to better prospects for an employee. The better an employee is at their job the more chance of possible training, promotion or pay rise and have a long-term affect on their career prospects. This will make an employee constantly think about what they can achieve and end up with job satisfaction. 2. Describe at least two ways of improving your performance at work. Where relevant, illustrate your answer with specific examples from your own experience.Set yourself career targets as to where you would like to be in life. Try to take on extra responsibility at work and show team leaders/managers that you are capable of hard word. In previous employment I worked harder and it paid off, I was given extra responsibility to run a team of colleagues in the restaurant and make sure my section ran as smoothly as possible. 3. Briefly describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available to you. I could take on a higher position in my current employment whether that is a team leader, supervisor or manager preferably a managerial position.Other options available to me could be in sales or even IT. Section 7 Understand the types of problems that may occur in a business environment and how to deal with them 1. Identify at least two different types of problems that can occur in a business environment. A minor incident could be that a guest had booked a table at your restaurant and on arrival be told that there is no reservation on the computer system. This could easily be resolved by apologising to the client and getting them a new table as quick as possible.A major incident could be that a customer has had a serious trip or fall on the premises and for this type of incident I would call a manager. I feel a manager with more experience than myself would be better at handling this kind of situation in regards to legal obligation and how best to assist the customer. 2. Complete the table below by describing at least two specific problems that can occur at work and how they can be dealt with. Problem transaction with the problem 1.A customer has been waiting a long time for a meal they had Go over to the customer and apologise for the delay and with the say ordered. so from my manager offer a complimentary drink. 2.A customer has a complaint about a meal received from the Speak to the customer and indentify what the problem is, take the kitchen. food back to the kitchen and explain what is wrong with the food. Ask the customer if they would like a replacement or prefer a refund. 3. Complete the table below by listing at least two problems you are able to deal with yourself and two problems you would need to refer to others to deal with (and how you would refer these problems). Problems I can deal with Problems I would need to refer to others How are problems referred to others? 1. 1. Customer toilets have run out of toilet roll. A cooker in the kitchen has stopped working. Ring alimentation explain the situation and ask for help 2. 2. Theres a spillage in the kitchen. You know of a colleague bullying another conflagrate awareness to the relevant superior member of staff. manager. Once you have completed all 7 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Persuasive Speech Outline Essay

TopicTo Inform People on what they need to do to help this situation.Introduction What is one of the universe of discourses largest animals that is going jeopardise at a fast pace?One of the cosmoss largest breeds of Elephants, which are the African Elephants are going Extinct. in that respect are several animal rescue organizations, such as Green Peace, The WCS, State Zoos just to name a few. Along with scientist that explain what this means for the world as we turn out grown up to know it. As a Huge volunteer at shelters and the zoo this topic is near and close to me. If you run across at the reproduction time of an elephant and the amount of times the elephant exit mate in its life.I.The African Elephant is quickly becoming extinct due to several of import reasons.A. If You look at how many times an African Female Elephants mates in its entire life time and add that to how long it takes her to half the scotch that will show you why we as the human race must do everything in our power to help animals survive along with us.1. The African Elephant lives up to eighty years and will have 1-3 partners during their life span. 2. African Elephants are known to have 4-12 baby elephants throughout its life time depending on how grey-headed the elephant is when it first mates.B. When an Elephant mates it will depend on her age that determines how many babies she will have. 1. It takes nearly two years for an Elephant to have one baby that is called a calf. And although it is rare sometimes the M another(prenominal) Elephant will have the baby calf under the 24 mo. period. 2. Another rare, but not impossible in Elephants is having alikeness Calfs. It is extremely rare in African Elephants but a little more commonin Asian Elephants since in that location are a smaller breed. . Elephants have a hard enough time producing so when we talk about survival it makes it impossible when they are universe ineligiblely captured and killed for their charming tusk. .I I.Beautiful Creatures that are descendants of the extinct Woolly mammoth are finding themselves becoming extinct.A. Reproduction is not the only challenge the African elephant is facing. 1. Elephants numbers declining because of illegal poaching of their beautiful white teeth known as Ivory. 2. The Elephants are not sedated for the tusk to be cut off, but they are killed. Which is declining their numbers quickly.B. It may surprise you but the demand for Ivory Tusk is not just all overseas. 1. China along with other Asian countries are big traffickers of Ivory. But what will surprise you is that there are not the only countries. 2. The United States last year alone traded with countries such as Africa for Ivory worth 60 one thousand million dollars on the black Market. . With the Trade of Ivory being a hot commodity for the wealthy Countries are killing Elephants up to 60 a twenty-four hour period out of a population of an estimated 500,000 African Elephants. With this number and the length in which it takes a mature Female and male to reproduce African Elephants are being placed on the endangered list.III.Elephants will continue to become extinct and one day will be all gone for the future generation of our children and descendants if we dont take a stand and take measures to make sure that law makers in our country as well as others put a stop to illegal poaching.1.Zimbabwe is one of the fastest growing places for illegal poaching of tusk from the Elephant in Africa. 2.This year on February 11th chairman Obama designed to create a nearcomplete ban on the commercial sale of African elephant ivory in the U.S. 3. The United States destroyed over 6 tons of illegal Ivory in November.1. This was the start of a global message to other countries to stop the illegal killing, sale, and trade of ivory. a. With our country being at the top of this demand it was only fitting that we were the first to place a global stop to this senseless killing of these animals. b. Asia and Tanzania are just a few counties that have there name of the poaching of shame list. The Philippine government destroyed 5 tons of confiscated ivory just last month. c. Countries that have corrupt law enforcements are not helping the situation of illegal poaching it allows the people that are getting caught to go free and continue there actions with out punishment for their crime. 2. With several countries still practicing this illegal and brutal method of making money. I am afraid that Elephants will remain on the endangered list unless change takes place.As I have shown you the length and time that it takes this huge, but beautiful animal to reproduce and the fast and cruel way that the Biggest carnal in Africa is surely and quickly going extinct. We have to be aware and caring about the things that go on in our country, and help educate the other countries that dont realize this long term effect that there actions will have on the rest of the world.BibliographyDelegatio n, P., & Michael, A. (2009, July 30). Dicovery of Elephants oldest known relative. Science Daily, p. 3. dingleAmore, C. (2012). Elephant, Ranger Protections EndorsedBut Do They Have Teeth? National Geographic News. Douglas-Hamiltion, O. (1980). Africas Elephants Can they survive? National Geographic Magazine. Douglas-Hamilton, I. (2011). African Elephant Data. Africa National Geographics. Trinidad, E. (2012). muck up Elephants.1. http//news.yahoo.com/apnewsbreak-elephants-endangered-land-grabs-120512322.h

Monsanto SWOT Essay

companion overviewMonsanto Company (Monsanto or the lodge) offers untaught products to farmers. Its products include seeds, biotechnology trait products, and herbicides. Monsanto has operations in the US, Canada, Europe, southmost America, Asia, and Africa. It is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri andemploys about 26,100 state, of which more than 5,500 people be temporary employees.The company recorded revenues of $11,822 million during the financial year ended August 2011 (FY2011), an profit of 12.8% over FY2010. The operating profit of the company was $2,502 million in FY2011, an attach of 56.1% over FY2010. The net profit was $1,607 million in FY2011, an increase of 46.6% over FY2010. keystone FACTSHead OfficeMonsanto Company800 North Lindbergh BoulevardSt. LouisMissouri 63167USAPhone1 314 694 1000Fax1 314 694 1057Web Addresshttp//www.monsanto.com/ revenue enhancement / turnover 11,822.0(USD Mn)Financial Year EndAugustEmployees26,100New York TickerMONMonsanto Company Mar ketLinevarlet 3Monsanto CompanySWOT AnalysisSWOT compendMonsanto offers agricultural products to farmers that include seeds, biotechnology trait products, and herbicides. The company has a leading trade position in various geographies based on product portfolio of head up recognized brand names. However, increasing instances of infringement of intellectual attribute rights mass result in the companys brand dilution and loss of revenue. StrengthsWeaknessesLeading grocery store positionStrong focus on research and development(R&D)Wide customer baseLegal minutesOpport building blockiesThreatsGrowing demand for food products with minify saturated ample and trans-fatStrategic apprehensions and acquisitionsGrowing population, peculiarly in AsiaInfringement of intellectual property rightsGenetically modified organism (GMO)regulationsSeasonal nature of gross revenue of the seeds andgenomics segmentStrengthsLeading market positionMonsanto is a leading global provider of agricultu ral products for farmers. The companys strong brand portfolio allows it to have a commanding position in various countries. Its most popular brands include Roundup, Dekalb, Asgrow, De Ruiter, Deltapine, and Seminis. Roundup is the companys flagship brand. It is as well as one of the most popular herbicides in the humankind. Asgrow, Deltapine, and Dekalb are genetically altered seeds (cotton, corn, soybean, and canola), which tolerate weeds and resist bugs. Seminis and De Ruiter are strong brands in the vegetable seeds military control.Monsantos offerings of high comebacking variety seeds under well recognized brand names makes it a leading player in most of the countries where it operates. Monsanto enjoys easy market penetration in new geographies based on its product portfolio which comprises well recognized brand. The companys strong brand portfolio enhances its market leadership position. Strong focus on research and development (R&D)Monsanto Company MarketLinePage 4Monsanto CompanySWOT AnalysisOver the years Monsanto has become a leading supplier to farmers for their agricultural needs because of its ability to expect innovative products suiting their requirements. The company has developed competencies in applying bioengineering to agriculture. Moreover, Monsantos traits technologies enable it to develop herbicides and seeds with superior traits such as weed resistant, drought resistant, and meliorate yield. The company invests a substantial portion of its revenue towards research and development (R&D) per year. In FY2011, the companys investment in R&D amounted to $1,386 million, an increase of 15% over FY2010.Monsanto has also entered into a number of strategic quislingisms to strain its R&D capabilities further. For instance, in March 2011, Monsanto and Sapphire Energy (Sapphire) announced an arrangement to enter into a multi-year collaboration that would leverage Sapphires algae-based research platform to discover genes that could be applied to agriculture, particularly in the field of yield and stress. In the same month, Monsanto and BASF reached an agreement to collaborate on the advancement of dicamba tolerant cropping systems. Further, BASF has agreed to supply formulated dicamba herbicide products to the company.To further boost its R&D capability, the company has established two new R&D centers, one each in China and the US. The research center in China leave initially participate in early-stage of bioinformatics and genomics research, and lead serve as a base for collaborations with Chinese scientists. The opposite research center in Texas, the US will focus on cotton research and will act as the central point for the companys breeding and testing programs in the lofty Plains region.Monsantos focus on applying bioengineering to agriculture not only gives it a competitive edge but also enables it to re alertize its product portfolio. Moreover, its ceaseless focus on delivering seeds with new and improved trai ts serve ups it to cater to changing consumer preferences by offering appraise driven products to customers.Wide customer baseMonsantos business operations have been well diversified be it in the terms of products offered or the geographical reach. The products offered by its seeds and genomics and agricultural productivity segments complement each other well and offer a complete solution to farmers and other customers. In FY2011, Monsanto derived 72.6% of its revenues from the seeds and genomics segment, while the agricultural productivity segment accounted for the remaining 27.6% of the total revenue. Geographically, in FY2011, the US, Europe-Africa, and brazil accounted for 53.9%, 12.8%, and 10.8% of the companys revenue, respectively.The remaining areas that contributed to the revenues of Monsanto were Asia-Pacific, Argentina, Canada, and Mexico, among others. Diversified operation dilutes the companys business risk and helps Monsanto to cater to a abundantr customer base. I t further insulates the company from frugal fluctuations in any one region and thereby helps it to generate balanced earnings.WeaknessesMonsanto Company MarketLinePage 5Monsanto CompanySWOT AnalysisLegal proceedingsMonsanto is involved in various legal proceedings. For instance, in January 2011, the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System filed a complaint alleging that Monsanto violated the federal securities laws by qualification false and misleading statements between January 7, 2009, and May 27, 2010, regarding its earnings guidance for fiscal 2009 and 2010 as well as the anticipated future performance of its Roundup business and the seeds and genomics business.They also claim that these statements artificially inflated the price of thestock and that purchasers of the stock during the relevant period were damaged when the stock price later declined. The company has also set about similar lawsuit in 2007.Further, in May 2011, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a No tice of Violation to the company, alleging violations of federal environmental spark reporting requirements at Monsantos phosphorous manufacturing prove in Soda Springs, Idaho. The EPA has asserted that the alleged violations may subject the company to civil penalties. Misrepresentation of vital information and lack of precautionary measures results in penalties and disrupt the companys operations. Moreover, distortion of information adversely affects the dowryholders confidence and the profitability and credit rating of the company in the long run.OpportunitiesGrowing demand for food products with reduced saturated fat and trans-fat Due to the increased awareness regarding the health issues caused due to the consumption of trans-fat, people in the US and in many European nations have been opting more healthier options. Increased consumption of trans-fat lowers blood levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) and leads to the elevation of beta-lipoprotein (considered the bad cholestero l).This ultimately leads to the hardening of the arteries and different coronary problems. Bowing to public pressure and litigation by various anti-trans-fat organizations, many food companies (Nabisco and Kraft Foods) in the US have taken active steps to remove trans-fat from their offerings. Companies like Taco Bell, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), Wendys, Arbys, and McDonalds have also been trying to substitute high trans-fat formulation oils with other healthy alternatives.Keeping this trend in mind, Monsanto has been actively working on the development of seeds that will advance the growth of foods with reduced saturated fat and reduced or no trans-fat. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a response letter to Monsantos Generally Recognized as safe (GRAS) notification.The FDAs letter supports the use ofoil from Vistive Gold soybeans (seed type manufactured by the company) to have less saturated fat and trans-fat. The new product would help the farmers to benefit from the premium pricing for their harvest once the oil from Vistive Gold soybeans is commercialized. Monsanto has already completed the US restrictive submissions to the US Department of Agriculture and FDA for the cut-rate sale of Vistive GoldMonsanto Company MarketLinePage 6Monsanto CompanySWOT Analysissoybean. It has also made numerous regulatory submissions to the appropriate regulatory agencies near the world for the products commercialization. Once the necessary regulatory process is completed, Monsanto will be able commercialize its product.Through leveraging its expertise in developing seeds with novel traits and wide spread distribution network, Monsanto can become a leading supplier of seeds that produce crops with low saturated fat and trans-fat. It will help the company to expand its revenue base and gain a competitive edge over its peer group.Strategic agreements and acquisitionsMonsanto has entered into a number of agreements and acquisitions in order to boost its market share and profitability. For instance, Monsanto acquired Divergence, a privately-held St. Louis-based biotechnology research and development company, in February 2011. In March 2011, Monsanto and Sapphire Energy announced an agreement to enter into a multi-year collaboration that would leverage the latters algae-based research platform to discover genes that could be applied to agriculture, particularly in the field of yield and stress.In the same month, Monsanto and BASF reached an agreement tocollaborate on the advancement of dicamba tolerant cropping systems. Further, BASF has agreed to supply formulated dicamba herbicide products to the company. Further, in June 2011, Monsanto entered into collaboration with Amvac Chemical, a subsidiary of American Vanguard, to broaden its Roundup machinate PLUS weed management platform in the US.In September 2011, Monsanto and GrassRoots Biotechnology agreed to extend their existing three-year research collaboration for an supernumerar y two years through January 2014. In November 2011, Monsanto and Evogene announced a one-year extension to their five-year research and development collaboration focused on identifying key plant genes related to yield, environmental stress, and fertilizer utilization in corn, soybean, cotton, and canola.In March 2012, BASF signed a supply agreement with Monsanto for fungicide seed treatments for cotton and soybeans in North America.These strategic agreements and acquisitions will help Monsanto to build a stronger platform for the promotion of its brand image. It will strengthen the companys market share and boost revenue growth. Strategic collaborations will also enhance Monsantos research capabilities and add to its market competitiveness.Growing population, especially in AsiaCurrently, the world population is more than 7 billion, as of October 2011 and is expected to reach 10.6 billion by 2050. As the population grows the demand for agricultural products is also going to rise.Acco rding to MarketLine (a unit of Informa) estimates, the Asia-Pacific agricultural products market (the agricultural product market consists of six segments cereals fruit, vegetables, roots, and tubers oil crops and pulses sugar crops and sweeteners spices and stimulants and nuts) grew by 4% in 2010 to reach a value of $915.4 billion. In 2015, the Asia-Pacific agricultural products market isMonsanto Company MarketLinePage 7Monsanto CompanySWOT Analysisforecast to have a value of $1,228.4 billion, an increase of 34.2% since 2010. The Indian agricultural products market, which accounted for 13.8% of the Asia-Pacific agricultural products market in 2010, grew by 14.8% in 2010 to reach a value of $126 billion. In 2015, the Indian agricultural products market is forecast to have a value of $217.5 billion, an increase of 72.6% since 2010. Monsanto is a leading player in most of the countries where it operates.Thus, it can leverage its expertise, distribution network, and product portfolio c omprising well known brand names to cater to the growing demand for high yielding variety (HYV) seeds. Monsantos revenue and profit margins can tremendously increase as the demand for HYV grows, especially in Asia.ThreatsInfringement of intellectual property rightsProtecting its intellectual property rights is very important for Monsantos business, particularly in the seeds and genomics segment. The company obtains and protects its intellectual property rights in jurisdictions in which the products are produced or used and in jurisdictions into which the products are imported. However, even if protection is obtained, competitors, farmers, or others in the chain of commerce may grow legal challenges to its rights or illegally infringe on the companys rights, including through means that may be difficult to prevent or detect.In addition to this, due to the rapid pace of technological change, and the confidentiality of patent applications in some jurisdictions, competitors may be issu ed patents from applications that were unknown to the company prior to issuance. These patents could reduce the value of the companys commercial or pipeline products.Therefore, protecting inventions is critical for Monsanto to meet the growingchallenge of infringement of intellectual property rights. A bereavement to do so could mean substantial loss of revenue and market share, and brand dilution.Genetically modified organism (GMO) regulationsMonsantos revenues could be negatively wedged in view of bans imposed on its genetically modified crops. The degree of public acceptance or perceived public acceptance of its biotechnology products can affect its gross revenue and results of operations by affecting planting approvals, regulatory requirements, and customer purchase decisions.Public concern can affect the timing of the political relation approvals in different countries. Even if the approvals are granted, public concern can lead to increased regulation or litigation against go vernment regulators concerning prior regulatory approvals. Recently, the European Commissioner approved the cultivation of GMO potatoes in Europe, but the decision has come under stiff criticism and protest from various groups working against the GMO crops.Monsanto Company MarketLinePage 8Monsanto CompanySWOT AnalysisSimilar regulatory controls could affect the companys market position in various countries. As the regulations around the use of GMO crops intensify, Monsanto would face difficulty in expanding its market and growth of its revenue.Seasonal nature of sales of the seeds and genomics segmentMonsantos business is greatly affected by seasonal changes mainly in the seeds and genomics segment. In FY2011, approximately 72% of the seeds and genomics segments sales occurred in the second and third quarters. Thissegments seasonality is chiefly affected by the purchasing and growing patterns in North America.The seeds and genomics segments contribution to the overall revenue of th e company has been steadily growing in the past few years. In FY2011, the segment accounted for 72.6% of the companys revenue, up from 56% in FY2009. Hence, seasonal disturbances can adversely impact the overall sales of the company.Monsanto Company MarketLinePage 9Copyright of Monsanto Company SWOT Analysis is the property of Datamonitor Plc and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Quality Health Care Essay

Quality health c ar is defined as the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with on-going professional knowledge. The Institute of Medicines 2001 article, To Err Is Human released the statement that medical errors were creditworthy for between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths annually in the United States (McEwen and Willis, 2014). An immediate demand for accountability and quality in the health care system requested and many quality improvement/ heed initiatives were undertaken that directly impacted the tick of breast feeding. A recent announcement was made that The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality estimated 1.3 million less patients (a 17% reduction) were harmed in U.S. hospitals from 2010 to 2013.The estimate of 34,530 deaths prevented in 2013 was nearly 10 times greater than the reduction estimated in 2011. The cumulative cost savings during the period analyzed was nearly $12 bi llion. Healthcare quality and rubber eraser experts call the reductions impressive, but they also emphasize that there is still a long way to go to improve the safety of the nations hospitals (Rice, 2014). The majority of these medical errors result from faulty systems and processes, not individuals. Because errors are caused by system or process failures it is important to adopt various process-improvement techniques to identify inefficiencies, ineffective care, and preventable errors to then influence changes associated with systems. Each of these techniques involves assessing performance and using findings to inform change (McNally, Page, and Sunderland, 1997).Our textbook and this class furnish us with the insight on specific theories, models, and framework applicable to nursing administration and management. Quality management (QM) is responsible greatly for the work done on the reduction of medical errors. We will discuss components to leadership in a QM environment and ess ential roles and responsibilities of these leaders. We will also learn that quality improvement and evidence-based suffice are cornerstones of a successful and high performing health care organization. McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.).Philadelphia Lippincott. ISBN 978-1-4511-9031-1 McNally M., Page M., and Sunderland V. (1997). Failure mode and effects analysis in improving a drug dispersal system. American Journal of Health System Pharmacy. (54) 17-7.Rice, S., (2014). 1.3 million adverse events prevented in U.S. hospitals since 2010, feds say. Retrieved December 4, 2014 from http//www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20141202/ countersign/312029936.

Monday, May 20, 2019

PostQuick Computing project Essay

I designed my project on visual basics 6. 0, and the benefit I found in Visual Basics as comp bed to another(prenominal)wise software was that Visual Basics is social functionr friendly. Anyone can use it by tattleing certain adds, and on the other hand other software packages such as Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel require a bend of knowledge before using them. To make my own project using visual basics, I for the first time designed my form on the paper, which gave me a rough idea about how my project form would reckon like.This is also attached with my documentation. I designed my project by prototyping, and make my form using these things A set of screen that shows the user what might be possible A system with limited functionality An living system that might be modified For my human-computer interface (HCI), I used graphical user port wine (GUI) which is used in Microsoft windows . My form had certain buttons which could be used by clicking the mouse and some tex tual matter boxes in which entropy was entered using keyboard.I think that the advantage of this type of interface is this that It is easy to use In my form no one needs special instruction The disadvantage of GUI is It uses a lot of processing mogul It requires good graphical display It uses a lot of processing power It uses a lot of memory and disk space 3. Method of Data Entry, including Validation As state before that my form had certain buttons and these buttons could be used by clicking the mouse and some text boxes in which selective information was entered using keyboard.I declared each(prenominal) data type with certain specific data type, and checked that if I entered wrong data type and then it would not work. The method of data founding is also shown in implementation. The computer program contains three forms. The main form, which is named input form, is the start-up form. This is the data entry form for exclusively the data, which is entered for a particular ass ignment. The method of entranceway data is as follows. Consignment No These are self-generated. Numbers, its enabled symmetry is false. User has no control on entering its data.Customer Name destination and client process get out be entered in respective columns. Afterwards the tuition of the first lot of the consignment will be filled (i. e. the whole form will be filled). If there are more then one parcel required to be entered for the same consignment then add parvenue parcel button is pressed for the parcel, and after each parcel entry of the consignment data entry finish up button will be pressed For a separate consignmentnew consignment button is required to be pressed.It was part of validation of the project that, the minimum weight of the parcel should not be slight then 1 kg. If it does then the pass along box would emerge saying that as well less weight in the parcel. Second validation was that the weight of the parcels should not exceed 30 kg, if it does then the message box would appear saying, too much weight of the parcel The third Validation was that the maximum dimension of the parcel i. e. (length + breadth + height) must not exceed 3 m, if it does then the message box would appear saying too big Parcel to send.The fourth validation was that the maximum weight of consignment must not exceed 200 kg, if it does then the message box would appear saying too much weight of the consignment 4. Record structure, deposit organisation and processing- The file for the database of the consignments for the Parcel follow is saved as a record structure and saved only for the consignments for one day. It includes the data and information required for the parcels in consignments. It is a record file so it cannot be transmitd, but the database is changed everyday because each day different consignments are sent to the Parcel Company.The database is linked with Visual basics form, and the file of database is stored as a Microsoft access file. For the backup the file is saved in the floppy so if the actual program in the central processing unit is altered, we can bring back the old one. There are four files that I used for my project one was the form file, named as input parcel, and two forms were for the price list, the Access file linked to database, named as, payslip database which has two databases linked to each other.The actual processing carried out by the program is arithmetic operation, in other words calculation is being carried out, but the bigger companies can use quantify SYSTEM, which would be more economical for them. 5. Security and integration of Data Security is the most important thing, because if your data is not secured properly from unauthorised hands then anyone could change your data and could change your project I therefore kept the project under a password So no one could change or alter my project.If someone did change my database then I could use my backup to restore it from the floppy in which Ive kept the backup file so if the actual program in the processor is altered, we can bring back the old one. I also encourageed my data, by using the add-in button in the visual basics. If you go to the text box, u click on it and then click text box protect enable force and in this way I can protect my text. I also made sure that when data is entered it is entered accurately and I checked that when I was entering data, no one enters anything. 6. System design-For documenting my project I used System prevail charts-It describes the flow of data around the system. This method uses rectangle to denote some process that takes place, as descriptive symbols to describe the remembering or input/output of data. An arrow describes the direction of flow of the data. Structure diagrams-These are a imagine of showing the design of a program or a systemic consists of charts showing the system or programs broken down into number of levels. * Hierarchy charts-these can be used to show menu power structure or a directory hierarchyData model- A data model represents the relationship amongst different parts of a database. It consists of entities (data items) and relationship. The entities are shown as rectangles and the relationship are drawn as lines that bind entities. System Flow Chart (describing the flow of data around the system) Parcelquick Company Aqsa Bano Raja 12 s Postquick Structure Diagram The hierarchy Hierarchy diagram 7. Implementation The project that I have made for PostQuick Company can be implemented either as a whole or in parts.The problem maybe that an organisation cannot change instantly to a new method of working as existing records will have to be entered into computer and this may take some time. There are two main approaches to this Implement the system department by department Dual run the new system alongside the old system The two databases below are linked to Visual basics6. 0 forms 8. Testing Length,width,height,weight Test Results Righ t/wrong.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Decision Making and Investment Decisions Essay

thresh Jones aimed to have a natural design decision process supported by data and surveys sort of of a return or payoff on the investiture betterment. At first when he presented his idea, authorities requested poof and Mr. Jones was unable to show them proof. Then M. Jones started his process.1.As a first step, he surveyed 15 design-centric companies, including BMW, Nike, and Nokia. To his surprise, hardly a(prenominal) had a system for forecasting return on design 2. Mr. Jones needed to provide a new plan to focus on Customers preferences. 3.Good feedback from the public would equal possible early return on the investment that was requested by the research team. 4.Do not focus on Bottom-line returns 5.Puts Design prototypes in front of guest focus groups 6.Get detailed measurements of their preferences about Aesthetics, Craftsmanship, technical performance, ergonomics and usability 7.Chart the results against competing products and the clubs own product 8.This approach gi ves the Decision makers a base-line of objective evidence from which to make investment decisionsEvaluationThe Duet washing machine, launched louvre years ago, was the first big win for the common platform approach.By redesigning an existing product, using the akin underlying technology but with modifications to the appearance and user interface, the design team created a product that could be sold at three times the price of its predecessor and competitor products.Design investment decisions argon now based on facts not position. The new decision making approach has transformed the familiaritys culture. It had led to bolder designs because the designers can now make a strong case for making those investments. By following this approach the company can do innovation in their products. The shift has enabled Whirlpools designers to make the business case for investments and give financial folks greater confidence to ante upresulting in bolder designs.What criteria does Whirlpools design team use in design decisions? What do you moot each of these criteria involves? Whirlpools design team used their customers preferences as the posterior of the companys criteria. After significant considerable investigation of the, what Chuck discovered was that many of the organizations, including those the ones that betroth on a global scale, many faced the same or similar situation as he did they were all in need of a system that could forecast profitability based on design.They used a metric-based approach design, to capture objective evidence that would support and provide insight into future investment decisions for the company. Chuck and his design team created a standardized company-wide process that puts s design prototypes in front of customer focus groups and then get detailed measurements of their preferences about aesthetics, craftsmanship, technical performance, ergonomics, and usability. This approach I think provided Whirlpool with a baseline of objective e vidence from which to make investment decisions because with this innovative approach, the company could now make design investment decisions that are based on fact and not opinion

Saturday, May 18, 2019

O great god-king Xerxes Essay

O long god-king Xerxes, I shed heard that you atomic number 18 planning to launch a full-scale invasion of the Greek nations following on the steps of your buzz off, Darius. I come here before you to attempt to rede you of your plans for Greece. As I am once a prominent citizen of one of the many city-states in the nation, it would do you well to listen to my advice as it contains extensive knowledge of what you are about to face if you push by with your plans.O King, barely ten years ago, your yield Darius launched a alike(p) invasion against the Greek city-states in retaliation to the Athenians spinal column uping the Ionians in their revolt against his rule. Although it had been initi tout ensembley successful, the invasion was ultimately put to an end by his get the best during the Battle of battle of Marathon. It could be worth noting that, despite the interlocking being a victory, it was a desperate outrage by the Athenian army that caused the defeat of your fathe rs armed chromas.Sparta, perhaps the state with the closely powerful military in all of Greece, was absent from the dispute and even then the Greeks scored a victory. each(prenominal) city-state in Greece acts independently from each other. They are each governed by their respective rulers and are not influenced by the affairs of the other city-states. However, it is not impossible for each of them to call for aid to one another as evidenced by the Ionian call for aid during the previous war.Sartus was taken thanks to the aid provided by Athens, who had the major contri simplyion in the allied army, and by Eretria. Sparta had chosen delay sending military aid as it had decided a full moon needed to alley before they do anything and were olibanum absent from the Battle of Marathon, where your fathers army was defeated utterly. Had Spartas forces been present, its superior military top executive compared to Athens would likely contribute to utter decimation of the Persian forc es under your fathers command.However, even then, your fathers soldiers lost under the Greeks. If you attack now, O King, you risk provoking an even greater confederation that can now include Sparta, which is your most formidable enemy on the plains of Greece. The Spartans are a execute that places utmost emphasis on military training and raising superior soldiers that give up been tested in war. Furthermore, the Spartans bequeath never participate and are not interested in any alliance that ordain not mean leadership to them. They can be a vain and arrogant nation but with the strength to back their vanity up.If you threaten the entire Greek country now, your Majesty, the major powers of the nation provide definitely ally themselves with Sparta at the helm. With Spartan tactics and warriors at the vanguard, your army no matter how great depart run into serious opposition which can result into an even greater demise than what has happened to your fathers forces in Marathon. As could be expected from any nation, the Greeks have devised battle tactics that are best suited to their terrain. They know their land you can expect them to take advantage of that and lure your forces into a disadvantage in battle.With a possible alliance under Spartan leadership, the Greek can have a tactical and strategic advantage even if your army is greater in number. O sapient King, great wisdom it would be not to rely on the greater come of your armed host. The Greeks, particularly the Spartans, will not be easily daunted. They have tactics that can be quite effectual when employed in terrain which they know well. For example, your father Darius in Marathon faced a tactic called the phalanx. By definition, a Greek battle line deployed in a phalanx means in that respect is contact strength in all sides of the battle formation.However, in Marathon, the Greek commander faced superior add up but was able to modify the phalanx into an effective variant he strengthened t he wings of his battle formation while weakening the common snapping turtle. At first you would think that the Greeks were committing suicide and, indeed, the Greeks seemed to be at the chief of desperation. However, stronger wings meant that the Greeks managed to hold off the wings of your fathers formations, holding them back and disabling them from reinforcing the center of King Darius battle lines.Thus, it was then that the Persian armies were surrounded and routed by the Greek army in Marathon. The results of the battle were horrific. Your father lost a sizable portion of his soldiers, sixty times more than what the Greeks lost in that same battle. A second Marathon is not the yet thing that you should worry about in the conduct of battle in this planned invasion. A worse battle awaits your forces if you push through. In Greece, there is a place which we call the Hot Gates or Thermopylae. This place is a narrow pass bordered by a sheer cliff wall on one side, and the sea on the other side.This is a battleground ideal for the phalanx. In such a narrow pass, the phalanx will serve as a wedge that will drive through your attacking forces. The Greeks need only to strengthen their front lines with the rear guard merely pushing the front soldiers forward. In here, the superior numbers of your great army will definitely count for nothing. The Greeks, especially the Spartans and the Athenians, are aware of this pass they will definitely use this to their advantage to hold off your army while a greater force amasses for retaliation.A Spartan-led phalanx could be as devastating as any phalanx, which had been proven by the Athenian tactics in Marathon. As you could see, Great King Xerxes, the sheer size of your army is two your strength and your liability. To support such a large host, you need a sizable navy to carry supplies back and forth. Your navy will be stretched thin supporting your great army it will also have to endure against whatever naval counteratt acks and offensives that the Greeks may launch against you. You could face a naval situation similar to Thermopylae in Salamis.It is a narrow channel, one which can reduce your navy into a coarctation and reduce their effectiveness. The Greeks can pick your ships off one by one even if they may be smaller in size. Consider my wisdom in this matter, King Xerxes. I daresay that, even if you hold the greater number of forces, you would find it hard to manage them effectively at smaller levels. The Greeks, my former countrymen, are geniuses both in scholarship and in battle your father Darius learnt that the hard way in the fields of Marathon under the Athenians alone.With a possible pan-Greek alliance with the mighty Spartans leading your forces face yet another humbling defeat similar to Marathon, only this time you will be facing the combined might of all the city-states of Greece. Abandon this plan now, before this results to destruction of your mighty host. Sources Wheeler, Kev in. (2001). Ancient Greek Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, Artemisium and Salamis. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from Ancient World Battles website http//www. geocities. com/caesarkevin/battles/Greekbattles1. hypertext mark-up language Lendering, Jona. (2005). Phalanx and Hoplites. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from Livius.org website http//www. livius. org/pha-phd/phalanx/phalanx. html Lopez, Vincent. (2008) Shock Tactics on the Ancient Battlefield. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from Armchair General website http//www. armchairgeneral. com/shock-tactics-on-the-ancient-battlefield. htm/5 Stewart, Michael. People, Places & Things Xerxes I, Greek Mythology From the Iliad to the Fall of the Last Tyrant. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from Messagenet website http//messagenet. com/myths/ppt/Xerxes_I_1. html Freedom44. (2004). The First Persian War Greek Wars. Retrieved from Free res publica website http//freerepublic. com/focus/f-news/1196577/posts